Organized around the central theme of homeostasis, HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY, 9e, helps students appreciate the integrated functioning of the human body. Author Lauralee Sherwood uses clear, straightforward language, analogies, and frequent references to everyday experiences to help students learn and relate to physiology concepts. The vibrant art program and empowering digital resources—including robust 3D animations and rich homework problems—enable students to visualize important concepts and processes. By focusing on core principles and sharing her enthusiasm for the subject matter, Sherwood helps students develop a solid foundation for future courses and careers in the health professions.
1. Introduction to Physiology and Homeostasis.
2. Cell Physiology.
3. The Plasma Membrane and Membrane Potential.
4. Principles of Neural and Hormonal Communication.
5. The Central Nervous System.
6. The Peripheral Nervous System: Afferent Division; Special Senses.
7. The Peripheral Nervous System: Efferent Division.
8. Muscle Physiology.
9. Cardiac Physiology.
10. The Blood Vessels and Blood Pressure.
11. The Blood.
12. Body Defenses.
13. The Respiratory System.
14. The Urinary System.
15. Fluid and Acid–Base Balance.
16. The Digestive System.
17. Energy Balance and Temperature Regulation.
18. Principles of Endocrinology; The Central Endocrine Glands.
19. The Peripheral Endocrine Glands.
20. The Reproductive System.
Appendix: A Review of Chemical Principles.
Appendix: Text References to Exercise Physiology.
Appendix: Answers to Check Your Understanding, End-of-Chapter Objective Questions, Quantitative Exercises, Points to Ponder, and Clinical Considerations.
Lauralee Sherwood
Following graduation from Michigan State University in 1966, Dr. Lauralee Sherwood joined the faculty at West Virginia University, where she is currently a Professor in the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, School of Medicine. For the past 40 years, Professor Sherwood has taught an average of over 400 students each year in physiology courses for pharmacy, medical technology, physical therapy, occupational therapy, nursing, medical, dental, dental hygiene, nutrition, exercise physiology, and athletic training majors. She has authored three physiology textbooks: HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY: FROM CELLS TO SYSTEMS, FUNDAMENTALS OF HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY, and ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY: FROM GENES TO ORGANISMS, all published by Cengage Learning/Brooks/Cole. Dr. Sherwood has received numerous teaching awards, including an Amoco Foundation Outstanding Teacher Award, a Golden Key National Honor Society Outstanding Faculty Award, two listings in Who's Who Among America's Teachers, and the Dean's Award of Excellence in Education.
HOMEOSTASIS THEME: The central theme of homeostasis helps students understand the relationship among the body systems. Each chapter begins with "Homeostasis Highlights" and ends with "Homeostasis: Chapter in Perspective," both of which help students to see how a particular system contributes to the body as a whole.
PEDAGOGICAL ART: Widespread use of integrated descriptions within figures, including numerous process-oriented figures with step-by-step descriptions, allows visually oriented students to review processes through figures. New figure-focus questions, designed to check and promote comprehension, ask students to analyze, interpret, infer, and apply the content of 120 key figures.
RELEVANCY: "Concepts, Challenges, and Controversies" boxes expose students to high-interest and relevant information on such diverse topics as environmental impact on the body, stem cell research, acupuncture, strokes, and more. "A Closer Look at Exercise Physiology" boxes increase awareness of the importance of physical fitness and show physiological impacts of exercise.
TOPIC SUPPORT: "Check Your Understanding" questions appear after each major section to help students review the main ideas just discussed. Also, at the end of each chapter, "Review Exercises" feature a Blooms-based organization, allowing students to progress from a basic review of key terms and concepts, through quantitative exercises, to a case study that challenges them to apply their knowledge to a patient's specific symptoms, and finally to "Thinking at a Higher Level" questions that encourage them to analyze what they have learned.
STUDY CARDS: Tear-out study cards for each chapter contain concept summaries and key figures and allow students to study anywhere at any time. The study cards present the major points of each chapter in concise, section-by-section bulleted lists, including cross-references for page numbers, figures, and tables.
HOMEOSTASIS THEME: The central theme of homeostasis helps students understand the relationship among the body systems. Each chapter begins with "Homeostasis Highlights" and ends with "Homeostasis: Chapter in Perspective," both of which help students to see how a particular system contributes to the body as a whole.
PEDAGOGICAL ART: Widespread use of integrated descriptions within figures, including numerous process-oriented figures with step-by-step descriptions, allows visually oriented students to review processes through figures. New figure-focus questions, designed to check and promote comprehension, ask students to analyze, interpret, infer, and apply the content of 120 key figures.
RELEVANCY: "Concepts, Challenges, and Controversies" boxes expose students to high-interest and relevant information on such diverse topics as environmental impact on the body, stem cell research, acupuncture, strokes, and more. "A Closer Look at Exercise Physiology" boxes increase awareness of the importance of physical fitness and show physiological impacts of exercise.
TOPIC SUPPORT: "Check Your Understanding" questions appear after each major section to help students review the main ideas just discussed. Also, at the end of each chapter, "Review Exercises" feature a Blooms-based organization, allowing students to progress from a basic review of key terms and concepts, through quantitative exercises, to a case study that challenges them to apply their knowledge to a patient's specific symptoms, and finally to "Thinking at a Higher Level" questions that encourage them to analyze what they have learned.
STUDY CARDS: Tear-out study cards for each chapter contain concept summaries and key figures and allow students to study anywhere at any time. The study cards present the major points of each chapter in concise, section-by-section bulleted lists, including cross-references for page numbers, figures, and tables.