AE Media/Impact ,
13th Edition

Shirley Biagi

ISBN-13: 9789815243239
Copyright 2025 | Published
416 pages | List Price: USD $173.95

From media history to today's rapid-fire changes, MEDIA/IMPACT: AN INTRODUCTION TO MASS MEDIA, 13th Edition takes you on an exciting tour of the events, people, money, and technologies that have shaped the mass media industries. Known for its engaging writing style, current coverage, and visual appeal, the book explores the legal, ethical, social, and global issues facing the mass media industries every day. The thirteenth edition focuses on convergence--how the mass media industries are intersecting to deliver content and how audiences are adapting to the new mass media marketplace. It also equips you with an insider's look at what it's like to work in each industry. Reflecting the latest trends from the field, the text provides new coverage of digital delivery, net neutrality, media industry consolidation, social media, mobile media, and more. It is also packed with lively new illustrations and a wealth of real-world examples.


1. Mass Media and Everyday Life.
2. Books: Rearranging the Page.
3. Newspapers: Mobilizing Delivery.
4. Magazines: Chasing the Audience.
5. Music: Streaming Sounds.
6. Radio: Riding New Waves.
7. Movies: Digitizing Dreams.
8. Television: Switching Channels.
9. Digital Media: Widening the Web.
10. Advertising: Catching Consumers.
11. Public Relations: Promoting Ideas.
12. News and Information: Staying Connected.
13. Social and Political Issues: Shaping the Arguments.
14. Law and Regulation: Reforming the Rules.
15. Ethics: Taking Responsibility.
16. Global Media: Communicating Change.
Selected References.

  • Shirley Biagi

    Shirley Biagi is a professor in the Department of Communication Studies at California State University, Sacramento. Her bestselling text, MEDIA/IMPACT: AN INTRODUCTION TO MASS MEDIA, is also published in Canadian, Greek, Spanish, and Korean editions. Biagi has authored several other Wadsworth Communication texts, including MEDIA/READER: PERSPECTIVES ON MASS MEDIA INDUSTRIES, EFFECTS AND ISSUES and INTERVIEWS THAT WORK: A PRACTICAL GUIDE FOR JOURNALISTS. Along with Marilyn Kern-Foxworth, she is co-author of FACING DIFFERENCE: RACE, GENDER AND MASS MEDIA.

  • Biagi's MEDIA/IMPACT: AN INTRODUCTION TO MASS MEDIA, 13e, is well-organized into 16 chapters, divided into 3 sections (Section 1: Mass Media Industries, Section 2: Selling the Message and Section 3: Shaping the Message). More than 25 new DataPoints use statistics in a newly designed accessible format to enhance understanding and drive critical analysis.

  • Biagi's MEDIA/IMPACT: AN INTRODUCTION TO MASS MEDIA, 13e, also includes eight TimeFrames, or chronological one-page graphics in each media industry chapter showing significant dates in the historic development of each industry.

  • Five types of Media/Impact Feature Boxes (Impact/Spotlight, Impact/Money, Impact/Digital, Impact/Social and Impact/Global) emphasize contemporary subjects, inclusion and the media's ongoing digital transformation.

  • Biagi's MEDIA/IMPACT: AN INTRODUCTION TO MASS MEDIA, 13e, emphasizes the mass media as interconnected businesses helps students see how economic concepts apply in books, newspapers, magazines, recordings, radio, movies, television and the Internet.

  • Bringing text concepts to life, more than 300 carefully selected all-new photos, cartoons and illustrations throughout the book highlight timely trends and important issues in today's media business.

  • A marginal glossary of key terms runs throughout each chapter, giving students concise definitions right where they need them and helping them build a media vocabulary.

  • Each chapter features robust concluding materials, including a summary organized by headings that correspond to the chapter's major topics, key terms with related chapter page numbers and questions to engage students in critical analysis of the chapter and deepen their understanding.

  • Each industry chapter includes a detailed, illustrated historical TimeFrame of key events to help students understand the progression of mass media.

  • The marginal Glossary key terms are included with an alphabetical listing of Glossary terms and definitions included at the back of the book.

  • At the end of each chapter, this section includes a detailed review of each chapter's material, emphasizing key points. The Critical Questions section offers important questions for class discussions, student essays and projects.

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