Instead of relying on mass memorization, Colbert/Pierce's PATHOPHARMACOLOGY, Second Edition, helps you truly learn and internalize pharmacology and pathophysiology concepts -- for long-term professional success. An engaging writing style makes even complex topics easy to understand, while real clinical connections highlight the interrelatedness and relevancy of what you are learning. Analogies and learning hints are integrated throughout. For example, Chapter 13 uses a snarling dog illustration to show the sympathetic responses of the nervous system. Now you "know" that when the sympathetic nervous system is stimulated, pupils dilate to get more light in to see the situation and heart rate and breathing increase to get more oxygen to ready muscles for fight or flight. Reading this story makes understanding the autonomic responses easier than memorizing a list. Also available: MindTap.
Module 1: Core Concepts of Disease.
Module 2: Mechanism of Disease.
Module 3: Core Concepts of Pharmacology.
Module 4: Drug Administration and Dosage Forms.
Module 5: Cancer and Antineoplastic Pharmacology.
Module 6: Pathopharmacology of the Musculoskeletal System.
Module 7: Pathopharmacology of the Integumentary System.
Module 8: Gastrointestinal Diseases and Medications.
Module 9: Pathopharmacology of the Endocrine System.
Module 10: Pathopharmacology of the Urinary System.
Module 11: Pathopharmacology of the Respiratory System.
Module 12: Pathopharmacology of the Cardiovascular System.
Module 13: Pathopharmacology of the Nervous System.
Module 14: Pathopharmacology of the Eyes and Ears.
Module 15: Pathopharmacology of the Reproductive System.
Bruce Colbert
Bruce Colbert is an associate professor and director of the Allied Health Care Department at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown. The author of 10 traditional books, he also developed an interactive worktext and DVD program on student success. Focusing on such topics as stress and time management, Colbert has presented more than 250 regional and national lectures and workshops devoted to professional skills, enhancing critical and creative thinking and effective decision-making. In addition, he consults with educational programs to improve teaching effectiveness as well as presents active teaching workshops.
Kurtis Pierce
Kurtis Pierce is the director of Clinical Education for Respiratory Therapy, assistant director of Allied Health and an instructor at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown. He was working as a health care provider when he was first afforded the opportunity to teach students. He found the experiences so enjoyable that he eventually pursued health care education as a career. He is most proud of the successes of his students who graduate to become leaders in their chosen field.
Engaging testing for each learning objective gauges student learning along the way -- ensuring understanding before they progress to the next topic.
Driving home key concepts, an all-new final chapter review exam builds from multiple choice questions to critical thinking case studies.
New basic coding information shows the coding relationship between all health care professions and clinical practice. In addition, all pathology and pharmacology has been thoroughly updated to reflect current practice, including COVID-19 developments and the latest infection control concepts.
Vibrant new illustrations and photos throughout enhance visual learning.
By combining them into one engaging text, PATHOPHARMACOLOGY emphasizes how pathology and pharmacology are interrelated and relevant to each other.
Each section is based on individual learning objectives to allow for chunking key information into more digestible bites followed by testing. Each system chapter is organized so it begins with normal A&P, then notes what can go wrong (pathology) before explaining how medications can bring it back to normal (homeostasis). The main diseases in each system are covered along with the more commonly used medications -- keeping coverage concise so students can focus on learning concepts instead of mass memorization.
Numerous Clinical Connections within each chapter highlight why the student is learning the material and how it relates to their future clinical practice.
Quick-reference summary tables pull key material together into one concise space -- helping students maximize their study time.
A robust and engaging series of electronic experiences includes interactive testing, animations and videos that bring chapter concepts to life for today's media-savvy students.
Student-friendly learning hints within each chapter offer additional help and tips for understanding difficult or confusing concepts.
Key terms are thoroughly defined upfront to ensure students gain a basic understanding before the chapter reading reinforces and builds on the material.
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