K12 Chemistry AP® Edition, 11th Student Edition,
11th Edition

Steven S. Zumdahl

ISBN-13: 9798214071657
Copyright 2024 | Published
1200 pages | List Price: USD $235.95

Zumdahl/Zumdahl/DeCoste's CHEMISTRY AP® EDITION, 11th STUDENT EDITION, continues its highly regarded tradition of emphasizing conceptual learning, critical-thinking and creative problem-solving techniques. An emphasis on modeling and interactive examples helps students learn to approach and solve chemical problems effectively -- to think like chemists -- so they can apply step-by-step problem-solving strategies not only to the text's diverse problems and exercises, but also to other aspects of their lives. The authors' reader-friendly writing style makes even difficult material more engaging. A proven learning approach helps students gain the knowledge and skills they need to become critical thinkers, asking questions, applying rules and models and evaluating the outcomes.


1. Chemical Foundations.
2. Atoms, Molecules and Ions.
3. Stoichiometry.
4. Types of Chemical Reactions and Solution Stoichiometry.
5. Gases.
6. Thermochemistry.
7. Atomic Structure and Periodicity.
8. Bonding: General Concepts.
9. Covalent Bonding: Orbitals.
10. Liquids and Solids.
11. Properties of Solutions.
12. Chemical Kinetics.
13. Chemical Equilibrium.
14. Acids and Bases.
15. Acid-Base Equilibria.
16. Solubility and Complex Ion Equilibria.
17. Spontaneity, Entropy and Free Energy.
18. Electrochemistry.
19. The Nucleus: A Chemist's View.
20. The Representative Elements.
21. Transition Metals and Coordination Chemistry.
22. Organic and Biological Molecules.
Appendix 1: Mathematical Procedures.
A1.1. Exponential Notn.
A1.2. Logarithms.
A1.3. Graphing Functions.
A1.4. Solving Quadratic Equations.
A1.5. Uncertainties in Measurements.
Appendix 2: The Quantitative Kinetic Molecular Model.
Appendix 3: Spectral Analysis.
Appendix 4: Selected Thermodynamic Data.
Appendix 5: Equilibrium Constants and Reduction Potentials.
A5.1. Values of Ka for Some Common Monoprotic Acids.
A5.2. Stepwise Dissociation Constants for Several Common Polyprotic Acids.
A5.3. Values of Kb for Some Common Weak Bases.
A5.4. Ksp Values at 25°C for Common Ionic Solids.
A5.5. Standard Reduction Potentials at 25°C (298K) for Many Common Half-Reactions.
Appendix 6: SI Units and Conversion Factors.
Answers to Selected Exercises.

  • Steven S. Zumdahl

    Steve Zumdahl is the author of market-leading textbooks in introductory chemistry, general chemistry, honors-level chemistry, and high school chemistry. Recently retired from his long-time position as Director of Undergraduate Programs at the University of Illinois, he has received numerous awards for his contributions to chemical education. These include the National Catalyst Award in recognition of his contribution to chemical education, the University of Illinois Teaching Award, the UIUC Liberal Arts and Sciences Advising Award, and the School of Chemical Sciences Teaching Award (five times). He earned his B.S. in Chemistry from Wheaton College (IL), and his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois.

  • The authors, Zumdahl/Zumdahl/DeCoste, have updated the text to make chemistry concepts more accessible for today's students, incorporating current technology, examples and methods likely to resonate with modern readers.

  • New Think-Pair-Share questions encourage students to first attempt to answer the question individually, then discuss their answer with other students, and finally present their solution to the class. These questions often require students to develop a more conceptual understanding of the material or consider applying problem-solving methods relevant to chapter content.

  • Chemistry in Your Career features introduce a diverse group of people who are using their backgrounds in chemistry in a variety of professions, helping students envision a potential future in chemistry.

  • New and revised end-of-chapter questions and problems found in both the text and OWLv2 ensure that instruments and applications are current, that cultural references are relevant and that there is a good balance of easy, medium and more difficult questions to help students progress in their learning.

  • The dynamic art program has been updated for currency and inclusivity, helping bring the material to life for today's visual learners.

  • OWLv2 assignments have been updated to include new end-of-chapter content and targeted feedback has been added to many questions, giving students a helpful layer of additional explanation when they submit an incorrect answer.

  • New End-of–Chapter AP® Questions And Problems have been added throughout the text to ensure alignment to the latest AP® Chemistry Course Framework updates.

  • The 11th Edition maintains the text's trusted conceptual understanding framework, with a proven focus on equipping students to become effective critical thinkers, asking questions, applying rules and models and evaluating the outcome.

  • The text's step-by-step approach to problem-solving emphasizes using thoughtful, logical strategies rather than simply memorizing procedures, helping students learn how to break down and solve chemical problems effectively.

  • Real-World Application features throughout the text showcase interesting modern applications of chemistry to help students appreciate the relevance of course material and of key chemistry concepts to their lives and world.

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