Larson's TRIGONOMETRY incorporates real-world applications, ongoing review, and innovative technology. How Do You See It? exercises give you practice applying the concepts, and new Summarize features and Checkpoint problems reinforce understanding of the skill sets to help you better prepare for tests. Free access to homework support websites, and are there when you need them. If you are struggling with previously learned math skills, work on the Review & Refresh exercises and watch the Skills Review videos.
Review of Real Numbers and Their Properties. Solving Equations. The Cartesian Plane and Graphs of Equations. Linear Equations in Two Variables. Functions. Analyzing Graphs of Functions. A Library of Parent Functions. Transformations of Functions. Combinations of Functions: Composite Functions. Inverse Functions. Summary and Study Strategies. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving.
Radian and Degree Measure. Trigonometric Functions: The Unit Circle. Right Triangle Trigonometry. Trigonometric Functions of Any Angle. Graphs of Sine and Cosine Functions. Graphs of Other Trigonometric Functions. Inverse Trigonometric Functions. Applications and Models. Summary and Study Strategies. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving.
Using Fundamental Identities. Verifying Trigonometric Identities. Solving Trigonometric Equations. Sum and Difference Formulas. Multiple-Angle and Product-to-Sum Formulas. Summary and Study Strategies. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving.
Law of Sines. Law of Cosines. Vectors in the Plane. Vectors and Dot Products. Summary and Study Strategies. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Cumulative Test for Chapters 1-3. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving.
Complex Numbers. Complex Solutions of Equations. The Complex Plan. Trigonometric Form of a Complex Number. DeMoivre's Theorem. Summary and Study Strategies. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving.
Exponential Functions and Their Graphs. Logarithmic Functions and Their Graphs. Properties of Logarithms. Exponential and Logarithmic Equations. Exponential and Logarithmic Models. Summary and Study Strategies. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving.
Lines. Introduction to Conics: Parabolas. Ellipses. Hyperbolas. Rotation of Conics. Parametric Equations. Polar Coordinates. Graphs of Polar Equations. Polar Equations of Conics. Summary and Study Strategies. Review Exercises. Chapter Test. Cumulative Test for Chapters 4-6. Proofs in Mathematics. P.S. Problem Solving.
APPENDIX A Concepts in Statistics (Web).
A.1 Representing Data.
A.2 Analyzing Data.
A.3 Modeling Data.
Ron Larson
Dr. Ron Larson is a professor of mathematics at the Pennsylvania State University, where he has taught since 1970. He is considered the pioneer of using multimedia to enhance the learning of mathematics, having authored more than 30 software titles since 1990. Dr. Larson has also written numerous acclaimed textbooks, including the best-selling Calculus Series published by Cengage. He is the recipient of the 2017 William Holmes McGuffey Longevity Award for PRECALCULUS, the 2018 Text and Academic Authors Association TEXTY Award for CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS and the 2017 William Holmes McGuffey Longevity Award for CALCULUS. He also received the 1996 Text and Academic Authors Association TEXTY Award for INTERACTIVE CALCULUS -- a complete text on CD-ROM that was the first mainstream college textbook to be offered on the internet.
NEW Review & Refresh exercises–cumulative review exercises from current or prerequisite courses within each section exercise set–prepare students for the next section and provide a general skill review throughout the text.
NEW Skills Refresher videos provide timely support by covering previously learned skills that students need to better understand a concept, example, or definition.
NEW Exploring the Concepts sections, Vocabulary and Concept Checks build student confidence and develop conceptual understanding.
REVISED Summary and Study Strategies help students succeed in the course by offering explanations and examples of both the key objectives and essential study skills for each chapter.
WebAssign provides instructors with the tools needed to build students’ confidence and elevate their performance. WebAssign offers built-in flexibility and control for instructors with high quality content that students can afford.
Text-specific tutorial videos at Larson’s provide instruction with stepped-out solutions for selected exercises.
Learning support at Larson’s provides students with free online tutoring and solutions to all odd-numbered problems.
How Do You See It? exercises in every section present real-life problems that students solve by visual inspection using the concepts in the lesson.
Side-By-Side Examples help students see not only that a problem can be solved in more than one way but also how different methods--algebraic, graphical, and numerical--yield the same result. The side-by-side format also addresses many different learning styles.
Algebra of Calculus examples and exercises throughout the text emphasize various algebraic techniques used in calculus.
The Student Companion Website features chapter projects, data tables, assessments, study tools, skills refresher videos, and more to support students outside the text.
-, an independent website, provides students with free, up-to-the-minute homework support, including solutions to all odd-numbered problems in the text.
Algebra Helps features direct students to sections of the textbook where they can review algebra skills needed to master the current topic.
Technology features offer suggestions for effectively using tools such as calculators, graphing calculators, and spreadsheet programs to deepen student understanding of concepts, ease lengthy calculations, and provide alternate solution methods for verifying answers obtained by hand.
Algebra of Calculus Examples and Exercises throughout the text emphasize various algebraic techniques used in calculus.
Original Checkpoint Problems encourage immediate practice and check students' understanding of the concepts in the paired example.
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Instructor's Companion Website for Larson's Trigonometry, 11th
Note-Taking Guide for Larson's Trigonometry
Student Companion Website for Larson's Trigonometry, 11th
Student Study Guide and Solutions Manual for Larson's Trigonometry, 11th
Cengage eBook: Trigonometry 12 Months