EXPLORACIONES CURSO INTERMEDIO Enhanced is an engaging program that will help you build proficiency in all the language skill and communicate in many contexts. This program also includes a full suite of learning aids to help you achieve at the intermediate level, including tear-out chapter review study cards, online self-quizzes, new grammar videos, downloadable flash cards, feedback on your answers, and more.
Communicative Objective.
At the end of the chapter, you will be able to: Discuss personal relations and cultural values. Improve your ability to narrate past events. Estrategia para avanzar: Marking time with verb endings.
Vocabulary and Video.
Family and terms related to personal relationships. Video: Abuelos chilenos bailaron porque burlaron a la muerte.
A perfeccionar: Preterite and imperfect. Estructuras 1: Pronominal verbs (reflexive se and process se). Estructuras 2: Reciprocal verbs.
Culture (5Cs).
Las nuevas generaciones y el cambio. Conexiones a la economía: Los tiempos cambian. Comparaciones: De generación a generación. Cultura: Cambia el mapa de familias mexicanas.
Comunidad feature.
Un blog (Introduction to and the creation of the first entry in the blog feature that appears in all chapters).
Video and Literature.
Cortometraje: Sirenas de fondo (10 min). Literatura: La foto, por Enrique Anderson Imbert (Argentina).
Communicative Objective.
At the end of the chapter, you will be able to: Discuss traditions and celebrations. Describe cultural values and aspects of relationships. Express opinions. Express desires and give recommendations. Estrategia para avanzar: Using circumlocution.
Vocabulary and Video.
Traditions, customs, and values. Video: España ¿el ocaso del matrimonio?
A perfeccionar: Commands. Estructuras 1: Subjunctive with impersonal expressions. Estructuras 2: Subjunctive with expressions of desire and verbs of influence.
Culture (5Cs).
Cultura, lengua y tradición. Conexiones a la antropología: La lengua como parte fundamental de una cultura. Comparaciones: Los apellidos: tradición y cultura. Cultura: Artesanías del mundo hispanohablante.
Comunidad feature.
Ensayo informativo (Explain a tradition common in a Spanish-speaking country).
Video and Literature.
Cortometraje: Rogelio (5 min). Literatura: La zarpa, por José Emilio Pacheco (Mexico).
Communicative Objective.
At the end of the chapter, you will be able to: Discuss eating habits. Express your opinions on what is healthy. Express preferences and make recommendations in regards to food. Compare and contrast eating habits across cultures. Estrategia para avanzar: Recognizing and using sentence connectors.
Vocabulary and Video.
Eating habits, food, diet, and measurement terms. Video: Nutrición: El secreto de la mejor dieta.
A perfeccionar: Ser, estar and hay. Estructuras 1: Subjunctive with verbs of doubt. Estructuras 2: Subjunctive with expressions of emotion.
Culture (5Cs).
La cultura de la comida. Conexiones a la gastronomía: El pan dulce: ¿una tradición en peligro? Comparaciones: La hora del café. Cultura: La comida y los valores cultural.
Comunidad feature.
Descripción (Describe your eating preferences and a favorite food).
Video and Literature.
Cortometraje: La suerte de la fea a la bonita no le importa (8 min). Literatura: Tamales de Cambray, por Claribel Alegría (El Salvador).
Communicative Objective.
At the end of the chapter, you will be able to: Discuss and analyze the role of historical figures from different perspectives. Narrate and describe past events. Estrategia para avanzar: Rehearsing past or future narratives.
Vocabulary and Video.
Social changes, political terms, national identity. Video: El Salvador no olvida a Romero.
A perfeccionar: Preterite vs. imperfect II. Estructuras 1: Imperfect subjunctive. Estructuras 2: Subjunctive with adjectives.
Culture (5Cs).
¿Héroes o villanos? Conexiones a la historia: Más figuras controversiales de Latinoamérica. Comparaciones: La Malinche. Cultura: La cultura de los antihéroes--Mortadelo y Filemón y El Chapulín Colorado.
Comunidad feature.
La biografía (Write a biographical sketch of a person you admire.
Video and Literature.
Cortometraje: Lo importante (11 min). Literatura: La honda de David, por Augusto Monterroso (Guatemala).
Communicative Objective.
At the end of the chapter, you will be able to: Discuss contemporary issues. Talk about what you have done. Discuss opinions and emotional reactions to current and prior events. Estrategia para avanzar: Noticing your mistakes and self-correcting.
Vocabulary and Video.
Contemporary society; technology; civil rights and actions. Video: ¿Cómo es la nueva generación de hispanos en EEUU?
A perfeccionar: Present perfect. Estructuras 1: Present perfect subjuntive. Estructuras 2: Subjunctive with adverbs.
Culture (5Cs).
Sociedades cambiantes. Conexiones a la sociología: Los migrantes y las nuevas generaciones. Comparaciones: Las redes sociales en Hispanoamérica. Cultura: Participación social y evolución de la sociedad.
Comunidad feature.
Ensayo argumentativo (Write about your point of view about a local, national, international, or societal issue).
Video and Literature.
Cortometraje: Pájaros prohibidos (3 min). Literatura: Imposible escribir con tanto ruido, por Antonio Requeni (Argentina).
Communicative Objective.
At the end of the chapter, you will be able to: Narrate past events with more accuracy. Express and support opinions and experiences about films and other forms of entertainment. Estrategia para avanzar: Watching Spanish language movies to experience how native speakers use various tenses to narrate in the past.
Vocabulary and Video.
Film and entertainment. Video: La diversión sobre ruedas en Ciudad de México.
A perfeccionar: Past perfect. Estructuras 1: Past perfect subjunctive. Estructuras 2: Reported speech.
Culture (5Cs).
La industria del entretenimiento. Conexiones a la economía: El fútbol y la industria del entretenimiento. Comparaciones: El entretenimiento y las nuevas generaciones. Cultura: El nuevo cine latinoamericano.
Comunidad feature.
La reseña (Write a review of a film).
Video and Literature.
Cortometraje: Ana y Manuel (11 min). Literatura: Telenovela, por Rosario Castellanos (México).
Communicative Objective.
At the end of the chapter, you will be able to: Discuss work and finances. Talk about what might happen. Estrategia para avanzar: Distinguishing register.
Vocabulary and Video.
Work and finances. Video: La carrera de los restaurantes privados en Cuba.
A perfeccionar: Future tense. Estructuras 1: Conditional tense. Estructuras 2: Future and conditional perfect.
Culture (5Cs).
El trabajo en España y Latinoamérica. Conexiones a los negocios: El alquiler de lavadoras a domicilio genera ganancias. Comparaciones: El desempleo y la juventud. Cultura: El Nacional Monte de Piedad.
Comunidad feature.
Una carta de solicitud de empleo (Write a cover letter for your resume).
Video and Literature.
Cortometraje: La lista (6 min). Literatura: La Pobreza, por Pablo Neruda (Chile).
Communicative Objective.
At the end of the chapter, you will be able to: Compare and contrast rural and urban life. Discuss hypothetical situations. Estrategia para avanzar: Avoiding linguistic breakdown by simplifying the task.
Vocabulary and Video.
Describing and navigating urban and rural areas. Video: Los peligros de ser peatón en Lima.
A perfeccionar: Comparisons. Estructuras 1: Si clauses (possible). Estructuras 2: Si clauses (hypothetical).
Culture (5Cs).
Ciudades latinoamericanas. Conexiones al arte y a la arquitectura: Arte en las ciudades. Comparaciones: La organización de las ciudades. Cultura: El grafiti: arte y voces urbanas. Comunidad feature.
Comparación y contraste (Write a comparison of an aspect of urban and rural life).
Video and Literature.
Cortometraje: A la otra (5 min). Literatura: Algo muy grave va a suceder en este pueblo, por Gabriel García Márquez (Colombia).
Communicative Objective.
At the end of the chapter, you will be able to: Discuss music preferences. Change the focus of a sentence using a passive structure. Distinguish conditions that are results of an action from passive structure. Estrategia para avanzar: Using music to help increase the speed of your speech.
Vocabulary and Video.
Musical instruments and basic terms to talk about music. Video: Los nuevos sonidos de la música indígena latinoamericana: El ritmo combativo del hip-hop mapuche.
A perfeccionar: Uses of se (passive, impersonal and accidental). Estructuras 1: Passive voice. Estructuras 2: Resultant state vs. passive state.
Culture (5Cs).
Música latina. Conexiones a la música: ¿Música latina o música latinoamericana? Comparaciones: Música y poesía. Cultura: Música para el cambio--Manu Chao, Juanes, Juan Luis Guerra, Ricky Martin. Comunidad feature.
Un poema (Write a haiku poem in Spanish).
Video and Literature.
Cortometraje: El árbol de la música (15 min). Literatura: El violinista, por Felipe Fernández (Argentina).
Communicative Objective.
At the end of the chapter, you will be able to: Discuss literary texts. Build interpretation and analysis skills. Estrategia para avanzar: Building your vocabulary to help yourself become an advanced speaker.
Vocabulary and Video.
Terms related to literature, types of writing, and reading. Video: Argentina: la cárcel abre las puertas a la literatura.
A perfeccionar: Relative pronouns. Estructuras 1: Cuyo and lo que... Estructuras 2: Stressed forms of possessive pronouns.
Culture (5Cs).
El poder de la literatura. Conexiones a la literatura: El boom latinoamericano. Comparaciones: Las Academias de la Lengua y la preservación del idioma. Cultura: El día mundial del libro y la lectura entre los hispanohablantes. Comunidad feature.
Una narración (Write a story with an introduction, a climax, and a conclusion).
Video and Literature.
Cortometraje: Ladrón de sábado (10 min). Literatura: XXIX y XLIV, por Antonio Machado (España). Chapter Review Cards.
Appendix A: Almanaque.
Appendix B: Acentuación.
Appendix C: Verb Charts.
Appendix D: Additional structures.
Appendix E: Grammar Guide.
Appendix F: Functional Glossary.
Spanish-English Vocabulary.
English-Spanish Vocabulary.
Mary Ann Blitt
Mary Ann Blitt began her Spanish studies at the age of 13 while living in Madrid, Spain. She received her B.A. in Spanish from the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, and after spending a year studying at the Universidad de Granada, she returned to the university to obtain a teaching certificate. She later attended Colorado State University, where she received her master's degree in Spanish with interdisciplinary studies in French. After teaching Spanish and coordinating the study abroad program at Metropolitan Community College-Maple Woods in Kansas City for fourteen years, she joined the faculty at College of Charleston in 2014. Mary Ann has studied in Spain, Mexico, France, and Canada and has trained teachers of English as a Foreign Language in Asunción, Paraguay. She is currently actively involved in professional development workshops.
Margarita Casas
Margarita Casas was born in Mexico City, Mexico. She completed her bachelor's degree in sciences and techniques of communication in Guadalajara, Mexico. She holds two master's degrees from Colorado State University, one in Spanish literature with an emphasis on education, and the other in Teaching English as a Second Language. Currently, she is faculty and Chair of the Foreign Language Department at Linn-Benton Community College. She has collaborated on two textbooks prior to EXPLORACIONES and has published a novel, Italia en cuatro estaciones, winner of the first literature contest of the Universidad de Guadalajara. She is an avid traveler who hopes to inspire her students to travel and see the world by themselves.
Mary T. Copple
Mary T. Copple joined the Department of Modern Languages at Kansas State University in 2007; she currently coordinates the Spanish Language Program and teaches courses in linguistics, second language acquisition, and foreign language pedagogy. She also works with graduate students in the Second Language Acquisition (SLA) MA degree programs. Working from a usage-based perspective, her research focuses primarily on language acquisition and Spanish linguistics in the areas of language variation and change, and sociolinguistics. She is currently involved in a project that explores how students acquire second language sounds and variation among speakers of different backgrounds.
Instructor-Prep-Cards at the back of the Instructor’s Edition make preparation simple with detachable cards for each chapter, offering a quick map of chapter content, a list of corresponding PowerPoint® and multimedia resources, and suggested assignments to help you organize chapter content efficiently.
Students are exposed to authentic language in the narratives that introduce each grammar objective.
Students use a Discovery Learning Approach with an authentic language sample to deduce the rules for each grammar point.
Emphasis on proficiency: Activities are designed to assist students in synthesizing what they have learned and to expand their understanding.
National Standards: Woven throughout the program, each chapter’s Cultural section promotes critical thinking while integrating the five Cs of language learning: Culture, Community, Comparisons, Connections, and Communication.
A perfeccionar activities: To help support students in their mastery of the most important grammar points, we have added a supplementary set of activities for each A perfeccionar section of each chapter. These can be used as in-class quizzing, worksheets, or supplemental homework for students. They are discrete answer and highly contextualized activities.
Integrated Performance Assessments: We have created one Integrated Performance Assessment (IPA) per chapter. These creative assessments feature a text-based interpretive task, an interpersonal task, and a performance task that build on each other and provide sound scaffolding for students. These assessments were designed to align with ACTFL standards.
Accessible PowerPoints: In order to better serve all students, we have made our PowerPoints ADA compliant.
Blackboard-compatible testing: There is now a Blackboard-ready version of the testing program available for instructors.
Shorter, comprehensive chapters in a modern design present content in a more engaging and accessible format without minimizing coverage for your course.
Chapter-In-Review Cards at the back of the Student Edition provide students a portable study tool that contains all of the pertinent information for class preparation.
Students are exposed to authentic language in the narratives that introduce each grammar objective.
Students use a Discovery Learning Approach with an authentic language sample to deduce the rules for each grammar point.
Emphasis on proficiency: Activities are designed to assist students in synthesizing what they have learned and to expand their understanding.
National Standards: Woven throughout the program, each chapter’s Cultural section promotes critical thinking while integrating the five Cs of language learning: Culture, Community, Comparisons, Connections, and Communication.