Part I – Introduction to Corporate Governance
1. Defining corporate governance and key theoretical models
2. Corporate control across the world
3. Control versus ownership rights
Part II – Macro Corporate Governance
4. Taxonomies of corporate governance systems
5. Corporate governance, types of financial systems and economic growth
6. Corporate governance regulation in an international context
Part III – Improving Corporate Governance
7. Boards of directors
8. Incentivising managers and the disciplining of badly performing managers
9. Corporate governance in emerging markets
10. Contractual corporate governance
11. Corporate governance in initial public offerings
12. Behavioural biases and corporate governance
Part IV – Corporate Governance and Stakeholders
13. Corporate social responsibility and socially responsible investment
14. Debtholders
15. Employee rights and voice across corporate governance systems
16. The role of gatekeepers in corporate governance
Part V – Conclusions
17. Learning from diversity and future challenges for corporate governance
Part VI – Glossary
Marc Goergen
Marc Goergen is Professor of Finance at Cardiff Business School, a Research Associate of the European Corporate Governance Institute and a former member of the ICAEW Corporate Governance Committee. He has published widely in academic journals on corporate governance, finance and human resource management, including the Journal of Finance, the British Journal of Management, Industrial Relations Journal and the Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization. He is also the author of three research monographs on corporate governance.
The structure of the textbook has changed to improve the flow.
The book has been updated extensively, including many of the case studies which have been replaced with more up-to-date material.
The definition of corporate governance in Chapter 1 – which is used throughout this book – now distinguishes between four types of conflicts of interests rather than just three.
An appendix with an extensive discussion of Jensen and Meckling’s principal-agency model has been added to Chapter 1.
Chapter 6 (Corporate Governance Regulation) now includes brief summaries of the regulatory approach and focus in China, Japan, Germany and India.
A new chapter (Chapter 7) has been added focusing exclusively on boards of directors.
A new section on the corporate governance needs of Initial Public Offering (IPO) firms has been added to Chapter 11.
Chapter 12 has been extensively updated to reflect recent advances in research on the effects of gender and age on corporate governance.
Text boxes with real-world examples of corporate governance in action highlight the key concepts in each chapter.
The content reflects the latest developments in corporate governance, including the effects of the global Financial Crisis.
Discussion questions at the end of every chapter enable students to think critically about what they have just learned and apply their knowledge.
Key reading and further reading sections allow students to explore the theory and practice of corporate governance in more detail.
A comprehensive glossary covers the key technical terms and definitions relating to corporate governance.
Cengage eBook: Corporate Governance 12 Months