Go! Chinese Workbook Level 500 (Traditional Character Edition),
1st Edition


ISBN-13: 9789814336147
Copyright 2012 | Published
84 pages | List Price: USD $19.95

Cengage Learning and IQ Chinese bring to you Go! Chinese, a textbook series for learners of Chinese as a foreign language. The 8-level program is divided into two series: Beginner and Intermediate. The Beginner Series (Go100 – 400) provides a solid foundation for continued study of the Intermediate Series (Go500 – 800). The Beginner Series equips students with vocabulary and common expressions for everyday interactions in Chinese, while the Intermediate Series places more emphasis on cultural comparison, self-expression and opinion exchange. Each level includes a student text, a workbook, and a companion CD-ROM.


Lesson 1 My Name 我的名字

Lesson 2 My Classmates 我的同学

Lesson 3 My Friends 我的朋友

Lesson 4 My Favorite Books 我爱看的书

Lesson 5 Let's Go to the Market 我们去买菜

Review 1

Lesson 6 Who Does the Housework 谁来做家务

Lesson 7 Safety in the Kitchen 厨房安全

Lesson 8 My School 我的学校

Lesson 9 Lunar New Year 中国新年

Lesson 10 Interesting Chinese Characters 有趣的中国字

Review 2

  • UDN

    The United Daily News is a newspaper published in Taiwan in Traditional Chinese. It is the third biggest newspaper in Taiwan

  • Develops students’ four language skills while imparting cultural knowledge through the assimilation of cultural information in each topic.

  • Incorporates topics relevant to students’ everyday lives such as family, school, community, friends, personal interests, sports and festive activities.

  • Integrates a wide variety of communicative activities such as role play, interview, and games to allow students to practice using the language in meaningful contexts.

  • The companion CD-ROM features audio recordings of the reading passages, word games, quizzes, and Chinese typing exercises to improve students’ listening, pronunciation, pinyin, and word recognition.

  • Students will acquire approximately 1,000 Chinese characters and 2,400 common phrases upon completion of the Beginner and Intermediate series.

Cengage provides a range of supplements that are updated in coordination with the main title selection. For more information about these supplements, contact your Learning Consultant.