Understanding Psychological Disorders Enhanced,
12th Edition

David Sue, Derald Wing Sue, Diane M. Sue, Stanley Sue

ISBN-13: 9798214136356
Copyright 2025 | Published
790 pages | List Price: USD $237.95

Sue/Sue/Sue/Sue's UNDERSTANDING PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDERS ENHANCED, 12th Edition, provides an understanding of all the factors that go into Psychopathology. By taking a Multipath Model of Mental Disorders, this latest edition offers a comprehensive understanding of the biological, psychological, social and sociocultural factors that interact to produce mental disorders. It combines the intersection of multicultural, sociocultural and diversity issues with current societal events, detailed descriptions of various mental disorders and balanced coverage of psychopathology theories that inform treatment.


1. Understanding Psychopathology.
2. Understanding and Treating Mental Disorders.
3. Assessment and Classification of Mental Disorders.
4. Research Methods for Studying Mental Disorders.
5. Anxiety and Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders.
6. Trauma and Stress-Related Disorders.
7. Somatic Symptom and Dissociative Disorders.
8. Depressive and Bipolar Disorders.
9. Suicide.
10. Eating Disorders.
11. Substance-Related and Other Addictive Disorders.
12. Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders.
13. Neurocognitive and Sleep-Wake Disorders.
14. Sexual Dysfunctions, Gender Dysphoria, and Paraphilic Disorders.
15. Personality Psychopathology.
16. Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence.
17. Law and Ethics in Abnormal Psychology.

  • David Sue

    David Sue is professor emeritus of psychology at Western Washington University, where he is an associate of the Center for Cross-Cultural Research. He also has served as director of the Psychology Counseling Clinic and the Mental Health Counseling Program. Dr. Sue's research interests revolve around multicultural issues in individual and group counseling. He and his wife co-authored COUNSELING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY IN A DIVERSE SOCIETY, and he is co-author of COUNSELING THE CULTURALLY DIVERSE: THEORY AND PRACTICE. He received his Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Washington State University.

  • Derald Wing Sue

    Derald Wing Sue is professor of psychology and education in the Department of Counseling and Clinical Psychology at Teachers College, Columbia University. He has written extensively in the field of multicultural counseling/therapy, microaggression theory and racial dialogues. He is the author of bestselling COUNSELING THE CULTURALLY DIVERSE: THEORY AND PRACTICE. A former president of both the Society of Counseling Psychology and the Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues, Dr. Sue has been honored with numerous awards for teaching and service. He received his doctorate from the University of Oregon.

  • Diane M. Sue

    Diane M. Sue has worked as a school psychologist and counselor as well as with adults needing specialized care for mental illness and neurocognitive disorders. Her areas of expertise include child and adolescent psychology, aging and neuropsychology, and she co-authored COUNSELING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY IN A DIVERSE SOCIETY. A former adjunct faculty member at Western Washington University, Dr. Sue received the Western Washington University College of Education Professional Excellence Award and the Washington State School Psychologist of the Year Award. She received her Ed.S. in school psychology and her Ph.D. in educational psychology from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

  • Stanley Sue

    Stanley Sue is professor of psychology and director of the Center for Excellence in Diversity at Palo Alto University. From 1971 to 1981, he was assistant and associate professor of psychology at the University of Washington; Professor of Psychology, UCLA (1981-1996); and professor of psychology at UC Davis (1996-2010 and now emeritus distinguished professor). Dr. Sue served as the 2010 president of the Western Psychological Association.

  • UNDERSTANDING PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDERS ENHANCED, 12th Edition, incorporates revisions to reflect DSM-5-TR and includes updated research and statistics throughout the book.

  • Did You Know? boxes in the margins capture students' interest by providing fascinating highlights of research-based information.

  • Going Deeper boxes offer students critical-thinking questions that explore present issues and chapter concepts, fostering in-depth discussions and igniting reflections on their societal impact. These prompts evoke alternative views, spark lively discussion and draw students into issues that help them better explore the wider meaning of abnormal behavior.

  • The MultiPath Model of Mental Disorders provides an organizational framework for understanding the four factors (biological, psychological, social and sociocultural) that interact to cause mental disorders, the complexity of their interacting components and the need to view disorders from a holistic framework. In addition, a Future Directions section at the end of each chapter discusses new trends in policy, research or treatment.

  • Bringing chapter concepts to life, case studies begin and appear throughout each chapter to humanize mental health and mental disorders. Many cases are taken from journal articles and actual clinical files.

  • Streamlined Disorder Charts provide snapshots of disorders in an easy-to-read, quick-reference format.

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