Marriages, Families, and Relationships,
13th Edition

Mary Ann Lamanna, Agnes Riedmann, Susan D Stewart

ISBN-13: 9781337109666
Copyright 2018 | Published
592 pages | List Price: USD $250.95

This best-selling text on marriages, families, and relationships combines an authoritative, yet applied approach with a theme that is especially relevant today: making choices in a diverse society. A balance of various theoretical perspectives along with many examples helps you understand how people are influenced by the society around them, how social conditions change in ways that affect family life, the interplay between families and the larger society, and the family-related choices that individuals make throughout adulthood. You'll gain insightful perspectives on the diversity of our modern society, including different ethnic traditions and family forms, and be encouraged to question assumptions and reconcile conflicting ideas and values as you make informed choices in your own life.


1. Making Family Choices in a Changing Society.
2. Exploring Relationships and Families.
3. Gendered Identities and Families.
4. Our Sexual Selves.
5. Love and Choosing a Life Partner.
6. Nonmarital Lifestyles: Living Alone, Cohabiting, and Other Options.
7. Marriage: From Social Institution to Private Relationship.
8. Deciding About Parenthood.
9. Raising Children in a Diverse Society.
10. Work and Family.
11. Communication in Relationships, Marriages, and Families.
12. Power and Violence in Families.
13. Family Stress, Crisis, and Resilience.
14. Divorce and Relationship Dissolution.
15. Remarriages and Stepfamilies.
16. Aging and Multigenerational Families.

  • Mary Ann Lamanna

    Mary Ann Lamanna is Professor Emerita of Sociology at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. Her research and teaching interests include family, reproduction, and gender and law. Other research has concerned the sociology of literature -- specifically "novels of terrorism" -- and a sociological analysis of Marcel Proust's novel IN SEARCH OF LOST TIME. In addition to numerous articles in law, sociology and medical humanities journals, Dr. Lamanna is the author of EMILE DURKHEIM ON THE FAMILY (Sage, 2002) and co-author of a book on Vietnamese refugees. She received her bachelor's degree Phi Beta Kappa from Washington University (St. Louis) in political science, her master's degree in sociology (minor in psychology) from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and her doctorate in sociology from the University of Notre Dame.

  • Agnes Riedmann

    Agnes Riedmann is Professor of Sociology at California State University, Stanislaus. Her professional areas of interest are theory, family and the sociology of body image. Dr. Riedmann spent the 2008-09 academic year as a Fulbright Professor at the Graduate School for Social Research, affiliated with the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, where she taught courses in family, social policy and globalization. She is author of SCIENCE THAT COLONIZES: A CRITIQUE OF FERTILITY STUDIES IN AFRICA (Temple University Press, 1993). Dr. Riedmann attended Clarke College, Dubuque, received her bachelor's degree from Creighton University and earned her doctorate from the University of Nebraska.

  • Susan D Stewart

    Susan D. Stewart is a Professor in the Department of Sociology at Iowa State University. Her professional areas of interest are gender, family and demography -- specifically how complex living arrangements affect the physical and emotional health of adults and children. Her research has been supported by grants from the NICHD, USDA, Joint Center for Poverty Research and the Annie E. Casey Foundation. The author of BRAVE NEW STEPFAMILIES and CO-SLEEPING IN FAMILIES, Dr. Stewart has published papers on a diverse range of topics, including child and adolescent obesity, eating habits, nutrition, fertility intentions and behavior, child support and visitation, stepchild adoption and women's financial literacy. She received her doctorate in sociology from Bowling Green State University.

  • The research and data have been thoroughly updated.

  • New information on how technology affects family dynamics has been added throughout.

  • Chapter-specific changes include new examples to drive home various theoretical perspectives (Chapter 2); a new section on "Race/Ethnic Diversity and Gender Expectations" (Chapter 3); and expanded discussion of transgender throughout the text.

  • Chapter 4, "Our Sexual Selves," includes a new discussion of microaggressions encountered by the LGBT community and a new table describing recommended sexuality education standards.

  • Chapter 5, "Love and Choosing a Life Partner," includes more information on cultural diversity with respect to dating and union formation.

  • Chapter 6, "Nonmarital Lifestyles: Living Alone, Cohabitating, and Other Options," incorporates a discussion of generational differences in attitudes about the advantages and disadvantages of being single, with particular focus on the Millennial Generation.

  • Chapter 7, "Marriage: From Social Institution to Private Relationship," has been thoroughly updated in accordance with the legalization of same-sex marriage. The chapter also includes new statistics and research findings, and presents material about the status of legal same-sex marriage in a new box, Facts About Families: Legal Same-Sex Marriage as a Successful Social Movement.

  • Chapter 9, "Raising Children in a Diverse Society," features greater recognition and new discussions of gender fluidity as related to parenting.

  • Chapter 11, "Communication in Relationships, Marriages, and Families," now includes an "Issues for Thought" box on Digital Communication and the Rise of Social Media. The box explores the impact of new technologies on intimate relationships and families, and presents new information regarding the percentage of modern families that are able to eat the evening meal together with any regularity.

  • Chapter 12, "Power and Violence in Families," now addresses power and decision-making issues among same-sex married couples.

  • The book consistently presents the latest research and statistics.

  • A thematic organization focuses on making choices over the life course.

  • The balanced presentation emphasizes both social structure and the importance of individual agency, choice, and decision-making.

  • Topics are presented in a logical sequence that allows students to build steadily on their growing understanding of course material.

  • "As We Make Choices" features throughout the text highlight the theme of making choices, emphasizing human agency and helping students work through crucial decisions. Topics include Sexting -- Five Things To Think about Before Pressing "Send," Selecting a Child Care Facility, Domination and Submission in Couple Communication Patterns, Tips for Step-Grandparents, and Some Things to Know About the Legal Side of Living Together.

  • "A Closer Look at Diversity" features give focused attention to instances of family diversity -- for example, African Americans and "Jumping the Broom," Hetero-Gay Families, Immigration and Family Ties, and Straight Parents and LGBT Children, among others.

  • "Issues for Thought" features are designed to spark students' critical thinking and discussion. As an example, the box in Chapter 11 on Digital Communication and the Rise of Social Media explores the implications of this trend for families and relationships. Chapter 16 explores Filial Responsibility Laws and encourages students to consider what might be the benefits and drawbacks of legally mandating filial responsibility.

  • "Facts About Families" features present demographic and other factual information on focused topics such as How Family Researchers Study Religion from Various Theoretical Perspectives (Chapter 2), Foster Parenting (Chapter 9), and Major Sources of Family-Violence Data (Chapter 12), among others.

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