Microeconomics for Today,
11th Edition

Irvin B. Tucker

ISBN-13: 9780357721193
Copyright 2023 | Published
560 pages | List Price: USD $312.95

Master current microeconomic concepts with the most reader-friendly microeconomics text available -- MICROECONOMICS FOR TODAY, 11E by national award-winning author Irvin Tucker. No matter what your current level of microeconomic understanding, this edition provides an interesting writing style, unique presentation and visual learning system with helpful, colorful graphs that clarify important microeconomic principles and effectively explain the latest developments. Rather than presenting a confusing array of microeconomic analyses for you to memorize, this edition demonstrates how to apply basic microeconomic principles in daily life and recognize microeconomic concepts at work in today's news. You study the latest information on economic growth, income distribution, environmental issues and other emerging developments in microeconomics. Learning tools, road maps and corresponding interactive, digital MindTap resources with videos, tutorials and practice exercises immediately reinforce your understanding.


1. Introducing the Economic Way of Thinking.
Appendix: Applying Graphs to Economics.
2. Production Possibilities, Opportunity Cost, and Economic Growth.
3. Market Demand and Supply.
Appendix: Consumer Surplus, Producer Surplus, and Market Efficiency.
4. Markets in Action.
Appendix: Applying Supply and Demand Analysis to Health Care.
5. Price Elasticity of Demand and Supply.
6. Consumer Choice Theory.
Appendix: Indifference Curve Analysis.
7. Production Costs.
8. Perfect Competition.
9. Monopoly.
10. Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly.
11. Labor Markets.
12. Income Distribution, Poverty, and Discrimination.
13. Antitrust and Regulation.
14. Environmental Economics.
15. International Trade and Finance.
16. Economies in Transition.
17. Growth and the Less-Developed Countries.
Appendix A: Answers to Odd-Numbered Study Questions and Problems.
Appendix B: Answers to Sample Quizzes.
Appendix C: Answers to Road Map Questions.

  • Irvin B. Tucker

    Dr. Irvin B. Tucker spent more than 30 years teaching introductory economics at the University of North Carolina Charlotte. He earned his B.S. in economics at North Carolina State University and his M.A. and Ph.D. in economics from the University of South Carolina. He was a long-time member of the National Council on Economic Education. Dr. Tucker served as executive director of the S.C. Council of Education and director of the Center for Economic Education at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He was recognized for his ability to relate basic principles to economic issues and public policy. His work has received national recognition with awards, including the Meritorious Levy Award for Excellence in Private Enterprise Education, the Federation of Independent Business Award for Postsecondary Educator of the Year in Entrepreneurship and Economic Education and the Freedom Foundation's George Washington Medal for Excellence in Economic Education. In addition, Dr. Tucker's research has been published in numerous professional journal articles on a wide range of topics, including industrial organization, entrepreneurship and economics of education. In addition to this title, Dr. Tucker authored other highly successful economics books that have shaped students' lives and impacted economics education.

  • UPDATED FEATURES CONNECT MICROECONOMIC CONCEPTS TO THE LATEST REAL-WORLD CHALLENGES. This edition offers new "A Closer Look" all-encompassing features that combine the previous edition's insights from "You’re the Economist" and "Global Economics" features. Both "A Closer Look" and "Checkpoint" features highlight the clear connections between key microeconomic concepts introduced in this edition and the real-world issues and problems that students encounter every day.

  • CAREFULLY REVIEWED AND MODIFIED HOMEWORK QUESTIONS, POWERED BY APLIA, CORRESPOND SEAMLESSLY TO THE PRINTED BOOK'S CONTENT. The author team has reviewed and revised all Aplia question sets to eliminate any potential disconnects between text content and the online test questions that are too often found in competing textbooks. In addition, this edition provides digital versions of all end-of-chapter Study Questions and Problems to give you even more assessments to choose for your students.

  • IMPROVED TEST BANK ACCURATELY EVALUATES AND MEASURES STUDENT LEARNING. The author team has carefully assessed and improved this edition's Test Bank to ensure that it adequately covers the breadth and depth of microeconomic concepts and that it properly gauges your students' mastery of the material.

  • REVISED END-OF-CHAPTER SAMPLE QUIZZES BETTER REFLECT CHAPTER CONCEPTS TO PREPARE STUDENTS. These helpful practice and study tools provide important review of microeconomic concepts to prepare your students to succeed on tests.

  • UPDATED INSTRUCTOR’S MANUAL PROVIDES VALUABLE COURSE ASSISTANCE. This edition's helpful Instructor's Manual offers chapter outlines, clear instructional objectives, critical-thinking and group discussion questions and even classroom games as well as tips and insights for engaging and involving students in your course. You can also easily locate answers to the "Analyze the Issue" questions in addition to answers to even-numbered questions and problems and Section Quizzes.

  • THE LATEST CLEAR MICROECONOMICS INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEOS CORRESPOND SEAMLESSLY TO ONLINE HOMEWORK PROBLEMS. Your students can now learn from online feedback and digital instruction that incorporates a student-focused approach that is consistent with the reader-friendly narrative in the printed book.

  • DISTINCTIVE "ROAD MAPS" REVIEW KEY MICROECONOMICS MATERIAL FROM EACH PART. To reinforce concepts "Road Maps" conclude each part and present review questions, organized by chapter. Questions correspond with MindTap to offer opportunities for interactive review.

  • LEADING MINDTAP DIGITAL RESOURCES ENCOURAGE INTERACTIVE LEARNING. MindTap online tools offer comprehensive interactive microeconomic problem sets, videos, tutorials, and critical-thinking exercises that require students to take an active role in the learning process. This system helps students improve their microeconomic understanding without creating extra work for you, the instructor. The system automatically grades and records homework and works with any learning management system.

  • OUTSTANDING VISUAL SUMMARIES WRAP UP KEY MICROECONOMIC POINTS FROM EACH CHAPTER. Each chapter ends with a brief point-by-point summary of the key concepts. Many of these summarized points include miniaturized versions of the important graphs that illustrate key concepts. These serve as visual reminders for your students as they finish the chapters. They are also useful in reviewing microeconomic principles and studying for quizzes and exams.

  • CHOICES FOR CUSTOMIZING IN MINDTAP OFFER ULTIMATE TEACHING FLEXIBILITY. You are able to rearrange chapters and customize or print online chapters. You can even add any optional microeconomic topics you desire, including your own research and notes or specialized topics drawn from the Cengage Economics Issues database.

  • CAUSATION CHAIN ONLINE GAME HELPS STUDENTS VISUALIZE COMPLEX MICROECONOMIC RELATIONSHIPS. A favorite with instructors like you, Tucker's highly successful Causation Chains are included under many graphs throughout this edition. This learning device helps students visualize complex microeconomic relationships using simple box diagrams that illustrate how one change causes another change. Each causation chain in the printed book has a corresponding, animated Causation Chain Game online within MindTap. This game makes it fun to learn and easy to succeed.

Cengage provides a range of supplements that are updated in coordination with the main title selection. For more information about these supplements, contact your Learning Consultant.

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