Reyna's LATINO POLITICS: POWER, INTERSECTIONALITY, AND THE FUTURE OF AMERICAN DEMOCRACY equips you with the skills to make sense of today's politics and 21st century democracy. Packed with the latest data and research, it teaches you the analytical tools required to understand Latino political diversity. The book also guides you in envisioning your own inclusive democracy as it explains how political power works, what critical thinking and political skills are necessary in a modern democracy, and how you can personally get involved in the policymaking process. In addition, focus and critical thinking questions help you put what you learn into action and maximize your course success.
1. Power, Intersectionality, and American Democracy.
Feature: 21st Century Democracy Toolbox: How to Envision Your 21st Century Democracy.
2. Latino Demographic and Political Diversity.
Feature: 21st Century Democracy Toolbox: Building Political Media Literacy -- When Is a Poll Trustworthy?
3. Voting and Electoral Participation.
Feature: How Can I participate? Make a Voting Plan and Offering Support.
4. Social Movements & Non-electoral Participation.
Feature: How Can I Participate? Non-electoral Participation.
5. Civil Liberties and Civil Rights.
Feature: 21st Century Democracy Toolbox: Know Your Rights to Protect Your Rights.
6. Representation: Political Parties, Politicians, and Interest Groups.
Feature: How Can I Participate: Participate in a Party or Run for Office.
7. Public Opinion, Socialization, and Media.
Feature: 21st Century Democracy Toolbox: Political Media Literacy Skills -- Identifying Spin and Social Media Tips.
8. Contemporary Policies and Issues.
Feature: How Can I Participate: How to Influence Government 360° -- Tips for Participating Throughout the Policymaking Process.
9. Conclusion.
Feature: 21st Century Democracy Toolbox: Merging Democracy and Participation.
Verónica L. Reyna
Verónica L. Reyna is a professor of government, associate chair of Department of Government, and director of the Center for Civic Engagement at Houston Community College. She teaches American, Texas, and Latino Politics. She also oversees for the college and the city the implementation of Power Civics by the Citizen’s Campaign. She earned her B.A. in political science and women’s studies from Northwestern University in Evanston, and her Ph.D. in political science and complex systems from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.
Combining contemporary political science and history research with the latest data on race, ethnicity and politics, this groundbreaking first edition challenges the canon and demonstrates why intersectionality is necessary to understand the complexity of Latino politics. While focusing on Latino participation and power, it also provides practical tips to help readers find opportunities for involvement throughout the policymaking process.
When applicable, the author highlights current data and research illustrating the role of young Latinos and their political power in determining the future of American democracy.
Extremely reader friendly, the text strikes an ideal balance among contemporary research, history and the American government course concepts required to understand Latino politics -- providing unrivaled support to instructors whose students may not have taken prior political science courses.
To help support curriculum development, Focus Questions and Critical Thinking Questions are based on application of course concepts -- giving instructors an excellent source to assess learning as well as spark lively classroom discussions.
Each chapter includes an assortment of resources that help instructors create active assignments across course modalities.
Unique features in every chapter reinforce key themes of the text by providing practical tips and online resources that enable students to fully participate in a democracy they create.
The "21st Century Toolbox" feature helps students envision a multiracial democracy inclusive of Latinos as they learn the skills necessary for our modern democracy. In addition, "How Can I Participate" features spotlight participation opportunities -- for citizens and noncitizens alike -- that go beyond the traditional electoral emphasis and target the entire policymaking process.
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Instructor's Companion Website for Reyna's Latino Politics: Power, Intersectionality, and the Future of American Democracy