AE Statistics Management And Economics,
12th Edition

Gerald Keller

ISBN-13: 9789815059434
Copyright 2023 | Published
1000 pages | List Price: USD $261.95

Discover how important statistical methods are for today's managers and economists as you learn how to apply these tools to real business problems with Keller's best-selling STATISTICS FOR MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS, 12E. This edition emphasizes applications over calculations. A unique three-step "ICI" approach to problem solving teaches you how to "identify" the correct statistical technique by focusing on the problem objective and data type; "compute" the statistics by hand or using Excel® XLSTAT or STATA®; and, finally, "interpret" the results within the context of the problem. Data-driven examples and more than 30 cases demonstrate how marketing managers, financial analysts, accountants and economists rely on statistical applications. In addition, thousands of exercises and datasets use real data from individuals, sports teams or the stock market to let you practice what you've learned. MindTap digital resources include XLSTAT commercial Excel add-in and additional activities for practice.


1. What is Statistics?
2. Graphical Descriptive Techniques I.
3. Graphical Descriptive Techniques II.
4. Numerical Descriptive Techniques.
5. Data Collection and Sampling.
6. Probability.
7. Random Variables and Discrete Probability Distributions.
8. Continuous Probability Distributions.
9. Sampling Distributions.
10. Introduction to Estimation.
11. Introduction to Hypothesis Testing.
12. Inference about a Population.
13. Inference about Comparing Two Populations.
14. Analysis of Variance.
15. Chi-Squared Tests.
16. Simple Linear Regression and Correlation.
17. Multiple Regression.
18. Model Building.
19. Nonparametric Statistics.
20. Time-Series Analysis and Forecasting.
21. Statistical Process Control.
22. Decision Analysis.
23. Conclusion.
Appendix A. Data File Sample Statistics.
Appendix B. Tables.
Appendix C. Answers to Selected Even-Numbered Exercises.

  • Gerald Keller

    Gerald Keller is emeritus professor of business at Wilfrid Laurier University, where he taught statistics, management science and operations management from 1974 to 2011.

  • UPDATES AND REVISIONS NOW ALLOW STUDENTS TO USE EXCEL® TO COMPUTE ALL STATISTICAL METHODS. This modification gives you the flexibility to teach this course using whatever approach you prefer – whether that's software-driven, using Excel, XLSTAT or STATA – or with an emphasis on manual computation. Because Excel can be used to compute every statistic, additional software is unnecessary.

  • UPDATED OUTPUT AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING XLSTAT NOW APPEAR IN CHAPTER APPENDIXES. These helpful instructions, integrated throughout the text, enable your students to easily use XLSTAT, data analysis add-in for Excel® for either PC or Mac systems. Students automatically receive XLSTAT commercially available add-in as part of this edition's MindTap digital courseware.

  • ADDITIONAL OUTPUT AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING STATA® APPEAR IN EACH CHAPTER'S APPENDIXES. These additional outputs and instructions are available throughout this edition if you prefer to use STATA software for statistical analysis in your course.

  • ALMOST 1000 NEW EXERCISES ARE ADDED TO THIS EDITION. You can now choose from 2500 exercises in this edition for student practice. This is in addition to 32 case studies and more than 1100 datasets available for download.

  • MINDTAP DIGITAL RESOURCES PROMOTE PROFICIENCY OF THE MATERIAL. MindTap online tools reduce your preparation and grading time while providing comprehensive resources for your students. MindTap includes an interactive eBook, Check Your Knowledge quizzes, algorithmic end-of-chapter exercises for homework assignments with solutions and feedback, Exploring Statistics interactive applets and Excel® activities.

  • AUTHOR INTRODUCES ALL TECHNIQUES BY DESCRIBING THE FACTORS THAT INDICATE THEIR USE. Because most courses cover between 25 and 40 inferential methods, students must to be taught how to identify the correct technique to use. The edition's "ICI" approach directly addresses that issue. Students learn to "identify" the correct statistical technique by focusing on the problem objective, data type, and other factors, including experimental design. Students then "compute" the statistics and "interpret" results within the context of the problem.

  • REVIEW APPENDIXES FEATURE FLOWCHARTS AND EXERCISES THAT REQUIRE STUDENTS TO APPLY TECHNIQUES. Because these reviews require students to collectively use all of the techniques introduced up to that point, the students demonstrate that they truly understand and can apply the principles before moving ahead.

  • INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGY TOOLS ALLOW YOU TO MOVE STUDENTS AWAY FROM MOST OR ALL MANUAL CALCULATIONS, IF DESIRED. This edition's extensive use of computers and well-known software allows you to eliminate all or some of the manual calculations. This approach gives you the additional time to address real statistics problems in your course in detail.

  • UNIQUE APPROACH ENABLES YOU TO TEST KNOWLEDGE WITH CALCULATION-FREE EXAMINATIONS. You can carry through this edition's emphasis on applications over calculations in your student testing. This approach makes it possible to use calculation-free exams and quizzes that simply test your students' ability to do statistics. If you have questions, you can contact the text's author for details or support.

  • INTERESTING DATA FROM RECENT SURVEYS CAPTURES STUDENT INTERESTAND EMPHASIZES RELEVANCE. Use of the most recent ten General Social Surveys and the latest five Surveys of Consumer Finances allows students to work with real data involving interesting, contemporary issues. Students examine data related to politics, education, assets, incomes and consumer debts from actual individuals. Other datasets include more than 60 four-year monthly returns of stocks on the New York, Toronto, and NASDAQ exchanges; data related to climate change; and data demonstrating how payrolls affect the success of sports teams.

  • EMPHASIS ON IDENTIFICATION AND INTERPRETATION EQUIPS STUDENTS WITH PRACTICAL SKILLS. With this book’s emphasis on applications rather than calculations, your student master and practice skills they can apply to real-world problems, whether you choose to use manual or computer calculations.

  • STUDENTS HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO CONVERT REAL DATA INTO INFORMATION. This book gives you flexibility, with the optional use of computer software, to teach your students how to work with larger datasets and more realistic exercises and examples.

  • EXTENSIVE DATA SETS GIVE YOU THE FLEXIBILITY TO DEVELOP ADDITIONAL PRACTICE. You have the opportunity to use this edition’s convenient and complete datasets to build hundreds of additional examples and exercises.

  • OPTIONAL CONTENT IN APPENDIX A ALLOWS YOU TO EMPHASIZE MANUAL CALCULATIONS USING DATASETS. Appendix A provides calculated statistics from many of the datasets that enable you, if you prefer, to teach manual calculations using this edition's datasets.

  • ENSURE ACCURACY. The author has double-checked all answers to even-numbered exercises in Appendix C to ensure a precise solution resource that you and your students can trust.

  • CAREFULLY CHECKED SOLUTIONS ENSURE ACCURACY. The author has double-checked all answers to even-numbered exercises in Appendix C to ensure a precise solution resource that you and your students can trust.

  • MINDTAP DIGITAL RESOURCES PROMOTE MASTERY OF THE MATERIAL. MindTap online tools reduce your preparation and grading time while providing comprehensive resources for your students. MindTap includes an interactive eBook, Check Your Knowledge quizzes, algorithmic end-of-chapter exercises for homework assignments with solutions and feedback, Exploring Statistics interactive applets and Excel® activities.

Cengage provides a range of supplements that are updated in coordination with the main title selection. For more information about these supplements, contact your Learning Consultant.