Culture and Psychology,
7th Edition

David Matsumoto, Linda Juang

ISBN-13: 9780357658055
Copyright 2023 | Published
512 pages | List Price: USD $237.95

Learn how and why culture influences mental processes and behaviors in humans with Matsumoto/Juang/Hwang's market-leading CULTURE AND PSYCHOLOGY, 7E. This edition provides current, insightful take-away knowledge and information as updates address each major area of psychology from a cross-cultural perspective. Using today's most relevant theory and the latest research, this edition presents psychological theories and concepts within a culturally rich framework that invites you to discover, question, challenge and, ultimately, understand the association between culture and psychology. You explore pertinent topics, such as changing gender roles, sexuality, health, aggression, personality and mate selection, as you examine the differences and similarities among cultures in today's increasingly globalized world. Updated content and refined learning features help you gain a deeper, more complex understanding of the nature of culture and its connection to key psychological processes.


1. An Introduction to Culture and Psychology
2. Cross-Cultural Research Methods
3. Enculturation
4. Culture and Development
5. Culture, Self, and Identity
6. Culture and Personality
7. Culture and Gender
8. Culture and Cognition
9. Culture and Emotion
10. Culture and Communication
11. Culture and Physical Health
12. Culture and Mental Health
13. Culture and Psychological Interventions
14. Culture and Social Behavior
15. Culture and Organizations

  • David Matsumoto

    David Matsumoto has been a professor of psychology at San Francisco State University (SFSU) since 1989 and is the founder and director of SFSU's Culture and Emotion Research Laboratory. His books include well-known titles such as the APA HANDBOOK OF NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION, NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION: SCIENCE AND APPLICATION, THE CAMBRIDGE DICTIONARY OF PSYCHOLOGY, CROSS-CULTURAL RESEARCH METHODS IN PSYCHOLOGY, THE APA HANDBOOK OF INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION, THE APA HANDBOOK OF INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION and THE OXFORD HANDBOOK OF CULTURE AND PSYCHOLOGY. He is the recipient of many awards and honors in the field of psychology and is a fellow of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, the Association for Psychological Science and the International Academy of Intercultural Research. He is the series editor for Cambridge University Press' series on Culture and Psychology and former editor-in-chief for the Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology. He has been president and CEO of Humintell since its founding in 2009.

  • Linda Juang

    Linda Juang is a professor of education at the University of Potsdam, Germany. She earned her B.A. in child development from the University of Minnesota and her M.A. and Ph.D. in developmental psychology from Michigan State University. She was a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Jena. She has taught at San Francisco State University, University of California at Santa Barbara and the Technical University of Berlin. Her research focuses on adolescent development in family, school and cultural contexts. She has published numerous journal articles and book chapters concerning ethnic-racial identity, discrimination, acculturation and the well-being of adolescents and young adults. She is currently an associate editor for the journals Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology and Infant and Child Development.

  • THOROUGHLY UPDATED NARRATIVE EMPHASIZES MESSAGES FROM EACH MAJOR DOMAIN OF PSYCHOLOGY. This edition highlights the association between culture and psychological processes. The authors begin with an improved framework in the first chapter that helps readers understand and digest the primary take-away messages and topics that are presented in the remaining chapters.

  • THE LATEST RESEARCH LITERATURE SUPPORTS EACH CHAPTER'S APPROACH. Comprehensive research literature and examples in each chapter support the overall messages of each area covered. Every chapter is revised to focus on the main message of each psychology domain. These areas of psychology are presented using updated research citations and references.

  • UPDATED LEARNING OBJECTIVES GUIDE STUDENTS TO THE MOST IMPORTANT POINTS. Learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter help focus students' attention and preview key topics in the chapter content that follows.

  • COMPREHENSION CHECK QUESTIONS ENSURE STUDENTS' UNDERSTANDING BEFORE MOVING AHEAD. These Comprehension Check Questions appear at the end of each major section throughout every chapter. Students can use these tools to test their own understanding of the reading.

  • CROSS-REFERENCES INTEGRATE CHAPTERS AND HIGHLIGHT THE CONNECTION OF CONCEPTS. The authors have incorporated timely references to content found in other chapters in order to demonstrate the interrelationship of principles and concepts that students are studying.

  • VISUAL LEARNING TOOLS GUIDE STUDENTS THROUGH READING AND STUDY. This edition uses carefully crafted margin callouts, clear tables and useful figures to reinforce what students are reading and to enhance comprehension.

  • KEY TERMS ARE LISTED FOR QUICK REFERENCE AND DEFINED TO ENSURE UNDERSTANDING. Each chapter concludes with a list of key terms from that chapter for quick reference and review. In addition, this edition's glossary highlights all key terms with clear definitions to enhance students' understanding when reading.

  • ALL LANGUAGE REFLECTS THE MOST CURRENT APA GUIDELINES FOR INCLUSION AND DIVERSITY. The authors have carefully reviewed and revised all content to ensure all material and language represents inclusion and diversity in a way that connects with readers and corresponds to the most current APA guidelines.

  • Margin callouts, tables and figures facilitate reading and comprehension

  • All language has been reviewed and modified according to current APA guidelines for inclusion and diversity

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