Drawing from the latest developments and practices from the field, MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 7e combines a wealth of case studies and real-world examples to provide a clear emphasis on the business and management elements of information technology. The new edition offers the most current coverage available, including expanded discussions of social networking, IT security, mobile computing, and much more. From overviews of the information age to online business and business intelligence, readers gain a sound balance of the technical and business elements of information technology. In addition, numerous business cases integrated throughout the text enable readers to apply what they learn to real-world practice--equipping them with skills they can immediately put into action in the business world.
1. Business Information Systems: An Overview.
2. Strategic Uses of Information Systems.
3. Business Functions and Supply Chains.
4. Business Hardware.
5. Business Software.
6. Business Networks and Telecommunications.
7. Databases and Data Warehouses.
8. The Web-enabled Enterprise.
9. Challenges of Global Information Systems.
10. Decision Support and Expert Systems.
11. Business Intelligence and Knowledge Management.
12. Systems Planning and Development.
13. Choices in Systems Acquisitions.
14. Risks, Security, and Disaster Recovery.
Ken J. Sousa
Kenneth J. Sousa, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of Computer Information Systems at Bryant University. Dr. Sousa’s teaching and research areas include electronic commerce, database management systems, applications development, information systems strategy, project management, and systems development. Before joining the faculty at Bryant, he held several industry positions in consulting and information systems. He received a Bachelor of Science degree from Roger Williams University, a Master of Business Administration from Bryant College and a Ph.D. in Business Administration from the University of Rhode Island. His doctoral research focused on the use of electronic business technology within the purchasing activities of manufacturing businesses. He is a member of the Decision Sciences Institute and Northeast Decision Sciences Institute.
Effy Oz
Effy Oz was a Professor of Management Science and Information Systems at the Pennsylvania State University, Great Valley. In addition to publishing and presenting numerous academic and professional articles, Professor Oz authored best-selling textbooks in the areas of management information systems, e-commerce, and IT ethics. He served on the editorial boards of ENCYCLOPEDIA OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS as well as several academic journals. He received his MBA from the Hebrew University and his DBA from Boston University.
Thoroughly revised and updated, MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 7e offers the most current coverage available. All examples, illustrations, boxed features, and references are completely up to date.
Extensive new coverage is given to emerging and expanding issues such as social networking, IT security, and mobile computing.
Also available with the exciting new Seventh Edition, SAM 2013 gets your students workplace-ready. The market-leading proficiency-based assessment and training solution for Microsoft Office 2013 provides an active, hands-on environment that helps students master Microsoft Office skills and computer concepts that are essential to academic and career success, delivering the most comprehensive online learning solution for your course.
MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 7e offers the most current coverage available. All examples, illustrations, boxed features, and references are completely up to date.
Extensive coverage is given to emerging and expanding issues such as social networking, IT security, and mobile computing.
Also available with the exciting new Seventh Edition, SAM 2013 helps get you workplace-ready. This market-leading proficiency-based assessment and training solution for Microsoft Office 2013 provides an active, hands-on environment that helps you master Microsoft Office skills and computer concepts that are essential to academic and career success.
Business cases included in part and chapter openers, throughout each chapter, and at the end of every chapter give students plenty of experience applying chapter concepts to real-world practice.
Detailed illustrations clarify the book's more complex concepts, ensuring students have a thorough understanding as they progress through the book.
Featured in every chapter, Ethical and Societal Issues equip readers with professional skills as well as responsible and ethical methods for using those skills.
Numerous current and relevant real-world examples give students insight into a wide variety of businesses.
New and updated end-of-chapter Real Cases include critical thinking questions to help students apply what they learn to real-world scenarios.
Chapters close with review and discussion questions that reinforce key information and help students maximize their study time.
Emphasis on networked businesses and strategic uses of information technologies prepares students for professional careers.
Offering a wealth of resources, the Instructor's Manual was developed by the author so that it correlates directly with the book, allowing instructors to spend less time preparing teaching notes.
Business cases included in part and chapter openers, throughout each chapter, and at the end of every chapter give you plenty of experience applying chapter concepts to real-world practice.
Detailed illustrations clarify more complex concepts, ensuring you have a thorough understanding as you progress through the book.
Featured in every chapter, Ethical and Societal Issues equip you with professional skills as well as responsible and ethical methods for using those skills.
New and updated end-of-chapter Real Cases include critical thinking questions to help you apply what you learn to real-world scenarios.
Numerous current and relevant real-world examples provide insight into a wide variety of businesses.
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Cengage Testing, powered by Cognero® for Oz's Management Information Systems, Instant Access
Instructor’s Resource CD-ROM for Oz’s Management Information Systems, 7th
Web Site for Sousa/Oz's Management Information Systems, 7th