Master the skills you need to conduct a successful digital investigation with Nelson/Phillips/Steuart's GUIDE TO COMPUTER FORENSICS AND INVESTIGATIONS, 7th Edition. Combining the latest advances in computer forensics with all-encompassing topic coverage, authoritative information from seasoned experts and real-world applications, you get the most comprehensive forensics resource available. While other resources offer an overview of the field, the hands-on learning in GUIDE TO COMPUTER FORENSICS AND INVESTIGATIONS teaches you the tools and techniques of the trade, introducing you to every step of the digital forensics investigation process, from lab setup to testifying in court. Designed to provide the most modern approach to the ins and outs of the profession of digital forensics investigation, it is appropriate for learners new to the field and an excellent refresher and technology update for current law enforcement, investigations or information security professionals.
1. Understanding the Digital Forensics Profession and Investigations.
2. Report Writing and Testimony for Digital Investigations.
3. The Investigator’s Laboratory and Digital Forensics Tools.
4. Data Acquisition.
5. Processing Crime and Incident Scenes.
6. Working with Microsoft file systems and Windows Registry.
7. Linux and Macintosh File Systems.
8. Recovering Graphics Files and Forensics Analysis.
9. Live and Virtual Machine Acquisitions.
10. Network Forensics.
11. Internet of Anything Forensics and Drone Forensics.
12. Mobile Device Forensics.
13. E-mail and Social Media Investigations.
14. Cloud Forensics.
15. e-Discovery.
16. Ethics for the Expert Witness.
Appendix A: Certification Testing References.
Appendix B: Digital Forensics References.
Appendix C: Digital Forensics Lab Considerations.
Appendix D: Legacy File System and Forensics Tools.
Appendix E: NICE and KU Mapping.
Bill Nelson
Bill Nelson has worked for two global Fortune 100 companies in information technologies for more than 32 years, including 18-plus years in corporate digital forensics and information security. In addition, he has taught digital forensics classes at the City University of Seattle and the University of Washington's Professional and Continuing Education Department for 10 years. He also has experience in Automated Fingerprint Identification System software engineering and reserve police work. A former president and vice president for Computer Technology Investigators Northwest, he routinely lectures at several colleges and universities in the Pacific Northwest.
Amelia Phillips
Amelia Phillips is a tenured faculty member at Highline College in Seattle, Washington. After serving as an engineer at the Jet Propulsion Lab, she worked with e-commerce websites and began her training in computer forensics to prevent credit card numbers from being stolen from sensitive e-commerce databases. She designed certificate and AAS programs for community colleges in e-commerce, network security, computer forensics and data recovery. She designed the Bachelor of Applied Science in cybersecurity and forensics, which was approved in 2014. A Fulbright Scholar, she taught at Polytechnic of Namibia in 2005 and 2006 and continues her work with developing nations, traveling there frequently. She earned B.S. degrees in astronautical engineering and archaeology and an MBA in technology management from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an interdisciplinary Ph.D. in computer security from the University of Alaska, Fairbanks.
Christopher Steuart
Christopher K. Steuart is a practicing attorney maintaining a general litigation practice, with experience in information systems security for a Fortune 50 company and the U.S. Army. He is also an honorary life member and the former general counsel for Computer Technology Investigators Northwest. He has presented computer forensics seminars in regional and national forums, including the American Society for Industrial Security, Agora, Northwest Computer Technology Crime Analysis Seminar and CTIN.
Master the skills needed to launch and conduct a successful digital forensics investigation with the updated seventh edition of the popular book, Guide to Computer Forensics and Investigations. This resource guides learners through conducting a digital forensics investigation, from acquiring digital evidence to reporting its findings.
Updated coverage explores the latest in new software and technologies and up-to-date reference sections. Updated content includes how to set up a forensics lab, acquire and evaluate the necessary tools, acquire and analyze digital evidence and write reports.
Case Projects: Redesigned case projects teach students to effectively and professionally communicate their digital forensic work findings.
New Modules: “Internet of Anything and Drone Forensics” and “e-Discovery” are new additions to this textbook.
NICE Framework Mapping: For institutions looking to maintain their National Centers of Academic Excellence under the National Security Agency (NCAE) classification, the content is mapped to the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) framework and knowledge units.
Enhanced end-of-module exercises give students more hands-on applications -- helping them maximize their study time and course success.
Lab Manual Exercises: The Lab Manual features in-depth exercises for students who want a greater challenge.
Reflections: Refer to MindTap to access the Reflection Assignments, where students write a reflection on what they learned from the module and identify ways to apply their newfound knowledge to their careers.
Per Module Release Notes: Each module contains a summary of updates to help instructors revise their lesson plans.
Security for Life: Refer to MindTap to access the Security for Life activities, where students can read articles, listen to podcasts and watch videos to stay current with what is happening in the field of digital forensics and build lifelong learning habits.
Simulations: Refer to MindTap to gain access to the simulations. Simulations are guided environments where students can experience using forensics tools via a web page, practice their problem-solving skills and receive help and feedback when needed.
Live Virtual Machine Labs: Refer to MindTap to gain access to the live virtual machine labs. In this online environment, students will access live IT systems in real time so they can troubleshoot, explore and try different solutions in a safe, sandbox environment using real hardware and virtualized operating systems.
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