The Legal Environment of Business,
10th Edition

Frank B. Cross, Roger LeRoy Miller

ISBN-13: 9781305967304
Copyright 2018 | Published
880 pages | List Price: USD $291.95

Comprehensive, authoritative, and cutting-edge, THE LEGAL ENVIRONMENT OF BUSINESS combines a classic black letter law approach with an interesting and accessible reader-friendly format. The cases, content, and features of the exciting new Tenth Edition have been thoroughly updated to represent the latest developments in the business law environment. An excellent assortment of cases ranges from precedent-setting landmarks to important recent decisions. Ethical, global, e-commerce, digital, and corporate themes are integrated throughout; for example, new Digital Update features affecting the law are included throughout this edition. Specific text features that students will find particularly helpful include: NUMBERED EXAMPLES and CASE IN POINTS, SAMPLE ANSWERS, NEW STUDENT-FRIENDLY CONCEPT SUMMARY DESIGN, and EXHIBITS.


1. Law and Legal Reasoning.
2. Courts and Alternative Dispute Resolution.
3. Court Procedures.
4. Business Ethics.
5. Business and the Constitution.
Unit One Application and Ethics: “Arbitration, No Class Actions”.
6. Tort Law.
7. Strict Liability and Product Liability.
8. Intellectual Property Rights.
9. Internet Law, Social Media, and Privacy.
10. Criminal Law and Cyber Crime.
11. International and Space Law.
Unit Two Application and Ethics: “The Biggest Data Breach of All Time”.
12. Formation of Traditional and E-Contracts.
13. Contract Performance, Breach, and Remedies.
14. Sales and Lease Contracts.
Appendix to Chapter 14: An International Sales Contract.
15. Creditor-Debtor Relations and Bankruptcy.
Unit Three Application and Ethics: “Fantasy Sports--Legal Gambling?”.
16. Small Businesses and Franchises.
17. Limited Liability Business Forms.
18. Corporations.
19. Agency Relationships.
20. Employment Law.
21. Employment Discrimination.
22. Immigration and Labor Law.
Unit Four Application and Ethics: “Health Insurance and Small Business”.
23. Administrative Agencies.
24. Consumer Protection.
25. Environmental Law.
26. Real Property and Land-Use Control.
27. Antitrust Law.
28. Investor Protection and Corporate Governance.
Unit Five Application and Ethics: “Climate Change”.
Appendix A: How to Brief Cases and Analyze Case Problems.
Appendix B: The Constitution of the United States.
Appendix C: Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code.
Appendix D: Answers to the Issue Spotters.
Appendix E: Sample Answers for Business Case Problems with Sample Answer.

  • Frank B. Cross

    Frank B. Cross is the Herbert D. Kelleher Centennial Professor of Business Law at The University of Texas at Austin Law School, where his research centers on judicial decision-making, the economics of law and litigation and traditional policy and doctrinal issues in administrative law. He has written several books as well as pieces for the Yale Law Journal, Columbia Law Review, University of Chicago Law Review, New York University Law Review, Texas Law Review, Virginia Law Review, Cornell Law Review, Georgetown Law Journal, Northwestern Law Review and UCLA Law Review. A former president of the Academy of Legal Studies in Business, Professor Cross received his B.A. from the University of Kansas and J.D. from Harvard Law School.

  • Roger LeRoy Miller

    Roger LeRoy Miller, Ph.D. has served on the faculty of several universities, including the University of Washington, Clemson University, and the University of Miami School of Law. As a professor, he has taught intellectual property law and entertainment law, among other subjects. A widely published and respected author, his work has appeared in the Insurance Counsel Journal, Defense Research, California Trial Lawyers Journal, Antitrust Bulletin, Wisconsin Law Review, and Connecticut Law Review. He has authored or co-authored numerous authoritative textbooks on law, including BUSINESS LAW: TEXT & CASES; BUSINESS LAW TODAY: TEXT & SUMMARIZED CASES; and THE LEGAL ENVIRONMENT TODAY. Professor Miller completed his studies at the University of California at Berkeley and University of Chicago.

  • NEW DIGITAL UPDATE FEATURES DEMONSTRATE THE IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY ON TODAY’S LAW. These unique Digital Update features appear in numerous chapters in this edition, clearly displaying how the changes in the contemporary digital world are affecting business law and today’s legal environment.

  • NEW APPLICATION AND ETHICS FEATURES CONCLUDE EACH UNIT. Ten new unit-ending major features, called Application and Ethics, each end with an Ethical Connection section that includes an ethics question and a critical-thinking question.

  • NEW FULLY ADDRESSABLE CASE COLLECTION PROVIDES A VARIETY OF CHOICES THAT ARE EASY TO ACCESS. This edition offers a fully addressable Case Collection with more than 1,200 cases that you, the instructor, can access and assign in your MindTap® course. You are easily able to sort the cases by name, year, state, and subject matter.

  • NEW COVERAGE ON SPACE LAW EXPLORES THIS GROWING AREA OF GLOBAL CONCERN. Because of the ongoing advances in space exploration and travel, the authors have added an entirely new section on space law in Chapter 11, “International and Space Law.” This section delves into the international aspect of space law and its foundations, including the U.N. Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space. Engaging material also addresses the duty of astronaut rescue, space debris, space technology exports, and property rights to space resources.

  • MINDTAP®, AN ENGAGING ONLINE LEARNING SOLUTION provides a personalized teaching experience with relevant assignments guiding students to analyze, apply, and improve critical thinking. The customizable online course allows you to control what students see and when they see it. A pre-built Learning Path guides students through activities to prepare, engage, apply and analyze business law concepts. Students stay involved with NEW Interactive Cases and Videos within the eReader. NEW Adaptive Test Prep helps students study for exams. Analytics provide a snapshot of progress, engagement and completion rates.

  • ENTIRE CHAPTER (CH. 4) FOCUSES COMPLETELY ON BUSINESS ETHICS AND DECISION-MAKING. Ethics Today learning features explore real-life cases and topics affecting businesses. Ethical questions follow many cases within this edition and “A Question of Ethics” concludes every end-of-chapter Case Problem section. At the end of every unit, the authors present an Application and Ethics feature that covers a wide range of topics and includes an Ethical Connection section that explores the ethical dimensions of a topic treated within the unit.

  • CRITICAL-THINKING FEATURES HELP ADDRESS AACSB CURRICULUM REQUIREMENT. Each feature in this edition concludes with a special Critical Thinking section. These questions address the AACSB curriculum requirement to explore global, political, ethical, social, environmental, technological, and cultural contexts of business law. Located in select chapters, most of the features cover new topics that your students will find timely and applicable to everyday life as well as common business situations.

  • DIVERSE CASE SELECTION VARIES FROM CLASSIC TO CONTEMPORARY CASES. In keeping with the book’s strong reputation for outstanding cases, this edition offers Classic and Spotlight Cases as well as many new cases and case problems. Nearly every chapter offers a case and/or case problem based on a 2015 or 2016 case. Cases are excerpted in the language of the court, and have been carefully edited to appeal to students while illustrating how courts interpret and apply the law. Critical-thinking questions follow each case excerpt to enhance reasoning and analytical skills.

  • “IMPACT OF THIS CASE ON TODAY’S LAW” FEATURES DETAIL THE IMPORTANCE OF THE CASE. Every Classic Case contains this special section designed to enhance your students’ ability to learn and retain important information about applications of the law in real-world situations. This special Classic Case feature effectively illustrates the relevance of these cases to modern law.

  • CASE ANALYSIS PROVIDES LENGTHY EXTENDED CASE EXCERPT IN EVERY CHAPTER. These case excerpts are presented entirely in the language of the court, enhancing the readers’ ability to identify the legal principles and issues today’s businesses face. The Case Analysis case excerpts are suitable for case-briefing assignments. Each concludes with a Legal Reasoning Questions section containing three questions that guide analysis of the case and helps build students’ legal-reasoning skills.

  • SPECIAL CASE ANALYSIS QUESTIONS GUIDE STUDENTS THROUGH THE IRAC PROCESS. Students learn to use this effective method to work through selected Case Analysis cases. The Special Case Analysis questions are featured within the end-of-chapter material at the conclusion of every unit.

  • COMPREHENSIVE END-OF-CHAPTER PEDAGOGY HELPS STUDENTS REVIEW AND CHECK THEIR UNDERSTANDING. Proven end-of-chapter sections provide a varied and comprehensive review of the chapter’s concepts, relationships, and applications of business law. You can assign these exercises or use them as starting points for meaningful classroom discussions. Students are challenged to apply legal concepts and issues to everyday scenarios and real-life case problems.

  • “REVIEWING” FEATURES HELP SOLIDIFY UNDERSTANDING OF EACH CHAPTER’S MATERIALS. This learning tool presents a hypothetical scenario and asks a series of questions that requires the reader to identify the key issues and apply legal concepts.

  • “A DEBATE” FEATURE SPURS LIVELY CLASSROOM DISCUSSION. This “Debate” feature follows each “Reviewing” section and offers a brief statement or intriguing question concerning the chapter material. You can use these “Debates” to prompt meaningful classroom discussion or to guide small group assignments or even written assignments.

  • TERMS AND CONCEPTS ENSURE STUDENTS FULLY UNDERSTAND IMPORTANT LEGAL TERMS. This helpful list presents all of the chapter’s boldfaced key terms at a glance and shows the page number where each term can be found. A Glossary contains a newly revised set of clear definitions for each term in the text.

  • “ISSUE SPOTTERS” FACILITATE STUDENT REVIEW AND RETENTION. These “Issue Spotters” draw special attention to each chapter’s key points of law or critical concepts. Sample answers to these features are available for students to check their work in Appendix D of the text.

  • BUSINESS SCENARIOS GUIDE STUDENTS IN PRACTIAL APPLICATIONS OF CONCEPTS. These hypothetical, but realistic, business scenarios require students to identify relevant legal issues and apply them effectively within the scenario presented.

  • BUSINESS CASE PROBLEMS ARE BASED ON ACTUAL U.S. CASES. Engaging case problems -- drawn from real cases (nearly every chapter contains Case Problems from 2014, 2015, and 2016) -- highlight legal concepts covered in the chapter and enable students to review the material effectively while applying it practically.

  • LEGAL REASONING GROUP ACTIVITIES ENCOURAGE COLLABORATION. These activities allow students to work together to resolve a specific business scenario’s legal issue or problem covered in the chapter. You can use these projects in class discussions or assign them for group projects.

Cengage provides a range of supplements that are updated in coordination with the main title selection. For more information about these supplements, contact your Learning Consultant.

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Instructor’s Companion Website for Cross/Miller’s The Legal Environment of Business: Text and Cases

VitalSource eBook: The Legal Environment of Business 12 Months