Learn Chinese Through Stories is a kindergarten series for beginning learners of Chinese. It consists of two levels, each offering two Student Books. Each Student Book contains four units centered on different stories from the World Chinese Graded Readers. Through these stories, students will learn basic vocabulary and develop listening and speaking skills. The Student Books feature a wide variety of practices and activities with beautiful illustrations. Additional resources such as instructor’s manual, teaching aids, and audio recordings of stories are available on the companion website. Visit https://www.cengageresource.com/clt/lcts.
• Unit 1: Hello! 你好!
• Unit 2: What Time Is It? 几点了?
• Unit 3: I Take Good Care of My Body我的身体我照顾
• Unit 4: The Rainbow彩虹
Edy Chung
Edy Chung is Head of Department for Chinese at Sutomo School, Medan, Indonesia. He has been teaching Chinese at middle and high schools since 2004. He has decades of experience in teaching, curriculum planning and management and possesses an in-depth understanding of Chinese language education. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Management from the Institute Science and Technology TD Pardede in Medan, Indonesia. He also holds a Bachelor of Arts in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language from Jinan University in Guangzhou, China.
Cengage eBook: Learn Chinese Through Stories, Kindergarten 1B 12 Months