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This in-depth exploration discusses the need for addressing diversity and multicultural realities in the classroom. It prepares you with the necessary knowledge, skills, and strategies to create a developmentally appropriate, respectful, and culturally responsive classroom and teaching environment. You'll find practical information, ideas, and strategies that you can apply to...

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Become a more competent consumer and producer of research with INTRODUCTION TO RESEARCH IN EDUCATION, 10th Edition. Known for its exceptionally clear writing style and comprehensive coverage, this research methods text helps you master the basic competencies necessary to understand and evaluate the research of others -- as well as...

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This practical textbook provides background knowledge, basic concepts, and an understanding of relevant issues related to applied behavior analysis -- and specifically to single subject research designs. It combines explanation with application, providing you with an overview of the major types of single subject research designs. A summary of the...

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This book provides you with research-based strategies and guidelines for your classroom, whether you will be teaching children in infancy and toddlerhood, high school, or anywhere in between. You'll learn how child development concepts are applied to topics of interest and relevance to teachers, including classroom discipline, teacher-student relationships, increasing...

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Educational technology changes constantly. That's why TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION FOR MEANINGFUL CLASSROOM USE: A STANDARDS-BASED APPROACH, 3rd Edition is such a useful resource. This text equips you with the knowledge, creative and critical thinking skills and confidence to successfully navigate the ever-evolving environment of technology integration in the classroom. Its self-directed...

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PLANNING EFFECTIVE INSTRUCTION: DIVERSITY RESPONSIVE METHODS AND MANAGEMENT, 6th Edition, fully equips you to teach in ways that meet the needs of all students in today's diverse classroom. Organized around a framework that guides you in focusing your efforts to plan for diversity, the book helps you see that what...

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