Business Chinese Today is a three-level, six-title series developed to meet the learning needs of both working adults and mature students who are seeking to develop their fluency in business Chinese. This series is authored by Dr Koh Hock Kiat, director of the Confucius Institute at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; and Dr Peng Zhihong, assistant director at the same institute. Both Dr Koh and Dr Hong have extensive experience in offering business Chinese courses and are very aware of the learning needs of this group of students. Business Chinese Today aims to equip learners with the essential skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) for effective communication in Chinese business settings.
Lesson 1 Sino-Singapore Trade Relations 中新经贸关系
Lesson 2 Marketing 市场营销
Lesson 3 International Trade and Trade Protectionism 国际贸易与贸易保护主义
Lesson 4 Brand: The Intangible Asset of a Company 品牌:企业的无形资产
Lesson 5 Human Resource Management 人力资源管理
Lesson 6 Competitive Edge of the Company 企业竞争优势
Lesson 7 Mergers and Acquisition 企业并购
Lesson 8 Contract Signing and Dispute Resolution签订合同与解决争议
Lesson 9 Foreign Exchange Market 外汇市场
Lesson 10 Futures Market 期货市场
Appendix 1 References 课文参考资料来源
Appendix 2 Answer Key “活动与练习”参考答案
Appendix 3 Vocabulary Index 词汇总表
Kiat Hock Koh
Dr. Koh Hock Kiat Affiliation: Director, Confucius Institute at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Hong Zhi Peng
Affiliation: Assistant Director, Confucius Institute at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Business Chinese course designed to quickly raise Chinese language proficiency
Modular system caters for learners of different levels with different skills
Developed by the experienced teaching team at the Confucius Institute, NTU
Extensive coverage of modern business related topics
Reading passages based on real-life business/work scenarios
Introduce commonly used business/work related vocabulary
Vocabulary section with pinyin and English meanings to aid learning
Listening, speaking, reading and writing exercises designed to develop language fluency
Audio CDs for each level provide listening practice