AE Psychology: Themes And Variations,
10th Edition

Wayne Weiten

ISBN-13: 9789814846417
Copyright 2017 | Published
752 pages | List Price: USD $239.95

PSYCHOLOGY: THEMES AND VARIATIONS, 10th Edition, is a fusion of the full-length and briefer versions that preceded it. The text continues to offer a superb thematic organization together with practical applications and examples that help students see beyond research to big-picture concepts. Often described as a challenging book that is easy to learn from, the book surveys psychology's broad range of content with three aims: to illuminate the process of research and its relationship to application, to show both the unity and diversity of psychology's subject matter, and to help students master the basic concepts and principles of psychology with as little struggle as possible. Weiten's themes provide unifying threads across chapters that help students to see the connections among different research areas in psychology. A dynamic, teaching-oriented illustration program -- including new color-coded Concept Charts -- further enhances these themes.


1. The Evolution of Psychology.
2. The Research Enterprise in Psychology.
3. The Biological Bases of Behavior.
4. Sensation and Perception.
5. Variations in Consciousness.
6. Learning.
7. Human Memory.
8. Cognition and Intelligence.
9. Motivation and Emotion.
10. Human Development Across the Life Span.
11. Personality.
12. Social Behavior.
13. Stress, Coping, and Health.
14. Psychological Disorders.
15. Treatment of Psychological Disorders.
Appendix A: Answers to Concept Checks.
Appendix B: Statistical Methods.
Appendix C: Sustainability

  • Wayne Weiten

    Wayne Weiten is a graduate of Bradley University and received his Ph.D. in social psychology from the University of Illinois, Chicago in 1981. He has taught at the College of DuPage and Santa Clara University, and currently teaches at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He has received distinguished teaching awards from Division Two of the American Psychological Association (APA) and from the College of DuPage. He is a Fellow of Divisions 1, 2, and 8 of the American Psychological Association and a Fellow of the Midwestern Psychological Association. In 1991, he helped chair the APA National Conference on Enhancing the Quality of Undergraduate Education in Psychology. He is a former President of the Society for the Teaching of Psychology and the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association. In 2006, one of the five national teaching awards given annually by the Society for the Teaching of Psychology was named in his honor. Weiten has conducted research on a wide range of topics, including educational measurement, jury decision-making, attribution theory, pressure as a form of stress, and the technology of textbooks.

  • Each chapter opens with an engagement activity that takes on common myths and misperceptions in psychology with a fun, "pub quiz" type of approach. Students consider their own beliefs and perceptions, and their curiosity about psychology is sparked.

  • A highly-praised didactic illustration program features figures, diagrams, photos, tables, and graphs that work hand in hand with the narrative to clarify main points. For example, six Illustrated Overviews provide well-organized reviews of key ideas in the areas of research, sensation and perception, learning, personality theory, psychopathology, and psychotherapy. Diagrams of major concepts (e.g., conditioning) are often repeated in chapters (with variations) to highlight connections among research areas. Dynamic, zoomable versions of illustrations are available in MindTap®.

  • MindTap® for Weiten's Introduction to Psychology: Themes and Variations, an interactive online teaching and learning platform, integrates course readings, videos, Weiten-created PsykTrek animations, activities, apps, and assessments into a learning path that guides students through the course. Instructors can easily modify content, integrate their own content, and follow student progress with powerful analytics and reports.

  • Seven unifying themes provide threads of continuity across chapters and a forum for a relatively sophisticated discussion of enduring issues in psychology. They also focus a spotlight on a number of basic insights about psychology. The themes emphasize that psychology is an empirical science, that its theoretical diversity is a strength, that the field evolves in a sociohistorical context, that behavior is determined by multiple causes and shaped by one's culture, that heredity and environment interactively influence behavior, and that our experience of the world is highly subjective.

  • A two- to five-page Personal Application near the end of every chapter offers insight into the practical side of psychology by focusing on a single issue, such as improving stress management and finding and reading journal articles. Although most of the Personal Application sections have a "how-to" approach, they also review studies and summarize data in much the same way as the main body of each chapter. Thus, they portray research and application as two sides of the same coin.

  • Critical Thinking Applications do more than simply review controversial research critically, as is typically the case in other introductory texts. Instead, they actually teach students critical thinking skills that they can use in their academic and personal lives. Topics covered include looking for contradictory evidence; recognizing anecdotal evidence, circular reasoning, hindsight bias, reification, weak analogies, and false dichotomies; and evaluating arguments systematically.

  • Reality Checks sprinkled throughout the chapters address common misconceptions related to psychology and provide direct refutations of the misinformation. Examples include the notion that people use only 10% of their brains; the assumption that people who are colorblind see the world in black and white; and the idea that it is dangerous to awaken someone who is sleepwalking.

  • Each chapter opens with an engagement activity that takes on common myths and misperceptions in psychology with a fun, "pub quiz" type of approach. Students consider their own beliefs and perceptions, and their curiosity about psychology is sparked.

  • A highly-praised didactic illustration program features figures, diagrams, photos, tables, and graphs that work hand in hand with the narrative to clarify main points. For example, six Illustrated Overviews provide well-organized reviews of key ideas in the areas of research, sensation and perception, learning, personality theory, psychopathology, and psychotherapy. Diagrams of major concepts (e.g., conditioning) are often repeated in chapters (with variations) to highlight connections among research areas. Dynamic, zoomable versions of illustrations are available in MindTap®.

  • MindTap® for Weiten's Introduction to Psychology: Themes and Variations, an interactive online teaching and learning platform, integrates course readings, videos, Weiten-created PsykTrek animations, activities, apps, and assessments into a learning path that guides students through the course. Instructors can easily modify content, integrate their own content, and follow student progress with powerful analytics and reports.

  • Seven unifying themes provide threads of continuity across chapters and a forum for a relatively sophisticated discussion of enduring issues in psychology. They also focus a spotlight on a number of basic insights about psychology. The themes emphasize that psychology is an empirical science, that its theoretical diversity is a strength, that the field evolves in a sociohistorical context, that behavior is determined by multiple causes and shaped by one's culture, that heredity and environment interactively influence behavior, and that our experience of the world is highly subjective.

  • A two- to five-page Personal Application near the end of every chapter offers insight into the practical side of psychology by focusing on a single issue, such as improving stress management and finding and reading journal articles. Although most of the Personal Application sections have a "how-to" approach, they also review studies and summarize data in much the same way as the main body of each chapter. Thus, they portray research and application as two sides of the same coin.

  • Critical Thinking Applications do more than simply review controversial research critically, as is typically the case in other introductory texts. Instead, they actually teach students critical thinking skills that they can use in their academic and personal lives. Topics covered include looking for contradictory evidence; recognizing anecdotal evidence, circular reasoning, hindsight bias, reification, weak analogies, and false dichotomies; and evaluating arguments systematically.

  • Reality Checks sprinkled throughout the chapters address common misconceptions related to psychology and provide direct refutations of the misinformation. Examples include the notion that people use only 10% of their brains; the assumption that people who are colorblind see the world in black and white; and the idea that it is dangerous to awaken someone who is sleepwalking.

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