Master the fundamentals critical to becoming an effective writer with Yagelski's WRITING: TEN CORE CONCEPTS, 3E. Carefully designed guides, thoroughly integrated with the core concepts, set this book apart as you study key rhetorical moves within analytical, persuasive and narrative writing. Applied assignments challenge you to complete causal analysis, academic arguments and literacy narratives. This edition presents writing as an interaction between writer and reader, teaching you how to use writing skills to participate in important conversations shaping today's lives. This edition features 26 new readings and 11 new sample student essays as well as new chapters on literacy narratives, summary-response essays, annotated bibliographies and presentations. Updates guide you in working with digital resources, expand your critical reading strategies and highlight the latest APA and MLA guidelines. In addition, MindTap digital resources offer new interactive samples and activities.
1. Why We Write.
Understanding Writing. Writing in College. Writing in the Workplace. Writing as a Citizen. Writing to Understand Ourselves.
2. Ten Core Concepts for Effective Writing.
Core Concept 1: Writing Is a Process of Discovery and Learning. Core Concept 2: Good Writing Fits the Context. Core Concept 3: The Medium Is Part of the Message. Core Concept 4: A Writer Must Have Something to Say. Core Concept 5: A Writer Must Support Claims and Assertions. Core Concept 6: Purpose Determines Form, Style, and Organization in Writing. Core Concept 7: Writing Is a Social Activity. Core Concept 8: Revision Is an Essential Part of Writing. Core Concept 9: There Is Always a Voice in Writing, Even When There Isn't an I. Core Concept 10: Good Writing Means More Than Good Grammar.
3. The Ten Core Concepts in Action.
Step 1: Discover and Explore a Topic. Step 2: Examine the Rhetorical Context. Step 3: Select an Appropriate Medium. Step 4: Have Something to Say. Step 5: Back Up What You Say. Step 6: Establish a Form and Structure for Your Project. Step 7: Get Feedback. Step 8: Revise. Step 9: Strengthen Your Voice. Step 10: Make It Correct.
4. A Student Writer Applies the Core Concepts.
Step 1: Discover and Explore a Topic. Step 2: Examine the Rhetorical Context. Step 3: Select an Appropriate Medium. Step 4: Have Something to Say. Step 5: Back Up What You Say. Step 6: Establish a Form and Structure for Your Project. Step 7: Get Feedback. Step 8: Revise. Step 9: Strengthen Your Voice. Step 10: Make It Correct. Chloe Charles' Final Draft: "Why Is College So Important in the United States?"
5. Understanding Analytical Writing.
Occasions for Analytical Writing. Understanding Analytical Writing in College. Doing Analysis. Features of Analytical Writing. “Why Are People Who Use Illegal Drugs Demonized?” by Gideon Lasco. .
6. Examining Causes and Effects.
Occasions for Causal Analysis. Understanding Causal Analysis. Reading Causal Analysis. " Pandemics and Social Capital: From the Spanish Flu of 1918-19 to COVID-19," by Arnstein Aassve, Guido Alfani, Francesco Gandolfi, and Marco Le Moglie. " Is It Even Possible to Connect ‘13 Reasons Why’ to Teen Suicide?," by Emily Lund. " The Roots of Schizophrenia: The Effects of Growing Up with a Schizophrenic Parent," by Mehr Sharma. Writing Causal Analysis. Writing Projects.
7. Comparing and Synthesizing.
Occasions for Comparing and Synthesizing. Understanding Comparison and Synthesis. Reading Comparative Analysis. " Online Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic," by Yoshiko Iwai. "The Whole Truth," by Julian Baggini. "Sherlock Holmes Can Teach You to Multitask," by Maria Konnikova. Writing Analysis Involving Comparison and Synthesis. Writing Projects.
8. Conducting Rhetorical Analysis.
Occasions for Rhetorical Analysis. Understanding Rhetorical Analysis. Using Classical Rhetorical Theory for Rhetorical Analysis. Analyzing Images. Reading Rhetorical Analysis. " How DC Mayor Bowser Used Graffiti to Protect Public Space," by Rebekah Modrak. " Earthrise: A Photo That Changed the World," by Simon Torok et al. " Rhetorical Analysis of Cameron Russell’s Speech
‘Looks aren’t everything. Believe me, I’m a model,’," by Kayla Ferderigos. Writing Rhetorical Analysis. Writing Projects.
9. Analyzing Literary Texts.
Occasions for Analyzing Texts. Understanding Textual Analysis. Reading Textual Analysis. "More Than an Elephant in the Room: An Analysis of Hemingway’s ‘Hills Like White Elephants,''' by Natalie Huebel. "Dangerous Illusions," by Caetlin Benson-Allott. "Watchmen and the Birth of Respect for Graphic Novels," by Karl Allen. Writing Textual Analysis. Writing Projects.
10. Evaluating and Reviewing.
Occasions for Evaluating and Reviewing. Understanding Reviews and Evaluation. Reading Reviews. " Psycho at 60: The Enduring Power of Hitchcock’s Shocking Game-Changer," by Scott Tobias. "Review of Destiny," by Trace C. Schuelke. "Review of Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher," by Bryan Gillis. Writing Reviews. Writing Projects.
11. Understanding Argument.
Occasions for Argument. Understanding Argument in College. Making Arguments. Developing a Main Argument. Considering the Rhetorical Situation. Making a Persuasive Appeal. Appraising and Using Evidence. Structuring an Argument. Features of Argument. " In Higher Education, the Wand Chooses the Wizard," by Andre Perry.
12. Making Academic Arguments.
Occasions for Academic Argumentation. Understanding Academic Argument: A Case Study. Reading Academic Arguments. "Crime and Punishment," by Bruce Western. "Fulfilling Her Mother's Dream," by Patricia McGuire. " The Skinny Truth: Why Government Intervention is Necessary," by Caroline Veldhuizen. Writing Academic Arguments. Writing Projects.
13. Making Arguments in Public Discourse.
Occasions for Academic Argumentation. Understanding Argument in Public Discourse. Reading Public Arguments. “Trigger Warnings Don’t Hinder Freedom of Expression: They Expand It,” by Lindy West. “Speech at the United Nations Climate Action Summit 2019,” by Greta Thunberg. “Immigration in the Long Run: a Mutually Beneficial Process,” by Thu Hoang. Writing Arguments in Public Contexts. Writing Projects.
14. Presenting a Proposal.
Occasions for Writing Proposals. Understanding Proposals. Reading Proposals. “University of California Student Investment Proposal,” by Fix UC. “Puppies Behind Bars,” by Annie Teillon. “Proposal to Reduce the National Drinking Age,” by Choose Responsibility. Writing Proposals. Writing Projects.
15. Understanding Narrative Writing.
Occasions for Narrative. Understanding Narrative Writing in College. Telling Stories. Features of Narrative. “The Art of Butchery,” by Amanda Giracca.
16. Writing Personal Narratives.
Occasions for Personal Narrative. Understanding Personal Narrative. Reading Personal Narrative. “The Balancing Act,” by Haley Lee. “Some Thoughts on Mercy,” by Ross Gay. “My Brother Caleb,” by Libra Dolce. Writing Personal Narratives. Writing Projects.
17. Writing Literacy Narratives.
Occasions for Literacy Narrative. Understanding Literacy Narrative. Reading Literacy Narrative. “Reading, Writing, and Feeling,” by Nicholas Johnson. “Swimming Through Writer’s Block at an Icelandic Public Pool,” by Amanda Whiting. “Listening to Hear,” by Yasmin Zacaria Mikhaiel. Writing Literacy Narratives. Writing Projects.
18 Writing Informative Essays.
Occasions for Informative Writing. Understanding Informative Writing. Reading Informative Writing. “Gamification: How Competition is Reinventing Business, Marketing, and Everyday Life,” by Jennifer Van Grove. “The Nature of Our Nature,” by Anna Lappé. “Perspective from the Field: Illegal Puppy Imports Uncovered at JFK Airport,” by Molly K. Houle. Writing Informative Essays. Writing Projects.
19. Reading for Understanding and Engagement.
Understanding Academic Writing as Conversation. A Strategy for Reading Academic Texts. Critical Reading. Summarizing and Paraphrasing. Synthesizing.
20. Writing Summary-Response Essays.
Occasions for Summary-Response Writing. Understanding Summary-Response. Writing a Summary-Response Essay.
21. Finding Source Material.
Understanding Research. Determining What Your Need. Understanding Sources. Locating the Right Sources. Developing a Search Strategy.
22. Evaluating Sources.
Determining Whether a Source is Trustworthy. Evaluating Source Material for Your Rhetorical Purposes.
23. Using Source Material.
Quoting From Sources. Additional Guidelines for Quoting From Sources. Avoiding Plagiarism.
24. Preparing an Annotated Bibliography
Features of Annotated Bibliography. Creating a Bibliographic Citation. Writing Annotations. Writing an Annotated Bibliography.
25. Citing Sources Using MLA Style.
Two Main Components in MLA Style. Creating In-Text Citations in MLA Style. Creating a Works Cited List in MLA Style. Sample MLA-Style Research Paper: “An Analysis of the Research on the Prevalence and Perpetuation of Emotional Abuse in Relationships,” by Olivia Thomas.
26. Citing Sources Using APA Style.
Two Main Components in APA Style. Creating In-Text Citations in APA Style. Creating a References List in APA Style. Sample APA-Style Research Paper: “U.S. Foreign Policy on Religious Persecution,” by Nazafat Jarrin.
27. Designing Documents.
Understanding Document Design as a Rhetorical Tool. Principles of Document Design. Working With Visual Elements. Designing Documents: Two Sample Projects.
28. Creating Presentations.
Principles for Developing Presentations. Making Oral Presentations. Using Presentation Software. Virtual and Multimedia Presentations. A Sample Presentation.
29. Composing With Style.
Developing an Academic Writing Style. Writing Paragraphs. Framing. Introductions. Transitions.
30. Avoiding Common Problems in Grammar and Usage.
Strategies for Avoiding Errors. Coordination, Subordination, and Parallelism. Common Sentence-Level Problems. Common Pronoun Errors. Word Choice and Style. Common Punctuation Errors.
Robert P. Yagelski
Robert P. Yagelski is associate vice provost and director of the Program in Writing and Critical Inquiry and professor of English education in the Department of Educational Theory and Practice at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Albany. He teaches courses in writing, composition theory and pedagogy, critical pedagogy and qualitative research methods in addition to helping prepare secondary school teachers. Considered a leading voice in composition theory, Dr. Yagelski is widely published in the major journals in the field. He is former director of the Capital District Writing Project, a site of the National Writing Project, and former director of the SUNY-Albany Writing Center. He earned his Ph.D. in rhetoric and composition from The Ohio State University.
NEW READING SELECTIONS OFFER PROFESSIONAL AND STUDENT CHOICES: Twenty-six new, full-length readings -- for a total of 44 -- highlight new discussions and models for achieving varied goals in writing. These new selections feature work by contemporary authors, such as Maria Konnikova and Lindy West, and present pertinent issues, such as race relations, controversies surrounding trigger warnings and freedom of expression, ongoing debates about environmental sustainability and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on contemporary life.
NEW CHAPTER (CH. 17) INTRODUCES THE VALUE OF LITERACY NARRATIVES TODAY: New content helps students better understand the uses of this increasingly popular genre. This chapter also provides advice, based on the book's hallmark ten core concepts, to guide students in developing their own in-depth, engaging literacy narratives.
NEW CHAPTER (CH. 20) GUIDES STUDENTS IN WRITING EFFECTIVE SUMMARY-RESPONSE ESSAYS: New chapter content examines the purpose and features of summary-and-response essays. The author uses the ten core concepts to lead students through a step-by-step process for creating a thoughtful summary and well-crafted response to any text.
NEW CHAPTER (CH. 24) DIRECTS STUDENTS IN CREATING ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHIES: Your students apply the principles of effective summary as they learn to develop annotated bibliographies as part of their research process.
NEW CHAPTER (CH. 28) PROVIDES TIPS AND TOOLS FOR MAKING PRESENTATIONS: New content focuses on the critical skill of making presentations. Students learn effective public speaking strategies, study the principles for developing engaging PowerPoint® slides and discover the best multimedia tools as they develop their own successful presentations.
EXPANDED COVERAGE PRESENTS CRITICAL READING STRATEGIES FOR BOTH POPULAR AND ACADEMIC TEXTS: New content within Chapter 19 examines critical reading strategies for digesting popular texts, which supplements the book's successful reading strategies for academic texts. Much like the book's powerful step-by-step approach to composing arguments, new content offers seven distinct steps or strategies for reading sophisticated academic texts. A separate three-step guide leads readers through evaluating popular texts, especially those on controversial subjects.
REVISIONS GUIDE STUDENTS IN FINDING AND EFFECTIVELY USING SOURCES: Updates throughout this edition's Chapters 21, 22 and 23 provide today's most up-to-date direction for locating, evaluating and incorporating relevant and reliable source materials into research projects. Revised discussions help students navigate the rapidly changing nature of digital technologies. Students learn how digital resources can improve availability of source material as well as complicate the process of locating and evaluating that material.
UPDATED APA GUIDELINES REFLECT THE LATEST CHANGES AND PROCEDURES: Extensive revisions throughout Chapter 26 reflect the latest 2020 APA guidelines for documenting sources. Helpful updates within this chapter also highlight numerous new model citations and new digital examples to assist students in citing sources accurately.
NEW DIGITAL RESOURCES IN THE MINDTAP READER PREPARE STUDENTS FOR WRITING SUCCESS: This edition's MindTap online course resources provide access to new, additional readings for each chapter in Parts Two through Four. New, interactive sample student papers and updated "Getting Started" activities present additional assistance for students. In addition, a new module walks students through how to read and respond to multimodal texts.
ENHANCED AND UPDATED MINDTAP ANNOTATIONS CLEARLY IDENTIFY WHEN TO USE DIGITAL RESOURCES. This edition's printed book offers margin notes that indicate when optional MindTap digital resources are available to reinforce content. Annotations make it even easier to integrate these online tools into the classroom experience to encourage interactive learning.
UNIQUE FOCUS ON TEN CORE CONCEPTS PRESENTS FRAMEWORK FOR UNDERSTANDING WRITING: This effective writing guide is built around the ten most important moves and habits of effective writers. These core concepts function as a set of principles and processes that students can apply to any writing project. They provide a practical, step-by-step guide for negotiating the demands of academic writing assignments. These concepts frequently repeat throughout the book, providing the practice students need to make the principles part of their repertoire as writers.
PROVEN SIX-PART ORGANIZATION GUIDES STUDENTS THROUGH WRITING AND RELATED SKILLS: The book's six main parts introduce the core concepts and guide students through the three primary categories of analytical, persuasive and narrative writing. The parts then offer practical advice about critical reading and research skills and direct students through document design, writing styles and conventions of writing. Integrated core concepts provide step-by-step direction in negotiating the demands of academic writing tasks.
VISUAL, INTERACTIVE GUIDE (CH. 3) LEADS STUDENTS THROUGH APPLYING CORE CONCEPTS: The proven, interactive resources in Chapter 3 demonstrate how to apply the core concepts to any piece of writing. Probing questions and helpful flow charts in this chapter guide students through critical thinking and making the decisions necessary to create an effective writing project.
DETAILED CASE STUDY (CH. 4) FOLLOWS A FIRST-YEAR STUDENT WRITER APPLYING THE CONCEPTS: For students who like to see a model in action, this chapter demonstrates Chloe Charles's process of discovery and learning. Students see the evolution of her guiding thesis statement and observe how her rough draft improves through peer and instructor comments into a powerful final draft.
THIS EDITION SHOWCASES EFFECTIVE STUDENT WRITING WITH 11 NEW STUDENT ESSAYS FROM EVERY GENRE: These student essays, many of which have been recognized for excellence by various universities, are presented alongside published professional essays. These essays demonstrate the power of effective student writing on important subjects, including mental health challenges, race relations, disability, gender and immigration. The essays provide inspiring models of effective writing by your students' peers.
EMPHASIS ON ANALYTICAL WRITING (CHS. 5-10) INCREASES STUDENT COMPETENCY: Students master the most common forms of analytical writing used in college. An introductory chapter ensures students first understand analytical writing and five subsequent chapters explore the purposes and features of different forms of analytical writing. Each chapter integrates the ten core concepts to guide students through analytical writing projects.
STRONG EMPHASIS ADDRESSES PRINCIPLES BEHIND ARGUMENTATIVE WRITING (CHS. 11-14): Students use the ten core concepts to explore the nature and purpose of argument in academic and popular contexts. Students examine the use of persuasive writing for various rhetorical purposes.
AUTHOR FOCUSES ON NARRATIVE AND INFORMATIVE WRITING (CHS. 15-18): Students learn how to write narratives for different rhetorical purposes. This edition particularly emphasizes the effective use of narrative in today's academic contexts. This emphasis complements this edition's new chapter on writing literacy narratives, which provides both insight into this increasingly important genre and guidelines for developing literacy narratives.
CONTENT HIGHLIGHTS THE RHETORICAL USEFULNESS AND PRINCIPLES OF DOCUMENT DESIGN (CH. 27): This chapter discusses three design projects that use different media. Students work with print documents, Prezi presentations and website design. The chapter includes insights and advice about working with important visual elements, such as tables, charts, graphs and images.
IMPORTANT COVERAGE EXAMINES GRAMMAR, PUNCTUATION AND MECHANICS (CH. 30): Content in this chapter reviews common problems of grammar and usage. The chapter begins with strategies students can use to avoid making errors and then addresses five major categories that encompass the conventions of written English.
Online Instructor's Manual for Yagelski's Writing: Ten Core Concepts
Cengage eBook: Writing: Ten Core Concepts (w/ MLA9E Updates) 12 Months