Chinese through Idioms,
1st Edition

Wanxun Zhao

ISBN-13: 9789814392808
Copyright 2012 | Published
160 pages | List Price: USD $15.90


Chapter 1 盲人摸象
Chapter 2 叶公好龙
Chapter 3 东施效颦
Chapter 4 自相矛盾
Chapter 5 愚公移山
Chapter 6 亡羊补牢
Chapter 7 杞人忧天
Chapter 8 南辕北辙
Chapter 9 郑人买履
Chapter 10 画蛇添足
Chapter 11 塞翁失马,焉知非福
Chapter 12 画龙点睛
Chapter 13 黔驴技穷
Chapter 14 掩耳盗铃
Chapter 15 朝三暮四
Chapter 16 守株待兔

  • Wanxun Zhao

    Zhao Wanxun is a lecturer at Renmin University of China, Chinese language teacher at Confucius Institute, and member of the International Society of Chinese Language Teaching. He graduated with a Masters degree in the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language and language pedagogy from Beijing Language and Culture University in 2002. Since then, he has been involved in teaching Chinese to speakers of other languages, and spent four years working at Eastern Institute in Far Eastern Federal University, Russia, and Confucius Institute in University College Dublin, Ireland. His main area of research interest pertains to the design of Chinese language teaching and curriculum development. The teaching materials he developed are characterized by detailed grammar instruction, engaging classroom interaction and balanced use of text and pictures, all of which enhance teaching and learning.

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