Why Politics Matters,
4th Edition

Kevin L. Dooley, Joseph N. Patten

ISBN-13: 9780357987384
Copyright 2025 | Published
492 pages | List Price: USD $187.95

Packed with current, global examples, Dooley/Patten's WHY POLITICS MATTERS: AN INTRODUCTION TO POLITICAL SCIENCE, 4th EDITION, explains why politics is important to you -- and how you can get involved. Giving you the building blocks to understand political science, it provides a "big picture" of the field as it explores theory, comparative politics, the U.S. government and international relations. Thoroughly updated, it covers the topics you want and need to know about. You'll find comprehensive coverage of abortion rights, the role of women and politics, voting rights, student loan debt and the Biden v. Nebraska (2023) Supreme Court decision, populism, nationalism, political misinformation, U.S. relations with North Korea and China, the impact of climate change on international relations and more. Engaging exercises prompt you to think critically about chapter concepts and put what you learn into practice.


1. Why Politics Matters.
2. Ancient Political Theory.
3. Modern Political Theory.
4. The American Government.
5. Nationalism and Populism in the United States and Abroad.
6. Comparing Democratic Legislatures.
7. Comparing Democratic Chief Executives.
8. Comparing Democratic Judiciaries.
9. Authoritarian States.
10. Understanding International Relations: Terms and Theories.
11. War, Diplomacy, and the Beginning of International Relations.
12. Competing Visions for the Future of International Relations.

  • Kevin L. Dooley

    Kevin L. Dooley is an Associate Professor of Political Science at Monmouth University in West Long Branch, New Jersey. Since joining the faculty in 2003, he has taught Comparative Politics, Ethics in International Relations, American Foreign Policy, and Early and Modern Political Theory courses. He received his Ph.D. from Rutgers University in 2004. Dr. Dooley's primary research interests include globalization, nationalism and terrorism. In addition to numerous articles, he is the author of POLITICS STILL MATTERS: GLOBALIZATION, GOVERNANCE, AND THE REVIVAL OF REGIONAL MINORITIES (2008) and ALLEGORIES AND METAPHORS IN EARLY POLITICAL THOUGHT: FROM PLATO TO MACHIAVELLI (2018). Dr. Dooley and his wife, Lauren, live in Brick, New Jersey, with their two children, Jack and Megan.

  • Joseph N. Patten

    Joseph N. Patten is an Associate Professor of Political Science at Monmouth University in West Long Branch, New Jersey, and also serves as adviser to the Policy Debate Team. He received Monmouth's Distinguished Teaching Award in 2009. Prior to joining the faculty in 2002, he was an Associate Professor of Political Science at Buena Vista University in Storm Lake, Iowa. Since earning his Ph.D. in Political Science from West Virginia University in 1996, Dr. Patten has taught American Government, American Congress, American Presidency, Ancient and Modern Political Theory, Civil Liberties, Policy Analysis and other courses at both the undergraduate and graduate level. His primary research interests include U.S. Congress and American politics, and he has published articles in these areas. Dr. Patten and his wife, Veena, live in Howell, New Jersey, with their two children, Nikhil and Jaya.

  • WHY POLITICS MATTERS: AN INTRODUCTION TO POLITICAL SCIENCE, 4th EDITION, examines critical world events like the outcomes of the Dobbs decision and its impact on American politics, the student debt crisis in the United States, and the erosion of democratic, liberal norms in certain democracies. The authors evaluate the war in Ukraine using the three levels of analysis.

  • "Why Politics Matters to You!" features show students how politics and government impact their lives as well as how they can get involved.

  • Engaging, accessible and extremely student-friendly, WHY POLITICS MATTERS: AN INTRODUCTION TO POLITICAL SCIENCE, 4th EDITION, is written with a lively, conversational style complemented by a bold, full-color design packed with photographs, maps and other illustrations.

  • "Questions to Consider before Reading this Chapter" open every chapter, serving as learning objectives that help students focus on key concepts. In addition, critical thinking questions appear at the end of every boxed feature and within the narrative to spark lively class discussions, engage readers and encourage learners to explore chapter concepts further.

  • Organized to touch on each of the discipline's sub-fields, the text equips students with a strong foundation through insightful discussions defining politics and political science (Part 1) as well as ideology and participation (Part 2). Students build on these lessons by comparing systems in Part 3 (Comparative Politics) and learning how these world systems interact in Part 4 (International Relations).

  • This edition incorporates the American system within the context of comparative politics.

  • Visual timelines organize important historical events, political works and the lives of political thinkers in each chapter -- illustrating how text topics are connected.

  • Helping students put what they learn into real-world context, "Theory and Practice" features demonstrate how political thought directly influences modern-day situations, institutions and policies.

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