AE Theories of Personality,
12th Edition

Duane P. Schultz, Sydney Ellen Schultz, Heather M. Maranges

ISBN-13: 9789815243185
Copyright 2025 | Published
560 pages | List Price: USD $278.95

Schultz/Schultz/Maragnes' THEORIES OF PERSONALITY, 12th EDITION, discusses major theorists and theories. This text not only clearly presents a diverse array of theories of personality, but also does so in a way that is easy to read and that includes details of the theorists’ lives and personalities. Additionally, it includes details of psychological research conducted with real people. Students are invited to reflect on the newly presented information, especially as it applies in their own lives, via the Pause for Reflection feature.


1. Personality: What It Is and Why You Should Care.
2. Sigmund Freud: Psychoanalysis.
3. Carl Jung: Analytical Psychology.
4. Alfred Adler: Individual Psychology.
5. Karen Horney: Neurotic Needs and Trends.
6. Erik Erikson: Identity Theory.
7. Gordon Allport: Motivation and Personality.
8. Raymond Cattell, Hans Eysenck, The Five-Factor Theory, HEXACO, and the Dark Triad.
9. Abraham Maslow: Needs-Hierarchy Theory.
10. Carl Rogers: Self-Actualization Theory.
11. George Kelly: Personal Construct Theory.
12. B. F. Skinner: Reinforcement Theory.
13. Albert Bandura: Modeling Theory
14. Personality in Taking Control, Taking Chances, and Finding Happiness.
15. Personality in Perspective.
Author Index.
Subject Index.

  • Duane P. Schultz

    Duane P. Schultz is a former professor of psychology at the University of South Florida. He has also held faculty appointments at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Mary Washington College of the University of Virginia (now the University of Mary Washington), American University in Washington, D.C., and the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. Dr. Schultz and his wife, Sydney Ellen Schultz, are a well-regarded textbook author team.

  • Sydney Ellen Schultz

    Sydney Ellen Schultz is a writer, editor, and researcher who has developed print and digital publications and teaching materials for publishers, government agencies, schools, and professional associations. She and her husband, Duane Schultz, are well regarded as textbook authors.

  • Heather M. Maranges

    Heather M. Maranges is a theoretical and empirical scholar whose research has been featured in some of the top-tier academic journals in personality and social psychology. She has also authored edited book chapters, encyclopedia entries and a textbook. She was awarded her doctorate in social and personality psychology from Florida State University (Tallahassee, FL). She also received the the prestigious Horizon Postdoctoral Fellowship for research at Concordia University (Montreal, QC, CA) before serving as director of research at a program focused on moral character at Wake Forest University (Winston Salem, NC). Currently, Heather conducts research at Florida State University. Her program of research focuses on what facilitates and hampers cooperation and flourishing, including individual differences, moral cognition, childhood ecologies and social bias and stereotyping.

  • This edition features extensively updated research throughout the chapters. As a result, THEORIES OF PERSONALITY, 12th EDITION, presents the most cutting-edge “tests” of each theory of personality in an accessible way.

  • Pause for Reflections invite students to reflect on the material they have just read and to consider how it applies to their lives and personalities and to people and contexts they care about.

  • DEI Spotlights at the end of each chapter explores how researchers and research building on the different theories of personality help us understand and address issues of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

  • Chapter 15 (Evolutionary Theories of Personality) now covers a major set of theories for why specific personality traits emerge and why they have variations.

  • There are also new learning objectives, review questions, suggested readings and vocabulary terms supporting the ease with which students learn and instructors teach.

  • Chapter outlines, learning objectives, chapter summaries, critical-thinking review questions, key terms, a margin glossary, a full glossary, a complete reference list and annotated reading lists help students master the material.

  • Chapter 15 (Personality in Perspective) reviews the major factors that have emerged from the study of personality theories. It also suggests conclusions related to conscious and unconscious influences (such as genetics, the environment, learning, parental influences and developmental aspects) that students may draw from their study and analysis of the material discussed in the preceding chapters.

  • Chapter One includes a user-friendly introduction to the study of personality with a do-it-yourself adjective checklist to help students describe their own personalities.

  • Research findings are summarized throughout the text in "Highlights" boxes. Bullet point lists help students organize and compare the results of research studies.

  • Each theory is presented in a unit that clearly conveys that theory's ideas, assumptions, definitions, and methods. This presentation allows students to more easily synthesize all facets of each theory.

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