Introduction to Physical Anthropology,
15th Edition

Robert Jurmain, Lynn Kilgore, Wenda Trevathan, Russell L. Ciochon, Eric Bartelink

ISBN-13: 9781337099820
Copyright 2018 | Published
592 pages | List Price: USD $187.95

INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY brings the study of physical anthropology to life! With a focus on the big picture of human evolution, the 15th Edition helps you master the basic principles of the subject and arrive at an understanding of the human species and its place in the biological world. Each chapter begins with new Student Learning Objectives and a chapter outline to help you focus your study time. Each chapter then ends with an expanded section of “How Do We Know?”, followed by a critical thinking question, designed to help cement your understanding of the concepts.


1. Introduction to Physical Anthropology.
2. The Development of Evolutionary Theory.
3. The Biological Basis of Life.
4. Heredity and Evolution.
5. Macroevolution: Processes of Vertebrate and Mammalian Evolution.
6. Survey of the Living Primates.
7. Primate Behavior.
8. Overview of the Fossil Primates.
9. Paleoanthropology: Reconstructing Early Hominin Behavior and Ecology.
10. Hominin Origins in Africa.
11. The First Dispersal of the Genus Homo: Homo Erectus and Contemporaries.
12. Premodern Humans.
13. The Origin and Dispersal of Modern Humans.
14. Modern Human Biology: Patterns of Variation.
15. Modern Human Biology: Patterns of Adaptation.
16. Legacies of Human Evolutionary History: Effects on the Human Life Course.
17. The Human Disconnection.
Appendix A. Atlas of Primate Skeletal Anatomy.
Appendix B. Sexing and Aging the Skeleton.

  • Robert Jurmain

    Robert Jurmain received an A.B. in Anthropology from UCLA and a Ph.D. in Biological Anthropology from Harvard. He taught at San Jose State University from 1975 to 2004 and is now professor emeritus. During his teaching career, he taught courses in all major branches of physical anthropology, including osteology and human evolution, with the greatest concentration in general education teaching for introductory students. His research interests are skeletal biology of humans and non-human primates, paleopathology, and paleoanthropology. In addition to his three textbooks, which together have appeared in 35 editions, he is the author of STORIES FROM THE SKELETON: BEHAVIORAL RECONSTRUCTION IN HUMAN OSTEOLOGY (1999, Gordon Breach Publishers), as well as numerous articles in research journals.

  • Lynn Kilgore

    Lynn Kilgore earned her Ph.D. from the University of Colorado, Boulder, where she now holds an affiliate faculty position. Her primary research interests are osteology and paleopathology. She has taught numerous undergraduate and graduate courses in human osteology, primate behavior, human heredity and evolution, and general physical anthropology. Her research focuses on developmental defects as well as on disease and trauma in human and great ape skeletons.

  • Wenda Trevathan

    Wenda Trevathan is regents' professor, emerita, of anthropology at New Mexico State University, where she taught from 1983 to 2009. She is a biological anthropologist whose research focuses on the evolutionary and biocultural factors underlying human reproduction, including childbirth, maternal behavior, sexuality, and menopause. Her primary publications include works on the evolution of childbirth and evolutionary medicine. Her recent books include ANCIENT BODIES, MODERN LIVES: HOW EVOLUTION HAS SHAPED WOMEN'S HEALTH (2010, Oxford University Press) and COSTLY AND CUTE: HELPLESS INFANTS AND HUMAN EVOLUTION (2016, SAR/UNM Press). She is also the Editor in Chief of the INTERNATIONAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, which will be published by John Wiley and Sons in 2018. She has taught courses in physical anthropology, nutritional anthropology, medical anthropology, evolutionary medicine, and anthropology of reproduction.

  • Russell L. Ciochon

    Russell L. Ciochon is a leading paleoanthropologist specializing in primate and human evolution in Asia, as well as the geochronology of Asian Plio-Pleistocene sites. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley, and teaches at the University of Iowa, Iowa City, where he is Chair of the Department of Anthropology. He teaches courses in hominin and non-human primate evolution, as well as primate behavior, ecology, and functional anatomy. Besides co-authoring more than one hundred technical articles, he has also co-written two popular books: DRAGON BONE HILL: AN ICE AGE SAGA OF HOMO ERECTUS (2004, Oxford University Press) and OTHER ORIGINS: THE SEARCH FOR THE GIANT APE IN PREHISTORY (1990, Bantam Books).

  • Eric Bartelink

    Eric Bartelink received a B.S. in Anthropology from Central Michigan University (1995), an M.A. in Anthropology at California State University, Chico (2001), and a Ph.D. in Anthropology from Texas A&M University (2006). He has taught for eleven years at California State University, Chico, where he is currently a Full Professor and Director of the Human Identification Laboratory. He teaches courses in introductory physical anthropology, human osteology, human growth and development, human origins, bioarchaeology, forensic anthropology, and statistics. His research interests focus on the bioarchaeology of Native California, dietary reconstruction using stable isotope analysis, and applications within forensic anthropology. He is a co-author on ESSENTIALS OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY (10e, Cengage Learning), FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGY: CURRENT METHODS AND PRACTICE (2014, Academic/Elsevier Press), and has authored and co-authored numerous articles in scientific journals.

  • Each chapter now begins with an abbreviated chapter outline to aid students with understanding the organization of topics within each chapter. Student learning objectives have been revised to correspond to each major chapter heading. Each chapter ends with an expanded section of “How Do We Know?”, followed by a new critical thinking question. Throughout the book, several new images and numerous new citations have been added.

  • Acknowledging the unprecedented pace of advances in genetic technology, this edition presents the most relevant new discoveries in as simple a manner as possible. We have greatly expanded our review on genetics, including the newly developed synthetic bacterial cell, and the basis for genetic typing of biological materials used in forensic science.

  • In response to reviewer suggestions, we have expanded our discussion of primate conservation, climate change, the oldest known stone tools from Africa, as well as recent fossil hominin discoveries, including Homo naledi and the new discoveries of Homo floresiensis remains in Indonesia.

  • Comprehensive updates throughout each chapter reflect additions to scientific knowledge that in many fields -- such as the biological sciences -- have accumulated amazingly fast.

  • To reinforce the unifying concept of our "connection" to all life as an integrative framework for presenting the material, each chapter opens with a pedagogical aid that clearly shows students the biological connections as they are organized within and be

  • Revised student learning objectives are provided at the beginning of each chapter to emphasize the broad themes covered in each chapter and help students focus their study time.

  • "A Closer Look" boxes provide students with an engaging and in-depth look at some of the high-interest topics discussed within the chapter.

  • "How Do We Know?" chapter-concluding sections summarize the basic scientific information used in drawing accurate conclusions about our evolutionary history. These have been revised and now include a critical thinking question at the end of the section.

  • "At a Glance" boxes briefly summarize complex or controversial material in a simple, visual fashion. New box features have been added to guide students through models on modern human origins.

  • Critical Thinking Questions at the end of each chapter reinforce key concepts and encourage students to think critically about what they have read.

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