Data Modeling and Database Design,
2nd Edition

Narayan S. Umanath, Richard W. Scamell

ISBN-13: 9781285085258
Copyright 2015 | Published
720 pages | List Price: USD $150.95

DATA MODELING AND DATABASE DESIGN presents a conceptually complete coverage of indispensable topics that each MIS student should learn if that student takes only one database course. Database design and data modeling encompass the minimal set of topics addressing the core competency of knowledge students should acquire in the database area. The text, rich examples, and figures work together to cover material with a depth and precision that is not available in more introductory database books.


1. Database Systems: Architecture and Components.
2. Foundation Concepts.
3. Entity-Relationship Modeling.
4. Enhanced Entity-Relationship (EER) Modeling.
5. Modeling Complex Relationships.
6. The Relational Data Model.
7. Functional Dependencies.
8. Normal Forms Based on Functional Dependencies.
9. Higher Normal Forms.
10. Database Creation.
11. Relational Algebra.
12. Structured Query Language (SQL).
13. Advanced Data Manipulation Using SQL.
Appendix A.
Appendix B.

  • Narayan S. Umanath

    Narayan S. Umanath is Professor [Emeritus] of Information Systems at the University of Cincinnati (UC) in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. He has been at UC since 1996 and served as the department head of Information Systems (IS) for 7 years. Before that, he has been a faculty member at the Pennsylvania State University at the main (University Park) campus and the University of Tulsa. Umanath also serves as a member of the faculty in the Department of Mathematics & Computer Science (DMACS) at the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning (SSSIHL) in Prashanti Nilayam, India in the capacity of Visiting Professor since 2003. Entering academia after 17 years of technical and managerial experience in software development, he received his Ph.D. in Business Administration from the University of Houston in 1987. His undergraduate and graduate educations are in mechanical engineering and industrial engineering, respectively. Umanath has research publications in the domains of data visualization for decision support, agency theory applications in the design of compensation contracts, organizational computing, and electronic integration in supply channels; his current research interests are in the domains of knowledge exchange in supply-chain relationships, and data modeling & data warehousing. His research publications have appeared in Management Science, Decision Sciences, Journal of MIS, Communications of the ACM, International Journal of Information Management, Information & Management, Information Resources Management Journal, Journal of Managerial Issues and National Academy Science Letters. Umanath has also co-authored a text book titled "Data Modeling & Database Design".

  • Richard W. Scamell

    Richard W. Scamell serves as Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Professor of Decision and Information Sciences in the C. T. Bauer College of Business at the University of Houston. He received his Ph.D. degree from The University of Texas at Austin. Since joining the faculty at Houston in 1972, he has taught more than two dozen different courses at the undergraduate, masters, and doctoral levels, three of which have been focused in the database area. His publications have appeared in journals such as Management Science, MIS Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Decision Sciences, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Communications of the ACM, Omega, and Information and Management.

  • Updated diagrams, boxes, and tables that visually reinforce key concepts.

  • There are now 13 chapters instead of 12.

  • There will be a Bibliography at the end of the book, rather than a separate endnotes section in each chapter.

  • Appendix C and D have been deleted.

  • The material in Chapters 2 and 3 has been reorganized and better streamlined so that the reader not only learns the ER modeling grammar but is able to develop very simple applications of ER modeling.

  • The intra-entity class relationships are introduced with a new simpler example at the beginning of Chapter 4

  • There are now 13 chapters instead of 12, and there will be a Bibliography at the end of the book, rather than a separate endnotes section in each chapter. Appendix C and D have been deleted.

  • Offers substantial coverage of higher degree relationships and other complex relationships in the entity-relationship diagram.

  • Presents unique features under the topic of normalization rarely found in business database books.

  • Includes in-depth coverage of relational algebra supported by a significant number of examples of their operationalization in ANSI/ISO SQL.

  • Provides an extensive discussion of conceptual data modeling.

  • Features challenging end-of-chapter exercises that provide opportunity to learn and assimilate through practice.

  • Updated diagrams, boxes, and tables that visually reinforce key concepts.

  • Offers substantial coverage of higher degree relationships and other complex relationships in the entity-relationship diagram.

  • Presents unique features under the topic of normalization rarely found in business database books.

  • Includes in-depth coverage of relational algebra supported by a significant number of examples of their operationalization in ANSI/ISO SQL.

  • Provides an extensive discussion of conceptual data modeling.

  • Features challenging end-of-chapter exercises that provide opportunity to learn and assimilate through practice.

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