Introduce the power and practicality of C++ programming to entry-level engineers with Bronson's C++ FOR ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS, 4E. This proven, pragmatic text is designed specifically for today's first- and second-year engineering and science students with a wealth of new applications and examples taken from real situations involving electrical and structural engineering, fluid mechanics, mathematics, power generation, and heat transfer challenges. The book starts with a solid foundation in procedural programming before moving into a reorganized, clear presentation of object-oriented concepts. Dynamic case studies, career spotlights and engineering-driven applications showcase the relevance of concepts students are learning to their careers. Helpful tips demonstrate how to avoid common C++ programming errors, while updates ensure that students are learning the most recent C++ code standards.
1. Preliminaries.
2. Problem Solving Using C++.
3. Assignment, Formatting, and Interactive Input.
4. Selection Structures.
5. Repetition Statements.
6. Modularity Using Functions.
7. Arrays.
8. I/O File Streams and Data Files.
9. Completing the Basics.
10. Pointers.
11. Introduction to Classes.
12. Adding Functionality to Your Classes.
13. Structures.
14. Numerical Methods.
15. Bit Operations (Online Chapter).
A. Operator Precedence Table.
B. ASCII Character Codes.
C. Floating-Point Number Storage.
D. Command-Line Arguments.
Gary J. Bronson
Dr. Gary J. Bronson is a Professor of Information Systems at Fairleigh Dickinson University, where he has twice been voted Teacher of the Year. Dr. Bronson has worked as a senior project engineer at Lockheed Electronics, has been an invited instructor and consultant to Bell Laboratories, and has served as a software consultant to a number of Wall Street financial firms. He has also authored several successful programming textbooks on C, C++, and Java™ as well as articles on teaching Excel® using incrementally reinforcing case studies.
COMPLETELY REORGANIZED PART II PROVIDES ADDITIONAL CLARITY WITH TIMELY UPDATES OF OBJECT-ORIENTED CONCEPTS. This powerful, practical book includes an even more effective, fully rewritten Part II with reorganized presentations and the latest object-oriented material and concepts.
EXPANDED, REVISED EXERCISES THROUGHOUT THIS EDITION REFLECT TODAY'S LATEST ENGINEERING-BASED CHALLENGES. Intriguing new engineering-driven exercises throughout this edition gives students practice working with today's most recent developments, while new contemporary examples effectively illustrate the latest engineering concepts in action. Exercises reinforce the book's solid foundation in procedural programming, which is most often used to solve today's engineering and scientific challenges.
CAPSTONE CHAPTER IS NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE. For your convenience and flexibility, the final chapter (Chapter 15) of this edition is available online through the instructor's section of this edition's companion website.
EXPANDED, REVISED EXERCISES THROUGHOUT THIS EDITION REFLECT TODAY'S LATEST ENGINEERING-BASED CHALLENGES. Intriguing new engineering-driven exercises throughout this edition give you practice working with today's most recent developments, and new contemporary examples effectively illustrate the latest engineering concepts in action.
COMPLETELY REORGANIZED PART II PROVIDES ADDITIONAL CLARITY WITH TIMELY UPDATES OF OBJECT-ORIENTED CONCEPTS. This powerful, practical book includes an even more effective, fully rewritten Part II with reorganized presentations and the latest object-oriented material and concepts.
CAPSTONE CHAPTER NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE. For your convenience, the final chapter (Chapter 15) of this edition is now available online through
COVERAGE STARTS WITH SOLID INTRODUCTION TO PROCEDURAL PROGRAMMING BEFORE INTRODUCING OBJECT-ORIENTED DESIGN. This edition begins with a pragmatic, thorough introduction to procedural programming, which is ideal in preparing students to solve most of today's engineering and scientific programming challenges. The author then explains objects clearly as the book progresses
FOUNDATIONAL COVERAGE OFFERS BOTH PROCEDURAL AND OBJECT-ORIENTED VIEWPOINTS. Your students receive the balanced introduction they need for success in engineering or science today, as the author highlights the fundamentals of software engineering from both procedural and object-oriented viewpoints.
CLEAR PRESENTATION INTERWEAVES THOROUGH EXPLANATIONS AND FREQUENT EXAMPLES. Known for his distinct, inviting writing style, the author combines clear and complete explanations with practical, engineering-driven examples to make sure readers completely understand all the topics presented.
INSIGHTS HELPS BEGINNING PROGRAMMERS AVOID COMMON ERRORS. The author anticipates and demonstrates how to avoid the most common programming errors that novice C++ programmers most frequently encounter.
ENGAGING, INTERACTIVE APPLICATIONS AND FEATURES SHOWCASE ENGINEERING TOPICS. This edition's thorough applications, case studies, and career spotlights highlight a full range of today's engineering topics and their relevance to your students.
IMPORTANT COVERAGE OF ANSI/ISO STANDARDS DEMONSTRATES THEIR INFLUENCE ON PROGRAMMING AND BUSINESS TODAY. Clear discussion educates students on ANSI/ISO standards and their role in ensuring consistent performance and product characteristics.
THE LATEST COVERAGE INCLUDES THE MOST RECENT C++ CODE STANDARDS AS WELL AS THE STANDARD TEMPLATE LIBRARY. This edition continues to prepare students to work with the latest developments by incorporating the most up-to-date material on the Standard Template Library as well as today's most recent C++ code standards.
COVERAGE STARTS WITH SOLID INTRODUCTION TO PROCEDURAL PROGRAMMING BEFORE INTRODUCING OBJECT-ORIENTED DESIGN. This edition begins with a pragmatic, thorough introduction to procedural programming, which is ideal in preparing you to solve most of today's engineering and scientific programming challenges. The author then explains object-oriented programming clearly as the book progresses.
FOUNDATIONAL COVERAGE OFFERS BOTH PROCEDURAL AND OBJECT-ORIENTED VIEWPOINTS. You receive the balanced introduction needed for success in engineering or science today, as the author highlights the fundamentals of software engineering from both procedural and object-oriented viewpoints.
CLEAR PRESENTATION INCORPORATES THOROUGH EXPLANATIONS AND FREQUENT EXAMPLES. Known for his distinct, inviting writing style, the author combines clear, complete explanations with practical, engineering-driven examples to make sure you understand the material before progressing.
INSIGHTS HELPS BEGINNING PROGRAMMERS AVOID COMMON ERRORS. The author anticipates and demonstrates how to avoid the most common programming errors that novice C++ programmers most frequently encounter.
ENGAGING, INTERACTIVE APPLICATIONS AND FEATURES SHOWCASE ENGINEERING TOPICS. This edition's thorough applications, case studies, and career spotlights highlight a full range of today's engineering topics and their relevance.
THE LATEST COVERAGE INCLUDES THE MOST RECENT C++ CODE STANDARDS AS WELL AS THE STANDARD TEMPLATE LIBRARY. This edition prepares you to work efficiently with C++ today as the author incorporates the most up-to-date material on the Standard Template Library as well as the most recent C++ code standards.
IMPORTANT COVERAGE OF ANSI/ISO STANDARDS DEMONSTRATES THEIR INFLUENCE ON PROGRAMMING AND BUSINESS TODAY. Clear discussion educates you on ANSI/ISO standards and their role in ensuring consistent performance and product characteristics.
Instructor's Resource CD-ROM for Bronson's C++ for Engineers and Scientists, 4th