Laura Freberg
ISBN-13: 9789814834544©2019
With comprehensive, authoritative coverage and student-centered pedagogy, DISCOVERING BEHAVIORAL NEUROSCIENCE: AN INTRODUCTION TO BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY is ideal for a broad range of students taking a beginning undergraduate course in behavioral neuroscience, biological psychology, or physiological psychology. Updated to reflect current thinking in the field, the fourth edition provides a foundational...
John T. Cacioppo, Laura Freberg
ISBN-13: 9789814834551©2019
In this innovative approach to introductory psychology, John Cacioppo and Laura Freberg present psychology as an integrative science that's relevant for students of all majors. They use a familiar chapter structure to provide an easy roadmap for the course, while highlighting connections within psychology as well as between psychology and...
V. Mark Durand, David H. Barlow, Stefan G. Hofmann
ISBN-13: 9789814834575©2019
Fully integrating the DSM-5, this brief version of Durand, Barlow, and Hofmann's widely used ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY presents the subject through the authors' standard-setting integrative approach -- the most modern, scientifically valid method for studying psychopathology. Students learn that psychological disorders are rarely caused by a single influence, but rooted in...
Donelson R. Forsyth
ISBN-13: 9789814834582©2019
Offering the most comprehensive and in-depth analysis of groups and teams available, GROUP DYNAMICS, 7th Edition, combines an emphasis on theory, empirical studies, and extended case studies to illustrate the application of concepts to actual groups. Author Donelson R. Forsyth builds each chapter around a real-life case, drawing on examples...
Robert V. Kail, John C. Cavanaugh
ISBN-13: 9789814846240©2019
Comprehensive, succinct, and applied, HUMAN DEVELOPMENT: A LIFE-SPAN VIEW has proven its ability to capture students' interest while introducing them to the issues, forces, and outcomes that make us who we are. Robert Kail and John Cavanaugh's combined expertise in childhood, adolescence, and gerontology result in a rich description of...
Eric J Mash, David A Wolfe
ISBN-13: 9789814834377©2019
Balancing developmental, clinical-diagnostic, and experimental approaches to child and adolescent psychopathology, Eric Mash and David Wolfe's ABNORMAL CHILD PSYCHOLOGY is one of the most up-to-date, authoritative, and comprehensive books in its market. The seventh edition is organized to reflect DSM-5 categories, dimensional approaches to classification, and evidence-based assessment and treatment...
Jerry M. Burger
ISBN-13: 9789814846271©2019
The respected and recognized best seller in the market, Jerry Burger's PERSONALITY is a solid mid-level book that fuses the theory-based approach to personality with the research-based approach to give students a comprehensive view of the field. For each major theoretical approach to personality, Burger pairs "theory, application, and assessment"...
E. Bruce Goldstein
ISBN-13: 9789814834742©2019
Connecting the study of cognition to everyday life, E. Bruce Goldstein's COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY: CONNECTING MIND, RESEARCH, AND EVERYDAY EXPERIENCE, 5th Edition, gives equal treatment to both the landmark studies and the cutting-edge research that define this fascinating field. Concrete examples and illustrations help students understand the theories of cognition--driving home...
Frederick J Gravetter, Lori-Ann B. Forzano
ISBN-13: 9789814846370©2019
In RESEARCH METHODS FOR THE BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, 6th Edition, Fredrick J Gravetter and Lori-Ann B. Forzano help students see how interesting and exciting experimental and nonexperimental research can be. The text leads students through the research process from start to finish, including tips and strategies for generating research ideas and...
Tracy Henley
ISBN-13: 9781337564151©2019
Dreams puzzled early man, Greek philosophers spun elaborate theories to explain human memory and perception, Descartes postulated that the brain was filled with "animal spirits" and Psychology was officially deemed a "science" in the 19th century. In the new HERGENHAHN'S AN INTRODUCTION TO THE HISTORY OF PSYCHOLOGY, noted author Tracy...
James W. Kalat
ISBN-13: 9780357601983©2019
The most widely used text in its course area, James W. Kalat's BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY has appealed to thousands of students before you. Why? Kalat's main goal is to make Biological Psychology understandable to Psychology students, not just to Biology majors and pre meds--and he delivers. Another goal is to convey...