Charles W. Lamb, Joe F. Hair, Carl McDaniel
ISBN-13: 9780357929216©2025
Lamb/Hair/McDaniel's MKTG, 14th Edition, demonstrates the practical application of marketing principles in real-world scenarios. Relevant and timely examples help students better understand and apply marketing principles. A user-friendly design makes it easy to navigate and comprehend key concepts. By connecting theory to real-life situations, Lamb/Hair/McDaniel's MKTG, 14th Edition, bridges the...
William M. Pride, O. C. Ferrell
ISBN-13: 9780357984260©2025
Pride/Ferrell's MARKETING, 21st Edition, offers an engaging approach to understanding marketing principles and practical applications through examples of the latest marketing trends including social networking, digital marketing, social and environmental responsibility, globalization, entrepreneurship and marketing during transition. Expanded coverage of important topics such as business markets, buying behavior, marketing channels,...
K. Douglas Hoffman, John E.G. Bateson
ISBN-13: 9780357718308©2024
Explore the latest industry trends and issues as you examine services marketing from a unique, broad perspective with SERVICES MARKETING: CONCEPTS, STRATEGIES AND CASES, 6e. Fifteen streamlined chapters present services marketing as both an essential focus for service firms as well as a competitive advantage for companies that market tangible...
Thomas N. Ingram, Raymond (Buddy) W. LaForge, Ramon A. Avila, Charles H. Schwepker, Michael R. Williams
ISBN-13: 9780357901380©2024
Master today's most effective professional selling concepts and skills with SELL, 7E by 4LTR Press. Updated, streamlined chapters cover the most relevant topics and current industry selling practices. This edition covers recent technology, including artificial intelligence, for use in the selling process. New or expanded coverage addresses storytelling in sales,...
Wayne D. Hoyer, Deborah J. MacInnis, Rik Pieters, Angeline Close-Scheinbaum
ISBN-13: 9789815160611©2024
Hoyer/MacInnis/Pieters’ CONSUMER BEHAVIOR, 8th EDITION, draws key concepts from marketing, psychology, sociology and anthropology to present a strong foundation and highly practical focus on real-world applications to prepare students for today’s global business environment. Students examine the latest research and current business practices with a focus on consumer needs and...
Michael D. Hutt, Thomas W. Speh, Douglas Hoffman
ISBN-13: 9780357718230©2024
Gain an understanding of the most recent industry trends and today's dynamic B2B market with Hutt/Speh/Hoffman's BUSINESS MARKETING MANAGEMENT: B2B, 13E. This edition ties concepts to real-world decision making and to best practices. New content emphasizes an ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) framework, while new discussions highlight developments such as the...
Wayne D. Hoyer, Deborah J. MacInnis, Rik Pieters
ISBN-13: 9780357721292©2024
Hoyer/MacInnis/Pieters’ CONSUMER BEHAVIOR, 8th EDITION, draws key concepts from marketing, psychology, sociology and anthropology to present a strong foundation and highly practical focus on real-world applications to prepare students for today’s global business environment. Students examine the latest research and current business practices with a focus on consumer needs and...
Tom J. Brown, Tracy A. Suter, Gilbert A. Churchill
ISBN-13: 9780357901847©2024
In Brown/Suter/Churchill's BASIC MARKETING RESEARCH, 10th Edition, you will learn how to convert marketplace data into actionable marketing information using the two dominant approaches, behavioral data that exists and customer insights gathered for a specific purpose, and how interactions in the research process give managers and researchers confidence in the...
Debra Zahay, Lauren Labrecque, Brooke Reavey, Mary Lou Roberts
ISBN-13: 9780357720738©2024
Zahay/Labrecque/Reavey/Roberts' DIGITAL MARKETING FOUNDATIONS AND STRATEGY, 5th EDITION provides students with a comprehensive understanding of digital marketing. Using strategy concepts as its foundation helps students to easily translate material from other marketing and business courses into the practice of digital marketing. Chapters combine marketing theory and conceptual frameworks to provide...
Michael R. Czinkota, Ilkka A. Ronkainen, Annie Cui
ISBN-13: 9789815059496©2023
Examine today's best practices and key issues impacting international marketing with the best-selling, upper-level international marketing text -- Czinkota/Ronkainen/Cui's INTERNATIONAL MARKETING, 11E. This innovative resource offers cutting-edge international marketing strategies and guidelines using the latest examples. You explore the range of international marketing topics, from start-up operations and new market...
Debra Zahay, Mary Lou Roberts, Janna Parker, Donald I. Barker, Melissa Barker
ISBN-13: 9789815059465©2023
Learn to market effectively using social media with the unique emphasis and best practices found only in SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING: A STRATEGIC APPROACH, 3E. You learn how to create a strong personal brand that is invaluable at any stage of your career, as you master the social media techniques detailed...
Angeline Close Scheinbaum, Thomas O'Guinn, Richard J. Semenik
ISBN-13: 9789815097146©2023
Gain an understanding of advertising and brand strategy from an integrated marketing, advertising and business perspective with Close Scheinbaum/O’Guinn/Semenik's popular ADVERTISING AND INTEGRATED BRAND PROMOTION, 9E. Updates bring strategy to life in today's digital and mobile society as new content addresses industry shifts, such as pandemic-prompted changes in consumer behavior...
Michael R. Czinkota, Ilkka A. Ronkainen, Annie Cui
ISBN-13: 9780357445129©2023
Examine today's best practices and key issues impacting international marketing with the best-selling, upper-level international marketing text -- Czinkota/Ronkainen/Cui's INTERNATIONAL MARKETING, 11E. This innovative resource offers cutting-edge international marketing strategies and guidelines using the latest examples. You explore the range of international marketing topics, from start-up operations and new market...
Debra Zahay, Mary Lou Roberts, Janna Parker, Donald I. Barker, Melissa Barker
ISBN-13: 9780357516188©2023
Learn to market effectively using social media with the unique emphasis and best practices found only in SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING: A STRATEGIC APPROACH, 3E. You learn how to create a strong personal brand that is invaluable at any stage of your career, as you master the social media techniques detailed...
Kellie Bennett, Brody Heritage, Peter Allen
ISBN-13: 9780170460163©2023
SPSS is enormously powerful – and challenging to learn. This concise yet detailed handbook guides you step by step through the process of using SPSS software to analyse, interpret and report on data. Illustrated examples work through each statistical procedure and are followed by interpretation and reporting of results in...
Angeline Close Scheinbaum, Thomas O'Guinn, Richard J. Semenik
ISBN-13: 9780357721407©2023
Gain an understanding of advertising and brand strategy from an integrated marketing, advertising and business perspective with Close Scheinbaum/O’Guinn/Semenik's popular ADVERTISING AND INTEGRATED BRAND PROMOTION, 9E. Updates bring strategy to life in today's digital and mobile society as new content addresses industry shifts, such as pandemic-prompted changes in consumer behavior...
Charles W. Lamb, Jr.,, Joe F. Hair, Carl McDaniel, Jane Summers, Michael Gardiner
ISBN-13: 9780170453936©2023
MKTG5 is the resource to help you succeed in your introductory marketing subjects. The easy-to-read text is broken down into four digestible parts, with marketing concepts presented in a succinct format in a modern design that makes the content visually appealing. Case studies relevant to the Asia-Pacific region and examples...
Dawn Iacobucci
ISBN-13: 9780357635087©2022
Gain an understanding of the vibrant, challenging environment facing marketers today as Iacobucci’s MARKETING MANAGEMENT, 6E presents an intriguing, guiding framework that clearly illustrates how core concepts fit together. This updated and complete overview of marketing management uses a captivating style and engaging presentation that you will actually enjoy reading....
Isobel Doole, Robin Lowe, Alexandra Kenyon
ISBN-13: 9781473778696©2022
Barry J. Babin, Eric Harris
ISBN-13: 9780357518205©2022
Learn the principles and skills behind consumer behavior in the way that's best for you with Babin/Harris’ CB, 9E. Carefully crafted and based on continuous research into the workflows and learning preferences of students like you, CB from 4LTR Press offers an innovative learning experience with printed, online or mobile...
O. C. Ferrell, Michael Hartline, Bryan W. Hochstein
ISBN-13: 9780357516300©2022
Learn how to think and act like an effective marketer and forward-focused disruptor in today's dynamic, fast-paced business environment with Ferrell/Hartline/Hochstein’s MARKETING STRATEGY, 8E. You learn to develop long-term, customer-oriented marketing strategy and successful marketing plans with this edition's systematic, reader-friendly approach. The latest examples from organizations as familiar as...
Louis E. Boone, David L. Kurtz
ISBN-13: 9780357461709©2022
Reimagine a practically focused and timely introduction to the foundations of marketing today with the innovative approach found in Boone/Kurtz's best-selling CONTEMPORARY MARKETING, 19E with MindTap. This edition focuses on application-based learning with streamlined content that highlights real skills that marketing professionals use on a regular basis. Rather than introducing...
William M. Pride, O. C. Ferrell
ISBN-13: 9780357129463©2022
Gain the understanding you need to think and act like a marketer the most current principles of marketing resource -- Pride/Ferrell’s FOUNDATIONS OF MARKETING 9E with MindTap. This edition blends marketing fundamentals with discussions of the latest topics and trends reshaping marketing. You'll examine the power of market research, analytics,...
Charles W. Lamb, Joe F. Hair, Carl McDaniel
ISBN-13: 9789814930550©2021
MKTG with MindTap brings marketing fundamentals to life by showing students how they’re applied at the world’s top companies every day, all at an affordable price. MKTG combines an engaging paperback textbook and digital solution, MindTap. With MindTap and you, students begin to think and act like marketers as they’re...
James L. Burrow
ISBN-13: 9780357135747©2021
In Burrow’s MARKETING, 5E students learn how current marketing technologies and practices relate to their personal goals and future careers. Students will be able to recognize effective marketing applications to create strategic plans for a large variety of business endeavors. This update maintains the hallmark integrated marketing approach seen in...
Charles W. Lamb, Joe F. Hair, Carl McDaniel
ISBN-13: 9780357127810©2021
MKTG from 4LTR Press connects students to the principles of marketing—bringing them to life through timely examples showing how they’re applied at the world’s top companies every day.
Edwina Luck, Nigel Barker, Ann-Marie Sassenberg, Bill Chitty, Terence A. Shimp, J. Craig Andrews
ISBN-13: 9780170443005©2021
Integrated Marketing Communications 6th edition explores how to coordinate all of a brand’s marketing communications elements to effectively engage a target market. It also emphasises digital and interactive marketing, which are crucial components to a successful IMC campaign today. You’ll learn how organisations use IMC to achieve a competitive advantage...
Wayne D. Hoyer, Deborah J. MacInnis, Rik Pieters, Eugene Chan, Gavin Northey
ISBN-13: 9780170439978©2021
The text explores new examples of consumer behaviour using case studies, advertisements and brands from Australia and the Asia-Pacific region. The authors recognise the critical links to areas such as marketing, public policy and ethics, and cover the importance of online consumer behaviour with content on how social media and...
Thomas N. Ingram, Raymond (Buddy) W. LaForge, Ramon A. Avila, Charles H. Schwepker, Michael R. Williams
ISBN-13: 9781337407939©2020
Learn Principles of Selling YOUR Way with SELL! SELL’s easy-reference, paperback textbook presents course content through visually-engaging chapters as well as Chapter Review Cards that consolidate the best review material into a ready-made study tool. With the textbook or on its own, SELL Online allows easy exploration of SELL anywhere,...
Tom J. Brown, Tracy A. Suter, Gilbert A. Churchill
ISBN-13: 9789814878043©2020
BASIC MARKETING RESEARCH, 9E balances a reader-friendly, accessible approach with an ideal level of coverage. The authors introduce two dominant approaches to gathering marketing information: marketing analytics on data that exist within the firm and customer insights gathered for a specific purpose. The book merges these approaches in an ongoing...