Rolando V. del Carmen, Craig Hemmens
ISBN-13: 9780357763636©2025
Packed with examples from real-world situations faced by today's law enforcement professionals, Del Carmen/Hemmens' CRIMINAL PROCEDURE: LAW AND PRACTICE, 11e, gives you a practical and authoritative look at the most current guidelines in criminal procedure. Comprehensive and accurate without burdening the reader with irrelevant details, the text includes cutting-edge coverage...
John S. Dempsey, Linda S. Forst, Steven B. Carter
ISBN-13: 9780357763162©2025
Discover the challenges, excitement, and rewards of law enforcement today with Dempsey/Forst/Carter's AN INTRODUCTION TO POLICING, 10th Edition. Written by law enforcement veterans with extensive first-hand experience in all areas of policing, this book is an essential read for you or anyone you know who is considering a career in...
Michael G. Maxfield, Earl R. Babbie, Amie M. Schuck
ISBN-13: 9780357763735©2025
Featuring real-world examples and comprehensive coverage of qualitative methods, Maxfield/Babbie/Schuck's market-leading RESEARCH METHODS FOR CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND CRIMINOLOGY combines the scholarship, accuracy and conversational tone of Earl Babbie's best-selling THE PRACTICE OF SOCIAL RESEARCH with Mike Maxfield's expertise in criminology and criminal justice. Amie Schuck joins this edition with special...
Lorenzo Boyd, Melissa Morabito, Larry J. Siegel
ISBN-13: 9780357125489©2025
Introducing "Policing in the U.S.: Past, Present, and Future" – a comprehensive and timely text that examines the current state of American policing. Written from a social justice perspective, this book offers a fresh and balanced look at contemporary issues in law enforcement. It challenges students to think critically, illuminates...
Larry J. Siegel
ISBN-13: 9780357763834©2024
Unrivaled in its current coverage, Siegel's best-selling JUVENILE DELINQUENCY: THEORY, PRACTICE, AND LAW, 14E presents the historical development of the concept of childhood and delinquency as well as the latest research on when, where and why juvenile crime occurs. With a highly praised balanced approach and engaging writing style, this...
Rimonda Maroun, Larry J. Siegel, Clemens Bartollas
ISBN-13: 9780357763506©2024
Get a frontline look at the field of corrections with Maroun/Siegel/Bartollas' CORRECTIONS TODAY, 5th EDITION. This more concise, visual paperback alternative to hardback Introduction to Corrections texts is ideal for readers who are interested in real-world concepts and applications. It examines the field of corrections through the lens of students...
Larry J. Siegel
ISBN-13: 9780357624746©2023
Written by bestselling author Larry Siegel, CRIMINOLOGY, 8th Edition, guides you through the fast-paced field of modern criminology, its most current research and fascinating examples that help you understand criminological theory. Details on the crimes of real-life people illustrate concepts, while unbiased coverage of even the most controversial topics --...
Todd R. Clear, Michael D. Reisig, George F. Cole
ISBN-13: 9780357456538©2022
Learn more about the dynamics of today's correctional system in the U.S. with the fascinating, current content and balanced approach in Clear/Reisig/Cole's market-leading AMERICAN CORRECTIONS, 13E. Engaging discussions, actual cases with familiar names and first-hand insights from those in the system immediately grab your interest, while career overviews point to...
Kären M. Hess, Christine Hess Orthmann, Henry Lim Cho
ISBN-13: 9780357511671©2022
Master modern investigative principles and practices using the field-based approach strongly grounded in current research with Hess/Hess Orthmann/Cho/Molan's CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION, 12E. This best-selling text introduces established tools, practices and policies while detailing the latest innovations in investigative technology and science today. The authors clearly demonstrate techniques and practical applications using...
Joycelyn M. Pollock
ISBN-13: 9780357512913©2022
Develop strong ethical decision-making skills that are essential for success in the field of criminal justice with the insights and principles found in Pollock's ETHICAL DILEMMAS AND DECISIONS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE, 11E. Packed with engaging, current examples, this edition addresses ethics at work within the police, the courts and corrections....
Larry J. Siegel, John L. Worrall
ISBN-13: 9780357630921©2022
Take a close look at the intriguing concepts, policies and processes at work in today's criminal justice system with Siegel/Worrall's best-selling INTRODUCTION TO CRIMINAL JUSTICE, 17E. Known for trusted, solidly researched content, this reader-friendly presentation examines the impact of recent events, such as the coronavirus pandemic, racial unrest and publicized...
Larry K. Gaines, Roger LeRoy Miller
ISBN-13: 9780357630785©2022
As a student today, you do not want to simply learn about the world; you want to change it. Gaines/Miller's CRIMINAL JUSTICE IN ACTION, 11E provides a template for that change. This magazine-style text focuses on big questions that you've probably already been asking yourself about police tactics, incarceration policies...
George F. Cole, Christopher E. Smith, Christina DeJong
ISBN-13: 9780357456330©2022
Discover the foundations, components and contemporary controversies within the U.S. criminal justice system with the interdisciplinary approach in Cole/Smith/DeJong's best-selling CRIMINAL JUSTICE IN AMERICA, 10E. The authors draw ideas, themes and theories from criminology, sociology, law, history, psychology and political science to create an engaging approach that highlights the most...
Anthony J. Bertino, Patricia Bertino
ISBN-13: 9780357124987©2021
With popular television programs, movies, and books about criminal justice and crime scene investigation, students often have a passion for exploring forensic science. Now that excitement can be guided into valuable learning experiences with the help of Forensic Science: Fundamentals & Investigations, 3e. This dynamic, visually powerful text has been...
Andrew Karmen
ISBN-13: 9780357037799©2020
Learn about victimology from a true classic text in the field. CRIME VICTIMS: AN INTRODUCTION TO VICTIMOLOGY, Tenth Edition offers the most comprehensive and balanced exploration of victimology available today. The author examines the victims' plight, carefully placing statistics from the FBI's Uniform Crime Report and Bureau of Justice Statistics...
John S. Dempsey, Linda S. Forst, Steven B. Carter
ISBN-13: 9781337558754©2019
Discover the challenges, excitement and rewards of law enforcement today with Dempsey, Forst, and Carter's AN INTRODUCTION TO POLICING, 9th Edition. Written by law enforcement veterans with extensive first-hand experience in all areas of policing, this book is an essential read for you or anyone you know who is considering...
Larry K. Gaines, Roger LeRoy Miller
ISBN-13: 9781337557832©2019
The tenth edition of CRIMINAL JUSTICE IN ACTION places you in the center of the action and helps you excel in your criminal justice course. You'll explore vivid real-life applications that clarify key concepts, and have opportunities to provide your own opinions on the most pressing and controversial issues in...
Leanne Fiftal Alarid
ISBN-13: 9781337687362©2019
COMMUNITY-BASED CORRECTIONS, 12th Edition gives you a hands-on, real-world look at the knowledge, skills, and abilities required for a career in community corrections. From probation, parole, and problem-solving courts to electronic monitoring, work release, residential facilities, and day reporting centers, numerous supervision techniques and treatment programs are explored, as are...
Joycelyn M. Pollock
ISBN-13: 9781337558495©2019
Develop the ethical decision-making skills that are essential in the field of criminal justice with the help of ETHICAL DILEMMAS AND DECISIONS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE, 10th Edition. Packed with current, real-world examples, the text covers ethics as it relates to the police, the courts and corrections. You'll learn about the...
Todd R. Clear, Michael D. Reisig, George F. Cole
ISBN-13: 9781337557658©2019
Explore the American corrections system from the perspective of both the corrections worker and the accused person in AMERICAN CORRECTIONS, 12th Edition. You'll learn about institutional and community sanctions, aided by high-profile corrections cases taken from recent headlines to reinforce important theories. The authors "tell it like it is" with...
George F. Cole, Christopher E. Smith, Christina DeJong
ISBN-13: 9781337558907©2019
Discover the challenge of pursuing justice in our society and learn about the role we as individuals play in the criminal justice system. This classic best seller examines criminal justice across several disciplines, presenting elements from criminology, sociology, law, history, psychology, and political science. Broad coverage of the facts, an...
Larry J. Siegel
ISBN-13: 9781337557719©2019
Concise, current and affordable, CRIMINOLOGY: THE CORE, 7th Edition, delivers cutting-edge coverage in an easy-reading paperback. Author Larry Siegel guides you through the fast-paced field of Criminology, its most current research and fascinating examples that help you understand criminological theory. Details on the crimes of real-life people illustrate concepts, and...
Larry K. Gaines, Roger LeRoy Miller
ISBN-13: 9781337402484©2019
Learn Criminal Justice YOUR Way with CJ! CJ’s easy-reference, paperback textbook presents course content through visually-engaging chapters as well as Chapter Review Cards that consolidate the best review material into a ready-made study tool. With the textbook or on its own, CJ with MindTap allows you to learn on your...
Larry J. Siegel, John L. Worrall
ISBN-13: 9781337557771©2019
Master the ins and outs of the criminal justice system and succeed in your course with ESSENTIALS OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE, 11th Edition. With its cutting-edge high-profile cases, detailed career information and resources, integrated learning objectives, and unique myth-busting theme, this eye-opening text and its supporting resources will help you excel...
David W. Neubauer, Henry F. Fradella
ISBN-13: 9781337557894©2019
Open this book and step into America's court system! With Neubauer and Fradella's best-selling text, you'll get an inside view of the experiences of a judge, a prosecutor, a defense attorney, and more. This fascinating and well-researched text gives you a realistic sense of being in the courthouse, enabling you...
J. Scott Harr, Kären M. Hess, Christine H. Orthmann, Jonathon Kingsbury
ISBN-13: 9781305966468©2018
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW AND THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM, 7th Edition, equips you with a solid understanding of our complex Constitution and criminal justice system. The text avoids confusing "legalese," focusing instead on real-life examples to illustrate the material. More than 200 succinct, summarized cases written in plain English introduce you to...
Linda S. Miller, Kären M. Hess, Christine H. Orthmann
ISBN-13: 9781305960817©2018
With a strong focus on problem solving and community-police partnerships, this comprehensive text provides a practical, up-to-date guide to effective community policing. After an introduction to the history and philosophy of the movement that has profoundly shaped modern police operations, the authors emphasize practical strategies and essential skills to help...
Samuel Walker, Cassia Spohn, Miriam DeLone
ISBN-13: 9781337091862©2018
What role does race play in the justice system? In THE COLOR OF JUSTICE: RACE, ETHNICITY, AND CRIME IN AMERICA, Sixth Edition, you'll read a data-driven and balanced account of criminal behavior patterns, victimization, immigration and crime, drug use, police practices, court processing and sentencing, executions under the death penalty,...
Larry J. Siegel, John L. Worrall
ISBN-13: 9781305969766©2018
Engaging, visually dynamic, and packed with vivid illustrations, INTRODUCTION TO CRIMINAL JUSTICE, Sixteenth Edition, gives you an exciting behind-the-scenes look at the workings of the police, courts, and correctional systems while equipping you with a solid understanding of criminal justice concepts. With its balanced and objective presentation, to-the-point writing style,...
Larry K. Gaines, Roger LeRoy Miller
ISBN-13: 9781337092142©2018
With gripping photos, an engaging magazine-like format, and riveting examples straight from today's headlines, CRIMINAL JUSTICE IN ACTION: THE CORE, 9th Edition puts you right in the center of the action. Providing just the right depth of coverage, this succinct text uses vivid cases and current events to demonstrate the...