The Writer’s Harbrace Handbook,
7th Edition

Cheryl Glenn, Loretta Gray

ISBN-13: 9780357946008
Copyright 2025 | Published
960 pages | List Price: USD $113.95

Become a more effective reader, researcher, and writer with Glenn/Gray's THE WRITER'S HARBRACE HANDBOOK 7th ed. This handbook will give you the tools to understand how best to approach any writing opportunity. Assignments, sample papers and clear guidelines for writing conventions in a variety of disciplines will help you grow as an effective writer in classes across the curriculum. Visual aids help reinforce and illustrate key concepts throughout the book, making it easy to grasp essential ideas and quickly hone your writing skills. The thorough coverage of various research methods, including traditional library research, online research and multiple types of field research, will set you up for a successful college career.


1. Reading, Writing, and the Rhetorical Situation.
2. Planning and Drafting Essays.
3. Revising and Editing Essays.
4. Managing Academic Writing.
5. Communicating Online.
6. Multimodal Composing.
7. Composing Arguments.
8. Planning Research.
9. Finding Appropriate Sources.
10. Evaluating Print and Online Sources.
11. Using Sources Critically and Responsibly.
12. Writing About Literature.
13. MLA Documentation.
14. Writing in the Social Sciences.
15. APA Documentation.
16. Writing in the Humanities.
17. CMS Documentation.
18. Writing in the Natural Sciences.
19. CSE Documentation.
20. Writing in Business.
21. Sentence Essentials.
22. Phrases and Clauses in Sentences.
23. Sentence Fragments.
24. Comma Splices and Fused Sentences.
25. Verbs.
26. Pronouns.
27. Modifiers.
28. Sentence Unity.
29. Subordination and Coordination.
30. Parallelism.
31. Emphasis.
32. Variety.
33. Good Usage.
34. Precise Word Choice.
35. Conciseness.
36. The Comma.
37. The Semicolon and Colon.
38. The Apostrophe.
39. Quotation Marks.
40. The Period and Other Punctuation Marks.
41. Spelling, the Spell Checker, and Hyphenation.
42. Capitals.
43. Italics.
44. Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Numbers.
45. Articles with Nouns and Adjectives.
46. Verbs and Verb Forms.
47. Word Order.
Glossary of Usage.
Glossary of Terms.

  • Cheryl Glenn

    Dr. Cheryl Glenn, Distinguished Professor of English at Penn State University, is an international leader in the field of rhetoric and writing. She has served as chair of the Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) and has been named Rhetorician of the Year and the 2019 CCCC Exemplar. She has received numerous awards for her works on SILENCE AND LISTENING AS RHETORICAL ARTS and, most recently, RHETORICAL FEMINISM AND THIS THING CALLED HOPE. Across the arc of her career, she remains most proud of her teaching awards. Today, Dr. Glenn continues to speak and write extensively about the importance of everyone having a voice, of being listened to and, of course, of the power of the written word.

  • Loretta Gray

    Professor of English at Central Washington University, Loretta Gray has three degrees related to her interest in composition and applied linguistics: Master of Arts in Teaching English as a Second Language (School for International Training), Master of Arts in Spanish (Middlebury College), and Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Linguistics (Boston University). She has experience teaching English to non-native speakers in Mexico, Spain, and the United States. In addition, she taught Spanish at Clemson University and applied linguistics at the School for International Training. Dr. Gray has been teaching composition and applied linguistics courses at Central Washington University in Ellensburg, Washington, since 1992. She also is co-author of the textbook RHETORICAL GRAMMAR.

  • Part 1 has been meticulously updated, including a thorough revision of Chapters 5 and 6, which includes discussions of accessibility. A new sample student paper -- a proposal for increasing support for military families-- illustrates the writing process. The popular Checklist and Tips features have been enhanced and are now called Guides.

  • Part 2 now includes the research process of a student writer (whose paper appears in the APA chapter), enhanced coverage of signal phrases (attributive tags) and three new sections: Recognizing Fake News, The Annotated Bibliography and Critical Thinking.

  • Part 3 has five new authentic student papers (MLA, Writing in the Humanities, APA, Writing in the Social Sciences, and CSE) in addition to the amplitude of papers already included. A thorough revision of the chapter on writing about literature now includes coverage of reading for pleasure, building an argument and sustained treatment throughout the chapter of Charlotte Perkins Gilman's “The Yellow Wallpaper.” In addition, the chapter on The Chicago Manual of Style presents the most current guidelines from the 17e and a sample student paper.

  • Parts 4-7 continue to feature the popular Thinking Rhetorically and Multilingual Writers boxes. A new Consider feature aids students in making thoughtful choices for their rhetorical situation, and Exercises have been updated throughout.

  • Part 8 has been meticulously revised with new and enhanced coverage of article and verb forms.

  • Coverage of AI chatbot technologies help students understand their limitations and potential uses.

  • You Are a Writer video and accompanying narrative help struggling students start thinking of themselves as writers. Accompanying quiz questions ensure students have interacted with the materials.

  • New Situate Yourself activities in the part openers pique students' interests and introduce upcoming discussions by prompting students to write about real-world scenarios.

  • This process-oriented handbook situates all discussions of writing -- invention, drafting, academic discourse, research, grammar, mechanics, style and diction -- within the context of rhetorical concerns, providing step-by-step guidelines to help students write effectively in diverse disciplines.

  • Color-coded pages and an intuitive numbering system make it easy for students to quickly and accurately access information throughout.

  • Instructional material and numerous examples of student writing illustrate the unique elements of MLA, APA, CMS, and CSE documentation styles.

  • Newly expanded to 43 Core Skills, Just-in-Time Plus in MindTap, the online learning platform accompanying this title, helps diagnose and remediate your students' strengths and weaknesses in basic, foundational skills. Each module has a short video and narrative review that walks through the concepts such as punctuation, revising sentence fragments. and more. The modules also have practice assignments where students can build on their skills.

Cengage provides a range of supplements that are updated in coordination with the main title selection. For more information about these supplements, contact your Learning Consultant.