Weather can be enjoyable, be merely tolerated or even change a good day to a bad one. On some occasions, it can become extreme and dramatically impact your life. Written in a friendly, easy-to-understand style, Ahrens/Samson/Reed's EXTREME WEATHER AND CLIMATE, 2nd Edition clearly explains the science of how hurricanes, tornadoes, lightning, floods and extreme temperatures can occur, how they can sometimes be life-changing and how they may be impacted by global climate change. Vividly illustrated, this text will give you a new appreciation for the power of nature.
1. Turbulent Atmosphere.
2. Energy That Drives Storms.
3. Extreme Temperature and Humidity.
4. Condensation in the Atmosphere.
5. Clouds and Stability.
6. Precipitation Extremes.
7. Motions in the Atmosphere.
8. Wind Systems.
9. Air Masses and Fronts.
10. Mid-Latitude Cyclonic Storms.
11. Thunderstorms.
12. Tornadoes.
13. Hurricanes.
14. Global Climate.
15. Climate Change.
Kevin Reed
Kevin Reed is currently a professor in the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences at Stony Brook University. Reed founded the Climate Extremes Modeling (CEM) Group, which focuses on investigating how extreme weather events may change in the coming decades due to climate change. Through this research, Reed has published over 80 scientific articles that have advanced our scientific understanding of the impacts of climate change. At the university, Reed regularly teaches a popular undergraduate course on extreme weather with over 500 students annually.
UPDATED WITH RECENT EXAMPLES of extreme weather events that have impacted society, connecting more to current students' lived experiences.
MODERNIZED with new scientific advanced that provide more details on extreme weather and climate change.
INTERCONNECTNESS OF EXTREME WEATHER AND CLIMATE CHANGE. Expanded coverage of recent international reports from the scientific community.
APPROACHABLE WRITING STYLE. Ideal for students taking a non-majors course, the narrative fully develops the underlying meteorological principles behind extreme weather events and the potential impacts of climate change.
VISUALLY EXCITING PHOTOS AND FIGURES help bring the power and potential devastation of extreme weather events into clear focus.
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