James Stewart
The late James Stewart received his M.S. from Stanford University and his Ph.D. from the University of Toronto. He conducted research at the University of London and was influenced by the famous mathematician George Polya at Stanford University. Dr. Stewart most recently served as a professor of mathematics at McMaster University, and his research focused on harmonic analysis. Dr. Stewart authored a best-selling calculus textbook series, including CALCULUS, CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTALS and CALCULUS: CONCEPTS AND CONTEXTS as well as a series of successful precalculus texts.
Daniel K. Clegg
Daniel Clegg received his B.A. in Mathematics from California State University, Fullerton and his M.A. in Mathematics from UCLA. He is currently a professor of mathematics at Palomar College near San Diego, California, where he has taught for more than 20 years. Clegg co-authored BRIEF APPLIED CALCULUS with James Stewart and also assisted Stewart with various aspects of his calculus texts and ancillaries for almost 20 years.
Saleem Watson
Saleem Watson received his Bachelor of Science degree from Andrews University in Michigan. He did graduate studies at Dalhousie University and McMaster University, where he received his Ph.D. in 1978. He subsequently did research at the Mathematics Institute of the University of Warsaw in Poland. He also taught at The Pennsylvania State University. He is currently Professor of Mathematics at California State University, Long Beach. His research field is functional analysis. Watson is a co-author on Stewart's best-selling Calculus franchise.