Marketing, 5th Student Edition,
5th Edition

James L. Burrow

ISBN-13: 9780357135747
Copyright 2021 | Published
List Price: USD $128.95

In Burrow’s MARKETING, 5E students learn how current marketing technologies and practices relate to their personal goals and future careers. Students will be able to recognize effective marketing applications to create strategic plans for a large variety of business endeavors. This update maintains the hallmark integrated marketing approach seen in previous editions as students learn the foundations and functions needed to successfully market goods, services, and ideas to consumers. Professional development, customer service, and digital marketing strategies including social media are presented as key marketing skills for success. Emphasis on the Career Clusters, DECA Performance Indicators, and real-world applications highlight how these skills can be used in everyday life and future careers. While students study business, economics, selling, human relations, communications, logistics, promotion, product planning, and pricing, they also understand why marketing is crucial across all business operations. MindTap is the online solution for CTE courses that includes the full, interactive eBook, annotation and study tools, media, auto-graded assessment, data analytics, and more. MindTap for Marketing, 5th edition includes additional timely features such as examples of advertisements, stats and facts, digital marketing strategies, internet research activities, and case studies that will be updated in between editions to keep your course current in this innovative industry


Chapter 1 Marketing Today and Tomorrow
1.1 What is Marketing?
1.2 Business Needs Marketing
1.3 The Marketing Concept
1.4 The Changing Role of Marketing
DECA Prep Marketing Communications Series Event
Chapter 2 Socially Responsible Marketing
2.1 The Impact of Marketing
2.2 Criticisms of Marketing
2.3 Marketing and Social Responsibility
DECA Prep Apparel and Accessories Marketing Series Event
Chapter 3 The Economic Basis for Marketing
3.3 Scarcity and Private Enterprise
3.2 The Law of Supply and Demand
3.3 Types of Economic Competition
3.4 Economic Utility
DECA Prep Food Marketing Series Event
Chapter 4 Marketing Basics
4.1 Changes in Today’s Marketing
4.2 Plan a Marketing Strategy
4.3 Consumers and Competitors
4.4 The Varied Role of Marketing
DECA Prep Business Solutions Project Event
Chapter 5 Marketing Begins with Consumers
5.1 Understand Consumer Behavior
5.2 What Motivates Buyers?
5.3 Influence Consumer Decisions
DECA Prep Automotive Services Marketing Individual Series Event
Chapter 6 Marketing Information and Research
6.1 Understand the Need for Marketing Information
6.2 Find and Manage Marketing Information
6.3 Use Marketing Research
6.4 Collect Primary Data
DECA Prep Buying and Merchandising Operations Research Event
Chapter 7 Competition Is Everywhere
7.1 Focus on Market Segments
7.2 Position for Competitive Advantage
7.3 Compete for Market Segments
7.4 Learn about the Competition
DECA Prep Sports and Entertainment Marketing Team Decision Making Event
Chapter 8 Social Media and E-Commerce
8.1 Technology, the Internet, and E-Commerce
8.2 The Emergence of Social Media
8.3 Social Media as a Marketing Tool
DECA Prep Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making Event
Chapter 9 Develop a Marketing Strategy and Marketing Plan
9.1 Elements of a marketing Strategy
9.2 Marketing Mix Alternatives
9.3 Consumer Purchase Classifications
9.4 Marketing Planning
DECA Prep International Business Plan Event
Chapter 10 Develop Successful Products
10.1 Start with a Product
10.2 Components of the Product Mix
10.3 Products for Consumers and Businesses
10.4 New Product Development
DECA Prep Sales Project
Chapter 11 Services Need Marketing
11.1 What Are Services?
11.2 Classify Services and Evaluate Quality
11.3 Develop a Service Marketing Mix
DECA Prep Hotel and Lodging Management Series Event
Chapter 12 Business-to-Business Marketing
12.1 Business-to-Business Exchanges
12.2 Make Business Purchase Decisions
12.3 Business Purchasing Procedures
12.4 Retail Purchasing
DECA Prep Retail Merchandising Series Event
Chapter 13 Distribution
13.1 Marketing Through Distribution
13.2 Distribution Channels
13.3 The Role of Wholesaling
13.4 The Role of Retailing
13.5 Physical Distribution
DECA Prep Quick-Serve Restaurant Management Series Event
Chapter 14 Determine the Best Price
14.1 The Economics of Price Decisions
14.2 Develop Pricing Procedures
14.3 Pricing Based on Market Conditions
DECA Prep Hospitality and Tourism Operations Research Event
Chapter 15 Promotion
15.1 Promotion Is a Form of Communication
15.2 Types of Promotion
15.3 The Promotional Plan
DECA Prep Community Giving Project
Chapter 16 Advertising
16.1 What Is Advertising?
16.2 Plan Advertising
16.3 Create and Evaluate Advertising
DECA Prep Integrated Marketing Campaign Event
Chapter 17 Selling
17.1 The Value of Selling
17.2 Prepare for Effective Selling
17.3 The Selling Process and Sales Support
DECA Prep Professional Selling Event
Chapter 18 Marketing in a Global Economy
18.1 The Expanding World Economy
18.2 International Ventures
18.3 Understand International Markets
DECA Prep Food Marketing Individual Series Event
Chapter 19 Manage Risk
19.1 Assess Business Risks
19.2 Identify Marketing Risks
19.3 Manage Marketing Risks
DECA Prep Business Services Marketing Series Event
Chapter 20 Marketing and Finance
20.1 Marketing Affects Business Finances
20.2 Tools for Financial Planning
20.3 Budget for Marketing Activities
DECA Prep Financial Services Team Decision Making Event
Chapter 21 Entrepreneurship and Marketing
21.1 Understand Entrepreneurship
21.2 Business Ownership
21.3 The Business Plan
DECA Prep Start Up Business Plan Event
Chapter 22 Take Control with Management
22.1 The Functions of Management
22.2 Manage with a Marketing Plan
22.3 The Marketing Manager Role
DECA Prep Community Awareness Project
Chapter 23 Plan Your Future in Marketing
23.1 Marketing Jobs and Careers
23.2 Marketing Education and Career Paths
23.3 Career Planning
DECA Prep Restaurant and Food Service Management Series Event

  • James L. Burrow

    James L. Burrow, Ph.D., has a background in marketing and human resource development. He works regularly with the business community and other organizations as a consultant on marketing and performance improvement strategies including the use of the Internet as an education and training resource. He recently retired from the faculty of North Carolina State University, where he served as the coordinator of the graduate Training and Development Program for over fifteen years. Dr. Burrow received degrees from the University of Northern Iowa and the University of Nebraska in marketing and marketing education.

  • MindTap for Marketing, 5th edition includes additional timely features such as examples of advertisements, stats and facts, digital marketing strategies, internet research activities, and case studies that will be updated in between editions to keep your course current in this innovative industry.

  • Updated, Two-column Design in the print textbook makes the text easier to read and offers a more engaging, magazine-style to highlight current issues in marketing.

  • Let’s Start a Band! opens each chapter with a conversational story of a group of young people trying to start their own band and asks students to help them with a new aspect of their venture that relates to chapter concepts and returns at the end of the chapter for follow-up discussion and problem-solving.

  • Case Studies have been added to the online solution, MindTap, at the end of each chapter.

  • Build Your Marketing Plan feature is now highlighted throughout both the print textbook and MindTap online solution. Marketing Plan Worksheets are now available in both the Student Companion Site as well as MindTap for each chapter.

  • Candid Careers Videos in MindTap offer videos interview of real professionals explain what the job, typical day, some challenges, and exciting aspects of the job

  • Connect to MindTap Icons in the print text make it clear when to integrate additional digital activities into your course.

  • Planning a Career in . . . provides information about a career tied to one of the 16 career clusters, including a brief description of the career, employment outlook, job titles, skills needed, and a short scenario about what it's like to work in this career. Each ends with a "What About You?" question encouraging students to begin thinking about a career choice.

  • Working in Teams is a short margin feature with activities that focus on marketing and promote teamwork.

  • @mktgfastfacts is a new short margin feature that will include live Twitter feeds about thought-provoking business facts and statistics adding interest to the topic being covered.

  • DECA Prep Performance, feature lists DECA Performance Indicators−core performance indicators and supporting performance indicators−applicable to the chapter content, helping students prepare for competitive events.

  • Visual Focus features an actual advertisement with a brief description, explanation of the chapter connection, and focus questions that help students tie chapter content to the real world.

  • Each lesson begins with an Essential Question that prompts students to think about the material ahead and provides teachers with "bell-ringer" discussion topics.

  • Math in Marketing and Marketing Communication addresses the Common core Practice Standards for Mathematics and English/Language Arts.

  • 21st Century Skills is a full-page feature that introduces basic skills such as personal and professional image, communicating with charts and graphs, being an effective listener, evaluating information sources, and designing promotional displays, helping students develop the necessary skills in today's working environment.

Cengage provides a range of supplements that are updated in coordination with the main title selection. For more information about these supplements, contact your Learning Consultant.

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