Perrine's Literature,
13th Edition

Thomas R. Arp, Greg Johnson

ISBN-13: 9781337106542
Copyright 2018 | Published
1655 pages | List Price: USD $159.95

An authoritative bestseller for over fifty years, PERRINE'S LITERATURE: STRUCTURE, SOUND, AND SENSE continues to be an essential and highly effective introduction to literature for today's students. Written for students beginning a serious study of literature, the text introduces the fundamental elements of fiction, poetry, and drama in a concise and engaging way, addressing vital questions that other texts tend to ignore, such as "Is some literature better?" and "How can it be evaluated?" A remarkable selection of classic, modern, and contemporary readings serves to illustrate the elements of literature and ensure broad appeal to students of diverse backgrounds and interests. Updated with new stories, poems, and plays by some of the finest authors of any era, the twelfth edition remains true to Perrine's original vision while addressing the needs of a new generation of students.


  • Thomas R. Arp

    Thomas R. Arp received a B.A. in English from the University of Michigan (1954) and a Woodrow Wilson Fellowship to Stanford University. In 1955–1956, he produced educational television for the University of Michigan. He received an M.A. in 1960 and a Ph.D. in 1962 -- both from Stanford. He taught at Bowdoin College, Princeton University, University of California at Berkeley, Hull University (England), and Southern Methodist University. Macmillan published his volume THE FORM OF POETRY in 1966, and he received a Fulbright lectureship at University of Bucharest (Romania) in 1969–1970. Arp joined Laurence Perrine in preparing revised editions of SOUND AND SENSE, STORY AND STRUCTURE, and LITERATURE: STRUCTURE, SOUND, AND SENSE beginning in 1982. He became sole author of the books in 1997 and was joined by Greg Johnson in 2002. Dr. Arp passed away in 2015.

  • Greg Johnson

    Greg Johnson received an M.A. in English from Southern Methodist University and a Ph.D. in English from Emory University. Dr. Johnson is the author of 12 books of fiction, poetry, criticism, and biography, including LAST ENCOUNTER WITH THE ENEMY (Johns Hopkins, 2004), WOMEN I'VE KNOWN: NEW AND SELECTED STORIES (Ontario Review, 2007), the novel STICKY KISSES (Alyson Books, 2001), and several books on Joyce Carol Oates, including INVISIBLE WRITER: A BIOGRAPHY OF JOYCE CAROL OATES (Dutton, 1998) and JOYCE CAROL OATES: CONVERSATIONS 1970–2006 (Ontario Review, 2006). He joined the author team of PERRINE'S LITERATURE in 2002 and has been the sole author since Thomas Arp's passing in 2015.

  • Perrine’s Literature: Structure, Sound and Sense, 13e, incorporates a “Writing about Literature” section combined with a “Fiction” section (drawn from materials in STORY AND STRUCTURE), a “Poetry” section (drawn from SOUND AND SENSE), and a “Drama” section.

  • “Writing about Literature” is similar in structure to “Writing about Fiction” in STORY and “Writing about Poetry” in SOUND. Like them, it is revised to reflect the 2016 major changes in the MLA Handbook (8e) guidelines for formatting in-text citations and Works Cited entries. However, whereas “Writing about Fiction” illustrates its principles with examples from short stories in STORY, and “Writing about Poetry” uses examples from poems in SOUND, “Writing about Literature” draws upon examples from a play: William Shakespeare’s Othello.

  • The Fiction section includes STORY’s eight chapters on the “elements of fiction” and a section called “Three Featured Writers,” which includes three stories each from Nathaniel Hawthorne (newly featured in 13e), Flannery O’Connor, and Joyce Carol Oates. One story each for O’Connor and Flannery is a selection new to 13e (“Revelation” for O’Connor and “The Scarf” for Oates). “Stories for Further Reading” is an anthology of additional short stories beyond those specifically discussed in the preceding sections.

  • The Poetry section includes sixteen chapters on the “elements of poetry” plus a section of nearly 80 “Poems for Further Reading.”

  • The Drama section includes three chapters on the “elements of drama” as well as a section of additional “Plays for Further Reading.” Five of the 17 plays in this section are new to LITERATURE 13e.

  • A “Glossary of Terms” defines terms that have been boldfaced, defined, and discussed throughout the book, and it provides page numbers to direct readers to those discussions within the text.

  • An “Index of Authors, Titles, and First Lines” directs readers to pages on which selections and discussions of them appear.

  • Laurence Perrine's exceptional introductions to the elements of literature have provided the template for imitators for more than fifty years. Updated with only the lightest touch, these concise guides to understanding fiction, poetry, and drama remain true to their original vision-and true to the serious study of literature.

  • Exemplary literary selections throughout the text not only bring the elements of literature to life in crystal detail; they also represent the best and most important literature that many students will study in college.

  • The drama section is populated with both classic and contemporary pieces, with a number of one-act plays providing breadth for student analysis.

  • In poetry and fiction, a compact anthology of additional selections for further reading provides enough examples to permit the comparative study by which literary merit is judged.

  • Following the fiction chapters, a special section containing three stories each by three writers-a classic (D.H. Lawrence), a modern (Flannery O'Connor), and a contemporary (Joyce Carol Oates)-offers students an in-depth study into the writings of these selected authors.

Cengage provides a range of supplements that are updated in coordination with the main title selection. For more information about these supplements, contact your Learning Consultant.