Provide an inviting, superbly written introduction to macroeconomics that allows all types of students to quickly grasp macroeconomic concepts and build a strong foundation. The most widely-used learning solution in economics classrooms worldwide, written by acclaimed author and economist Gregory Mankiw, PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS, 9E focuses on the most important macroeconomic principles to avoid overwhelming students with excessive detail. Extensive updates, relevant contemporary examples and carefully crafted content present the understanding your students need at key moments in your course. This edition works seamlessly with the latest MindTap digital course solutions and powerful student-focused resources, featuring the highly acclaimed Graph Builder and enhanced Adaptive Test Prep. A team of award-winning teaching economists have further strengthened this edition's leading ancillary support with more relevance, engagement, and interactive learning opportunities.
About the Author.
Brief Contents.
Table of Contents.
1. Ten Principles of Economics.
2. Thinking Like an Economist.
3. Interdependence and the Gains from Trade.
4. The Market Forces of Supply and Demand.
5. Elasticity and Its Application.
6. Supply, Demand, and Government Policies.
7. Consumers, Producers, and the Efficiency of Markets.
8. Application: The Costs of Taxation.
9. Application: International Trade.
10. Measuring a Nation’s Income.
11. Measuring the Cost of Living.
12. Production and Growth.
13. Saving, Investment, and the Financial System.
14. The Basic Tools of Finance.
15. Unemployment and Its Natural Rate.
16. The Monetary System.
17. Money Growth and Inflation.
18. Open-Economy Macroeconomics: Basic Concepts.
19. A Macroeconomic Theory of the Open Economy.
20. Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply.
21. The Influence of Monetary and Fiscal Policy on Aggregate Demand.
22. The Short-Run Tradeoff between Inflation and Unemployment.
23. Six Debates over Macroeconomic Policy.
N. Gregory Mankiw
N. Gregory Mankiw is the Robert M. Beren Professor of Economics at Harvard University. For 14 years he taught EC10 Principles, the most popular course at Harvard. Dr. Mankiw studied economics at Princeton University and MIT. He is a prolific writer and a regular participant in academic and policy debates. His research includes work on price adjustment, consumer behavior, financial markets, monetary and fiscal policy and economic growth. Dr. Mankiw's articles have appeared in academic journals such as the American Economic Review, Journal of Political Economy and Quarterly Journal of Economics. His work has also appeared in more widely accessible forums, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal and Fortune. Dr. Mankiw has been a research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research, an adviser to the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and the Congressional Budget Office and a member of the ETS® test development committee for the advanced placement exam in economics. From 2003 to 2005, Dr. Mankiw served as chairman of the President’s Council of Economic Advisers.
UPDATED "ASK THE EXPERTS" BOXES HIGHLIGHT THE LATEST OPINIONS FROM THE WORLD’S MOST PROMINENT ECONOMISTS. This updated learning feature highlights the IGM Economics Experts Panel, a longitudinal survey of several dozens of the world’s most prominent economists. Every few weeks these experts review a proposition and respond whether they agree with it, disagree with it, or are uncertain. The insights from this feature demonstrate for your students numerous situations when economists are united, divided, or simply don’t know what to think.
EXTENSIVELY UPDATED COVERAGE OF RELEVANT, CURRENT MACROECONOMIC TOPICS ADDRESSES THE LATEST DEVELOPING ISSUES. Numerous chapters reflect the latest developments. The most comprehensive updates include coverage of measuring a nation’s income (Ch. 10), measuring the cost of living (Ch. 11), production and growth (Ch.12), and unemployment and its natural rate (Ch. 15).
NUMEROUS NEW AND UPDATED "IN THE NEWS," "FYI," AND "CASE STUDY" FEATURES HIGHLIGHT RECENT AND SIGNIFICANT MACROECONOMIC EVENTS. You and your students stay up to date on the today’s most recent economic changes and developments as these features highlight events that have made headlines. Engaging explanations detail the significant of these developments on macroeconomic decisions today.
"EXPLORE MINDTAP FOR MANKIW 9E: A VIDEO TUTORIAL" SHOWS STUDENTS HOW TO UTILIZE MINDTAP MOST EFFECTIVELY. This short video-based exercise is assignable and the perfect primer to maximize each student’s effectiveness in using MindTap starting on the first day of class. This video tutorial supports your students with a quick understanding of the multitude of student-focus resources available to them in this edition. The video efficiently highlights the advantages of MindTap, including the interactive eReader, StudyHub, Adaptive Test Prep, and Graph Builder.
UPDATED BEST-SELLING ONLINE HOMEWORK SOLUTION -- APLIA IN MINDTAP -- NOW OFFERS MORE. The 9th Edition Aplia question sets are completely redesigned to more closely align to this edition’s Problems and Application questions at the end of each chapter. Updated Aplia technology also now offers an optimized mobile experience on the iPad with improved graphing tool precision and better grading functionality for your and your students' convenience.
"VIDEO PROBLEM WALK-THROUGHS" HELP STUDENTS OVERCOME ROADBLOCKS IN LEARNING. This popular learning resource shows students how to solve macroeconomics questions from start to finish. These videos tackle the all-too-familiar challenge of students running into stumbling blocks when working through assignments. These concise videos support the student in that moment, which is not always during your office hours, when they are puzzled and most teachable. Walk-Through Videos are an ideal resource for this "twelve o’clock hour" dilemma.
UPDATED END-OF-CHAPTER MATERIALS PROVIDE INVALUABLE PRINTED PRACTICE PLUS DIGITAL SUPPORT. "Chapter Quick Quizzes," "Questions for Review," and "Problems and Applications" now reflect this edition’s most recent content updates. The "Chapter Quick Quizzes" and "Problems and Applications" are completely digitized in MindTap and are fully gradable. "Problem and Applications" are also available as algorithmic sets in MindTap only.
UPDATED "ASK THE EXPERTS" BOXES HIGHLIGHT THE LATEST OPINIONS FROM THE WORLD’S MOST PROMINENT ECONOMISTS. This updated learning feature highlights the IGM Economics Experts Panel, a longitudinal survey of several dozens of the world’s most prominent economists. Every few weeks these experts review a proposition and respond whether they agree with it, disagree with it, or are uncertain. The insights from this feature demonstrate for your students numerous situations when economists are united, divided, or simply don’t know what to think.
EXTENSIVELY UPDATED COVERAGE OF RELEVANT, CURRENT MACROECONOMIC TOPICS ADDRESSES THE LATEST DEVELOPING ISSUES. Numerous chapters reflect the latest developments. The most comprehensive updates include coverage of measuring a nation’s income (Ch. 10), measuring the cost of living (Ch. 11), production and growth (Ch.12), and unemployment and its natural rate (Ch. 15).
NUMEROUS NEW AND UPDATED "IN THE NEWS," "FYI," AND "CASE STUDY" FEATURES HIGHLIGHT RECENT AND SIGNIFICANT MACROECONOMIC EVENTS. You and your students stay up to date on the today’s most recent economic changes and developments as these features highlight events that have made headlines. Engaging explanations detail the significant of these developments on macroeconomic decisions today.
"EXPLORE MINDTAP FOR MANKIW 9E: A VIDEO TUTORIAL" SHOWS STUDENTS HOW TO UTILIZE MINDTAP MOST EFFECTIVELY. This short video-based exercise is assignable and the perfect primer to maximize each student’s effectiveness in using MindTap starting on the first day of class. This video tutorial supports your students with a quick understanding of the multitude of student-focus resources available to them in this edition. The video efficiently highlights the advantages of MindTap, including the interactive eReader, StudyHub, Adaptive Test Prep, and Graph Builder.
UPDATED BEST-SELLING ONLINE HOMEWORK SOLUTION -- APLIA IN MINDTAP -- NOW OFFERS MORE. The 9th Edition Aplia question sets are completely redesigned to more closely align to this edition’s Problems and Application questions at the end of each chapter. Updated Aplia technology also now offers an optimized mobile experience on the iPad with improved graphing tool precision and better grading functionality for your and your students' convenience.
"VIDEO PROBLEM WALK-THROUGHS" HELP STUDENTS OVERCOME ROADBLOCKS IN LEARNING. This popular learning resource shows students how to solve macroeconomics questions from start to finish. These videos tackle the all-too-familiar challenge of students running into stumbling blocks when working through assignments. These concise videos support the student in that moment, which is not always during your office hours, when they are puzzled and most teachable. Walk-Through Videos are an ideal resource for this "twelve o’clock hour" dilemma.
UPDATED END-OF-CHAPTER MATERIALS PROVIDE INVALUABLE PRINTED PRACTICE PLUS DIGITAL SUPPORT. "Chapter Quick Quizzes," "Questions for Review," and "Problems and Applications" now reflect this edition’s most recent content updates. The "Chapter Quick Quizzes" and "Problems and Applications" are completely digitized in MindTap and are fully gradable. "Problem and Applications" are also available as algorithmic sets in MindTap only.