Sociology in Our Times,
11th Edition

Diana Kendall

ISBN-13: 9781305503090
Copyright 2017 | Published
768 pages | List Price: USD $219.95

This best-selling text will help you learn sociology and how it applies to a socially and globally changing world. Chapters open with a "Sociology and Everyday Life" box that highlights such relevant topics as bullying and social media abuse, digital-age methods to increase school attendance, food trucks and the spread of culture, modern slavery, and weight bias. These opening vignettes mirror the richness and complexity of society and establish themes that are carried throughout chapters to provide you with a framework for learning the material. The author's vivid, inviting writing style; eye for compelling current examples; thorough presentation of sociological theory and contemporary perspectives such as feminism and postmodernism; and emphasis on trying out what you're learning will engage you and show you sociology's relevance to your life.


1. The Sociological Perspective.
2. Sociological Research Methods.
3. Culture.
4. Socialization.
5. Social Structure and Interaction in Everyday Life.
6. Groups and Organizations.
7. Deviance and Crime.
8. Class and Stratification in the United States.
9. Global Stratification.
10. Race and Ethnicity.
11. Sex, Gender, and Sexuality.
12. Aging and Inequality Based on Age.
13. The Economy and Work in Global Perspective.
14. Politics and Government in Global Perspective.
15. Families and Intimate Relationships.
16. Education.
17. Religion.
18. Health, Health Care, and Disability.
19. Population and Urbanization.
20. Collective Behavior, Social Movements, and Social Change.

  • Diana Kendall

    Diana Kendall is Professor of Sociology at Baylor University, where she has been recognized as an Outstanding Professor. She has taught a variety of courses, including Introduction to Sociology, Sociological Theory (undergraduate and graduate), Sociology of Medicine, Sociology of Law, and Race, Class and Gender. Previously, she enjoyed many years of teaching sociology and serving as chair of the Social and Behavioral Science Division at Austin Community College. Dr. Kendall's areas of specialization and primary research interests are sociological theory and the sociology of medicine. In addition to SOCIOLOGY IN OUR TIMES: THE ESSENTIALS, she is the author of THE POWER OF GOOD DEEDS: PRIVILEGED WOMEN AND THE SOCIAL REPRODUCTION OF THE UPPER CLASS (Rowman & Littlefield, 2002), MEMBERS ONLY: ELITE CLUBS AND THE PROCESS OF EXCLUSION (Rowman & Littlefield, 2008) and FRAMING CLASS: MEDIA REPRESENTATIONS OF WEALTH AND POVERTY IN AMERICA, 2nd Edition (Rowman & Littlefield, 2012). Her most recent scholarly publication is "Class: Still Alive and Reproducing in the United States," a book chapter in PRIVILEGE: A READER, 4th Edition (2016, Westview Press). Dr. Kendall is actively involved in national and regional sociological associations, including the American Sociological Association, the Society for the Study of Social Problems and the Southwestern Sociological Association. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin, where she was invited to membership in Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society.

  • The focus of this edition has shifted more to contemporary examples, current social debates, and more recent research to better relate material to students' lives. New topics that showcase the application of sociology include bullying and social media abuse, digital-age methods to increase school attendance, food trucks and the spread of culture, modern slavery, and weight bias.

  • This edition features a stronger emphasis on social and global change, supported by updated end-of-chapter sections that focus on "looking ahead, change, and the future."

  • The book has been streamlined with a new interior design that is more open and appealing to read. To help accomplish this, boxed features (Sociology Works!, Media Framing, and Census Profiles) have been eliminated, with their relevant content added to the narrative. In addition, new and enlarged images that relate directly to the content have been added.

  • Answers to the "Sociology and Everyday Life" chapter-opening quiz have been moved to the end of chapters.

  • The focus of this edition has shifted more to contemporary examples, current social debates, and more recent research to help you better relate material to the world around you. You'll read about how sociology applies to such topics as bullying, social media abuse and suicide on campus, digital-age methods to increase school attendance, food trucks and the spread of culture, and weight bias.

  • This edition includes a stronger emphasis on social and global change to show the relevance and application of sociology, supported by updated end-of-chapter sections that focus on "looking ahead, change, and the future."

  • Chapter-opening "lived experiences" (now in "Sociology and Everyday Life" boxes) capture students' interest with such topics as bullying, social media abuse and suicide on campus; digital-age methods to increase school attendance; food trucks and the spread of culture; modern slavery; and gender, sexuality, and weight bias.

  • Numbered Learning Objectives (eight to ten per chapter) are listed at the beginning of each chapter, helping to focus students' reading. Numbers appear at appropriate points throughout the chapter to identify relevant content. Learning Objectives also dovetail with the chapter summary, presented in a question-and-answer format (Chapter Review Q & A), to reinforce students' learning and aid in review and retention.

  • Recognized for unparalleled coverage of and attention to diversity, this book integrates diversity content in numerous ways. The individuals portrayed and discussed in each chapter accurately mirror the diversity in society, thus speaking to a wide variety of students.

  • The text includes the best research work of classical and established contemporary sociologists, including women and people of color, and weaves an inclusive treatment of all people into its examination of sociology. The author helps students consider the significance of the interlocking nature of individuals' class, race, and gender (and increasingly, age) in all aspects of social life. "You Can Make a Difference" boxes link sociological perspectives to application.

  • The book's focus on the relationship between sociology and everyday life is reinforced at the beginning of every chapter through a brief quiz that relates the sociological perspective to the social issues presented in the opening vignette. Additionally, "You Can Make a Difference" boxes are designed to help students get involved in their community by looking at ways in which they can address, on a personal level, issues raised by the chapter themes.

  • The global implications of all topics are examined throughout each chapter and in the "Sociology in Global Perspective" boxes, which highlight our interconnected world and reveal how the sociological imagination extends beyond national borders.

  • Critical thinking is emphasized through "Sociology and Social Policy boxes," which also appear in more than half of the chapters and provide additional opportunities for sustained critical thinking.

  • Effective study aids include "Concept Quick Reviews," "Questions for Critical Thinking," "Reflect & Analyze" questions, and end-of-chapter summaries in question-and-answer format.

  • Chapter-opening "lived experiences" capture your interest with such relevant topics as bullying, social media abuse and suicide on campus, digital-age methods to increase school attendance, food trucks and the spread of culture, and weight bias.

  • Numbered Learning Objectives at the beginning of each chapter help you to focus your reading. Numbers appear before headings throughout the chapter to identify key content. Learning Objectives also dovetail with the chapter summary, presented in a question-and-answer format (Chapter Review Q & A), to reinforce learning and aid in review and retention.

  • The text includes the best research work of classical and established contemporary sociologists, including women and people of color, and weaves an inclusive treatment of all people into its examination of sociology. The author helps you consider the significance of the interlocking nature of individuals' class, race, and gender (and increasingly, age) in all aspects of social life.

  • The book's focus on the relationship between sociology and everyday life is reinforced at the beginning of every chapter through a brief quiz that relates the sociological perspective to the social issues presented in the opening vignette. Additionally, "You Can Make a Difference" boxes are designed to help you get involved in your community by looking at ways in which you can address, on a personal level, issues raised by the chapter themes.

  • Effective study aids include "Concept Quick Reviews," "Questions for Critical Thinking," "Reflect & Analyze questions," and end-of-chapter summaries in question-and-answer format.

  • The global implications of all topics are examined throughout each chapter and in the "Sociology in Global Perspective" boxes, which highlight our interconnected world and reveal how the sociological imagination extends beyond national borders.

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MindTap: Sociology in Our Times 12 Months