Les Dlabay, Brad Kleindl
ISBN-13: 9780357545010©2024
Dlabay/Kleindl's PRINCIPLES OF BUSINESS, 10th EDITION, provides complete instruction in business concepts and skills students need in today's competitive environment. This market-leading introductory business text offers extensive coverage in major business concepts, including finance, marketing, operations and management. Students gain valuable information and skills for the workplace, as well as...
Marcella Kelly, Chuck Williams
ISBN-13: 9780357122945©2023
Learn business in the way that's best for you with Kelly/Williams' BUSN, 12E and online resources from 4LTR Press. Visually-driven and current, this edition integrates even more of today's latest examples within an interesting narrative approach. Updated content covers key business concepts while remaining brief. You see the impact of...
William M. Pride, Robert J. Hughes, Jack R. Kapoor
ISBN-13: 9780357717943©2023
Authors Pride/Hughes/Kapoor believe that success is measured not only by the grade you receive in this course, but also by how the information in this book helps you build a foundation for a better life. That’s what FOUNDATIONS OF BUSINESS, 7E is all about. Updates highlight the specific challenges facing...
William M. Pride, Robert J. Hughes, Jack R. Kapoor
ISBN-13: 9789815059458©2023
Authors Pride/Hughes/Kapoor believe that success is measured not only by the grade you receive in this course, but also by how the information in this book helps you build a foundation for a better life. That’s what FOUNDATIONS OF BUSINESS, 7E is all about. Updates highlight the specific challenges facing...
David Needle, Jane Burns
ISBN-13: 9781473786707©2023
Ralph Stair, George Reynolds, Thomas Chesney
ISBN-13: 9781473774605©2021
Chuck Williams, Marcella Kelly
ISBN-13: 9789814930918©2021
Through ongoing research into students’ workflows and preferences, BUSN from 4LTR Press combines an easy-reference, paperback textbook with Chapter Review Cards, and an innovative online experience—all at an affordable price. New for this edition, MindTap is the digital learning solution that powers students from memorization to mastery. It gives you...
Marcella Kelly, Chuck Williams
ISBN-13: 9781337407137©2019
Learn Business YOUR Way with BUSN! BUSN’s easy-reference, paperback textbook presents course content through visually-engaging chapters as well as Chapter Review Cards that consolidate the best review material into a ready-made study tool. With the textbook or on its own, BUSN MindTap allows you to learn on your terms. Read...
David Needle, Jane Burns
ISBN-13: 9781473758391©2019
William M. Pride, Robert J. Hughes, Jack R. Kapoor
ISBN-13: 9789814834407©2019
Recognized for its concise, easy-to-understand approach, Pride/Hughes/Kapoor's FOUNDATIONS OF BUSINESS, 6E helps students build the solid foundation they need to succeed in today's competitive business world and in their personal lives. Up-to-date coverage presents forms of business ownership, management and organization, human resources management, marketing, social media and e-business, information...
William M. Pride, Robert J. Hughes, Jack R. Kapoor
ISBN-13: 9789814834414©2019
Business MindTapV2.0 allows students to use a “learn by doing” approach, creating an environment that not only helps them to better retain concepts, but also helps them get that hands-on business decision-making practice they need for the real-world! MindTapV2.0 reflects how today’s students want to learn & that’s why it’s...
William M. Pride, Robert J. Hughes, Jack R. Kapoor
ISBN-13: 9789814866545©2019
Business MindTapV2.0 allows students to use a “learn by doing” approach, creating an environment that not only helps them to better retain concepts, but also helps them get that hands-on business decision-making practice they need for the real-world! MindTapV2.0 reflects how today’s students want to learn & that’s why it’s...