Sociology of Deviant Behavior,
15th Edition

Marshall B. Clinard, Robert F. Meier

ISBN-13: 9781133594154
Copyright 2016 | Published
624 pages | List Price: USD $312.95

SOCIOLOGY OF DEVIANT BEHAVIOR hits the hot topics from terrorism to white-collar crime and shows you how sociological theory explains them. You'll read about justified deviance (e.g., terrorism); corporate crime and mistakes, such as the General Motors ignition problem; the changing moral landscape regarding gay marriage and marijuana use; the importance of social media in facilitating deviant acts; political crime, and more. Now in its fifteenth edition, this book continues to be the leader in its market. When you read it, you'll see why.


1. The Nature and Meaning of Deviance.
2. Deviant Events and Social Control.
3. Becoming Deviant.
4. Major Theories of Deviance.
5. Crimes of Interpersonal Violence.
6. Nonviolent Crime.
7. White-Collar and Corporate Crime.
8. Drug Use and Addiction.
9. Drunkenness and Alcoholism.
10. Suicide.
11. Heterosexual Deviance.
12. Gays, Lesbians, and Homophobia.
13. Physical Disabilities.
14. Mental Disorders.
15. Recent Forms of Deviance.

  • Marshall B. Clinard

    Marshall Clinard (1911–2010) was Professor Emeritus of Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He wrote numerous books and articles on deviance and sociology, and was a major contributor to our understanding of white-collar and corporate criminality.

  • Robert F. Meier

    Robert F. Meier has been Professor the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) since 1998. He obtained his Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Wisconsin at Madison and has held faculty positions at the University of California, Washington State University, and Iowa State University before coming to UNO. Dr. Meier is the author or editor of 23 books, original and revised editions, and over 75 articles in professional journals, book chapters, and technical reports. He has been a member of the American Sociological Association, Midwest Sociological Society, American Society of Criminology, and the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. He is a consultant for the National Science Foundation, National Research Council, and the National Institute of Justice. He has served as associate editor for the American Sociological Review, Criminology, Sociological Inquiry, and Deviant Behavior, and as Vice President of the American Society of Criminology.

  • Completely updated, this edition incorporates the most recent theoretical developments in the field and the latest research findings. For instance, it discusses the changing meaning and nature of the concept of deviance as well as the latest information on sociological theories of deviance.

  • This edition recognizes and documents the shifting moral landscape regarding gay marriage and recreational marijuana use, traces recent shifts in illicit drug use, and continues to document the social stigma experienced by people who are gay, disabled, and/or mentally disordered.

  • The text documents the continued declines in rates of street crime and discusses the latest corporate crimes and mistakes, such as the General Motors ignition problems.

  • The importance of social media and the computer in facilitating deviant acts, including crime, are covered. The book also provides accounts of the tragedy of suicide after bullying on social media.

  • The updated Instructor's Manual now includes Internet resources (formerly listed at the end of each text chapter) as well as lecture suggestions and discussion questions to pique student interest.

  • Completely updated, the fifteenth edition incorporates the latest research findings and the most recent theoretical developments in the field. For instance, it discusses the changing meaning and nature of the concept of deviance as well as the latest information on sociological theories of deviance.

  • This edition recognizes and documents the shifting moral landscape regarding gay marriage and recreational marijuana use, traces recent shifts in illicit drug use, and continues to document the social stigma experienced by people who are gay, disabled, and/or mentally disordered.

  • The text documents the continued declines in rates of street crime and discusses the latest corporate crimes and mistakes, such as the General Motors ignition problems.

  • The importance of social media and the computer in facilitating deviant acts, including crime, are covered. The book also provides accounts of the tragedy of suicide after bullying on social media.

  • Chapters are organized into parts to help separate the broad topics in deviance.

  • “Issue” boxes throughout each chapter connect material under discussion to real-world topics, For instance, new “Issue” boxes summarize suicide in the U.S. (Ch. 10); introduce a House of Representative candidate who thinks that tornadoes and dementia are God's punishment for gay rights and abortions (Ch. 12); and profile “Game of Thrones” star Peter Dinklage, who is four feet, five inches tall (Ch. 13).

  • “In Brief” boxes offer interesting tidbits on a topic related to the chapter. Topics include the popularity of ice, the crystalline version of methamphetamine (Ch. 8) and the relationship between suicide and age and gender (Ch. 10).

  • Chapter-opening outlines and end-of-chapter summaries, key terms, and discussion questions aid students in study and review.

  • Chapter 15 discusses new types of deviance and emerging trends in deviance, such as pirates, child obesity, cyberdeviance, bullying, rudeness, and teacher-student relationships.

  • Short, interesting “Issue” features make connections between the chapter topics and what's happening in the real world. For instance, new boxes summarize suicide in the U.S. (Ch. 10); introduce a House of Representative candidate who thinks that tornadoes and dementia are God's punishment for gay rights and abortions (Ch. 12); and profile “Game of Thrones” star Peter Dinklage, who is four feet, five inches tall (Ch. 13).

  • “In Brief” boxes offer interesting tidbits on a topic related to the chapter. Topics include the popularity of ice (the crystalline version of methamphetamine) and the relationship between suicide and age and gender.

  • With chapter outlines, glossary terms, bolded key words, discussion questions, and updated quick summaries in each chapter, you'll have resources to help you get the grade you want.

Cengage provides a range of supplements that are updated in coordination with the main title selection. For more information about these supplements, contact your Learning Consultant.

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