Research Methods for Criminal Justice and Criminology,
9th Edition

Michael G. Maxfield, Earl R. Babbie, Amie M. Schuck

ISBN-13: 9780357763735
Copyright 2025 | Published
480 pages | List Price: USD $292.95

Featuring real-world examples and comprehensive coverage of qualitative methods, Maxfield/Babbie/Schuck's market-leading RESEARCH METHODS FOR CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND CRIMINOLOGY combines the scholarship, accuracy and conversational tone of Earl Babbie's best-selling THE PRACTICE OF SOCIAL RESEARCH with Mike Maxfield's expertise in criminology and criminal justice. Amie Schuck joins this edition with special expertise in a variety of criminal justice research areas. Providing the most comprehensive, authoritative introduction to criminal justice research available today -- and enhanced by new examples (e.g., cannabis cultivation, violence prevention), research, applications, and built-in study tools -- this edition continues its focus on engaging readers like you in DOING research.


1. Crime, Criminal Justice, and Scientific Inquiry.
2. Foundations of Criminal Justice Research.
3. Ethics and Criminal Justice Research.
4. General Issues in Research Design.
5. Concepts, Operationalization, and Measurement.
6. Measuring Crime.
7. Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs.
8. Sampling.
9. Survey Research.
10. Qualitative Interviewing.
11. Field Research.
12. Agency Records, Content Analysis, and Secondary Data.
13. Evaluation Research and Problem Analysis.
14. Interpreting Data.

  • Michael G. Maxfield

    Michael G. Maxfield is Professor of Criminal Justice at John Jay College, City University of New York. He is the author of numerous articles and books on a variety of topics, including victimization, policing, homicide, community corrections, and long-term consequences of child abuse and neglect. Working with students and colleagues at the John Jay College Research and Evaluation Center, Professor Maxfield developed the evidence generation approach to applied justice research. He served as editor of the Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency from 2008–2016.

  • Earl R. Babbie

    Dr. Earl Babbie is the Campbell Professor Emeritus in Behavioral Sciences at Chapman University in Southern California. He taught sociology at the University of Hawaii from 1968 through 1979, took time off from teaching and research to write full time for eight years and then joined the Chapman University faculty in 1987. Credited with defining research methods for the social sciences, Dr. Babbie has written several texts -- including THE BASICS OF SOCIAL RESEARCH -- as well as numerous research articles and monographs. For 25 years he has been active in the American Sociological Association, where he served on the executive committee. He also is a past president of the Pacific Sociological Association and the California Sociological Association. Dr. Babbie received his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley.

  • Amie M. Schuck

    Amie M. Schuck is Professor in the Department of Criminology, Law, and Justice at the University of Illinois Chicago. Her scholarship focuses on analyzing how society defines good policing and great police officers. She is especially interested in understanding how the social construction of these attributes influences organizational structures and institutional practices, and community members’ experiences with the criminal justice system. She has completed studies on community and data-driven policing, officer socialization, the use of force by police, information sharing and advanced technologies, and the long-term consequences of victimization. Dr. Schuck has written more than 50 articles and received more than one million dollars in grant funding.

  • Extensive updates in Chapter Six (Measuring Crime) to reflect changes in the Uniform Crime Reporting System and possible effects of COVID-19 on self-report surveys.

  • Updated material on sampling (Chapter Eight) and surveys (Chapter Nine) incorporates new technologies and techniques.

  • Chapter 12 presents updated content analysis methods and use of online data.

  • Additional examples of surveys and secondary data analysis draw on student research.

  • Topics of new boxed features include mixed field methods, respondent-driven sampling, evaluating juvenile justice programs, police culture and feminist criminology.

  • The new MindTap® for the text offers customizable content, course analytics, an e-reader and an applied learning experience -- all within your current learning management system. MindTap® prepares students to make the kinds of reasoned, real-world decisions they will need to make as future professionals. With its rich array of assets, all of which are tagged by learning objective and Bloom’s Taxonomy level, MindTap® is perfectly suited for today’s criminal justice students. It will engage them, guide them toward mastery of basic concepts and advance their critical thinking abilities.

  • Chapter-opening numbered learning objectives are matched to end-of-chapter summary sections and linked to corresponding quiz items in MindTap® for Criminal Justice, the Instructor’s Manual and the Test Bank to provide students with maximum reinforcement of key concepts.

  • Examples from student research and published studies appear throughout the book. The Rewards and Challenges of Research use recent examples of student research as well as new examples from studies on human trafficking, applied research, cannabis cultivation, violence prevention and car theft.

  • A marginal glossary of key terms immediately reinforces student understanding.

  • A "Focus on Applied Research" feature throughout the book reflects today's greater emphasis on applied research and emphasizes the authors’ main focus -- getting your students to DO research.

  • A "Putting It All Together" section on racial profiling called "Driving While Black" appears in each chapter, enabling students to see how research unfolds. Each chapter's installment reinforces and applies that chapter's specific research methods and topics.

Cengage provides a range of supplements that are updated in coordination with the main title selection. For more information about these supplements, contact your Learning Consultant.

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