ENCORE is an exciting intermediate-level French program that uses an engaging mystery film of the same title to help you to continue to learn about and appreciate the richness and beauty of the French language, and explore the fascinating and diverse cultures of France and the French-speaking world. The textbook ENCORE will help you solidify the vocabulary and grammar you learned in your elementary French courses while at the same time helping you to develop the language skills needed to become an intermediate-level user of French.
Vocabulaire: Nos amis francophones; Premières impressions. Grammaire: Idiomatic expressions with être and avoir; futur proche; present tense of stem-changing verbs; depuis; the imperative.
Vocabulaire: La fleur de lys; graffiti, tag, tatouages, henna. Grammaire: The present tense of the irregular verbs offrir, plaire, soutenir, construire, servir; Definite, indefinite, and partitive articles; Pronominal verbs: reflexive, reciprocal, and idiomatic; s’agir de. Les cultures francophones: Que signifie la Tour Eiffel?; Le tatouage des îles Marquises. Lecture: Calligrammes, Guillaume Apollinaire (poems).
Vocabulaire: Quelques valeurs du monde francophone; poser des questions sur des valeurs, c’est une bonne idée? Grammaire: Prepositions of location and for modes of transportation; the pronoun y; interrogative adverbs; the interrogative adjective quel; Interrogative pronouns. Les cultures francophones: Le Québec chante ses valeurs; Zachary Richard chante les valeurs des Amériques. Lecture: Les filles de Caleb, Arlette Cousture (excerpt from a novel).
Vocabulaire: La famille française en pleine évolution; L’influence de la famille sur qui nous sommes. Grammaire: Possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns; agreement and position of irregular adjectives; pronominal adjectives; le passé composé with avoir and être (including irregular past participles and reflexive verbs). Les cultures francophones: Vie de famille et une carrière professionnelle; l’adoption, un autre concept de la famille. Lecture: “Entretien avec Nathalie Monsaint-Baudry: L’éducation française, un modèle unique et supérieur?” (excerpt from a magazine interview).
Vocabulaire: Défense de l’identité culturelle; l’identité personnelle. Grammaire: Direct object pronouns with the present, the passé composé, and commands; the pronoun en; Indirect object pronouns with the present, the passé composé, and commands; The conditional: irregular verbs; double object pronouns. Les cultures francophones: Jamel Debbouze, humoriste d’identité franco-marocaine; Lalla Essaydi, photographe marocaine: L’identité de la femme. Lecture: Ru, Kim Thúy (excerpt from a novel).
Vocabulaire: Et pour vous, qu’est-ce que l’amitié?; De la camaraderie à l’amitié. Grammaire: The passé composé of courir, rire, suivre, mourir, conduire, savoir, connaître; time expressions (pendant, depuis, il y a (que), ça fait que, voilà que); Adverbs: categories of; position; The imparfait and the passé compose. Les cultures francophones: L’amitié franco-québécoise; L’amitié entre les nations. Lecture: Une si longue lettre, Mariama Bâ (excerpt from a novel).
Vocabulaire: L’apparence physique dans le monde francophone; Notre apparence physique en fonction des circonstances. Grammaire: Comparatives and superlatives (nouns, adjectives, adverbs); Relative pronouns (qui, que, dont), and indefinite relative pronouns (ce qui, ce que, ce dont); Plus-que-parfait (form and use). Les cultures francophones: Chanel, symbole de l’élégance; La voile: mode (musulmane) ou religion. Lecture: La parure, Guy de Maupassant (excerpt from a short story).
Vocabulaire: Quelques défis du monde francophone; La vie n’est pas un long fleuve tranquille. Grammaire: The subjunctive: expressing obligation, will, and emotion; The subjunctive and the indicative expressing: opinion, doubt, and uncertainty; The subjunctive with conjunctions; the past subjunctive. Les cultures francophones: La langue française et ses défis; La rage de Katrina. Lecture: Entretien avec le chanteur Corneille: Corneille raconte son drame (excerpt from an online interview).
Vocabulaire: Confiance ou méfiance?; Faire confiance aux gens. Grammaire: Futur simple (regular, spelling-change, irregular forms; usage); Negative expressions; Demonstrative pronouns (celui, celle, ceux, celles, ceci, cela, ça); the pronoun lequel. Les cultures francophones: Confiance en ”Made in France”; Antilles: Crise de confiance. Lecture: Le contrat de mariage, Honoré de Balzac (excerpt from a novel).
Vocabulaire: Les grandes villes et leurs attractions; La beauté dans le monde francophone. Grammaire: Indefinite adjectives and pronouns; Prepositions followed by infinitives; Past conditional; si-clauses. Les cultures francophones: La beauté des paysages d’outre-mer; Sénégal: le mouton le plus attirant! Lecture: L’Avare (extrait de l’Acte I, Scène 2) de Molière (excerpt from a play).
Vocabulaire: Qu’est-ce que le bonheur?; Francophones: Fiers et heureux de l’être! Grammaire: Future perfect; Present participle; past infinitive; Causative faire. Les cultures francophones: Bonheurs d’écriture (Maryse Condé, auteur antillaise); Au pays du bonheur: La Suisse. Lecture: Le cancre de Jacques Prévert (poem).
Wynne Wong
Wynne Wong is Professor of French and Director of French Language Instruction at the Ohio State University. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on second language acquisition and Quebec cultural studies, and is responsible for graduate teaching associate training. In addition to publishing in different areas of second language acquisition, she is known for her research in French on Processing Instruction and structured input, and for her award-winning article (with B. VanPatten) "The Evidence is IN: Drills are OUT" (Foreign Language Annals, 2003), winner of the 2005 Stephen A. Freeman Award. Dedicated to building bridges between theory and practice, she is also the lead author of the textbook LIAISONS (Cengage, 2013, 2017) as well as INPUT ENHANCEMENT: FROM THEORY AND RESEARCH TO THE CLASSROOM (McGraw-Hill, 2005) and FOCUSING ON FORM IN LANGUAGE INSTRUCTION (with D. Simard, Routledge, 2015).
Stacey Weber-Fève
Stacey Weber-Fève is Associate Professor of French at Iowa State University. She is a specialist of French cinema and has published books and articles on women's filmmaking and life writing and is currently researching French cinematic comedy and several French stars of comedy films. An award-winning teacher dedicated to "bridging the gap" between "language teachers" and "literature professors," she has also published and presented on the teaching of the French language, culture, literature, and film through integrated approaches and input-to-output processes at all levels of the foreign language curriculum, including advanced levels. She is co-author of the textbook LIAISONS and the recipient of the Nelson Brooks award (2015) given by ACTFL for excellence in the teaching of culture.
Anne Lair
Anne Lair directs the French Basic Language Program at the University of Utah where she also teaches undergraduate courses. In addition, she is the French Bridge Curriculum Director and State French Bridge Coordinator (continuation of the French Dual Immersion) in Utah. She has published on symbolism of food in France, and French culture, and co-authored INVITATION AU MONDE FRANCOPHONE (Heinle, 2005), and Liaisons [3rd edition (Cengage 2020)]. She is the recipient of several teaching awards including the ACTFL Nelson Brooks award (2013) for excellence in the teaching of culture. She has received the Palmes Académiques (2017), an award given by the French Government in recognition of her contribution to promoting the French language and culture. She has served as Honorary Consul to France in Utah since April 2017.
Bill VanPatten
Bill VanPatten is Professor of Second Language Studies at Michigan State University where he also directs the Spanish and French language programs. An international scholar with numerous awards for research, leadership, and teaching, Professor VanPatten is known not only for his work on theory and research in second language acquisition but also for the implications of second language research for language teaching.
Flexible integration of the film in the text The film Encore is integrated into various features of the textbook. Each chapter opener includes a film teaser, Un aperçu sur le film, to give students a glimpse into the film segment they will watch in the lesson. A two-page spread toward the end of each chapter contains pre-viewing, viewing, and post-viewing activities to help students comprehend and appreciate the segment of the film (each segment is approximately five to eight minutes long) that they are watching. Scenes from the film are used as springboards for the presentation of grammar and provide the context for selected vocabulary and grammar activities. Additionally, in the Synthèse section toward the end of each chapter, students have the opportunity to engage in a task that is based on the film.
Research-based, communicative, input-to-output approach: Encore is informed by current research in instructed second language acquisition. Using an input-to-output approach, students are first given the chance to work with listening and reading so that they have the opportunity to connect new vocabulary and grammar to meaning before being asked to speak or write. The activities progress from focused to more open-ended and task-based. Moreover, since Encore is paired with an engaging movie, students will have an abundance of exposure to comprehensible input and the chance to engage in meaningful and purposeful interaction about characters and plot.
Chapter openers: Each chapter opener introduces students to the general theme of the chapter with a "Premières impressions" question to activate relevant background knowledge or initial thinking. A list of the chapter's learning objectives follows. Finally, "Un aperçu sur le film," a film teaser activity, prepares students to view/review a segment of the film ENCORE.
Réflexion culturelle: This feature opens the vocabulary lessons in Partie 1 and Partie 2 of each chapter. It encourages students to reflect on the cultural topic of that lesson while also providing cultural information or insight related to France, Québec, and other Francophone countries or communities.
Vocabulaire du texte: This feature contains active vocabulary used in the Réflexion culturelle text in Partie 1 and Partie 2 of each chapter.
Vocabulaire complémentaire: This vocabulary list follows the "Vocabulaire du texte" in Partie 1 and Partie 2 and is composed of additional active vocabulary to facilitate discussion of chapter themes. Included in this list are expressions to help students fulfill the communicative objectives of the chapter.
Les cultures francophones: These short cultural readings begin Partie 3 of each chapter. The cultural information is related to the lesson theme and gives students a focused opportunity to learn about topics as they relate to French and other varied Francophone cultures. The included "Avez-vous compris?" questions allow instructors and students to work on reading comprehension while the personalized "Qu'en pensez-vous?" questions invite students to make cross-cultural comparisons and reflect on their own and these Francophone communities' practices, products, and perspectives.
Préparation: At the beginning of each grammar presentation, a student note refers students to an online review section called "Préparation." Here, students prepare themselves for ENCORE's in-class grammar explanations and activities by reviewing and practicing grammar points already studied in first-year courses. The explanations are brief and clear; the activities are all auto-scored. Instructors may also choose to integrate the "Préparation" into classroom instruction or assign it as outside-of-class course work.
Encore un pas vers la grammaire: Lines from the movie or a narrative description of a scene from the movie are used to illustrate grammatical forms that are the focus of the grammar lesson. Students are invited to think about or try to recall what the form means or why a form is used in a particular way before reviewing or discovering the form or structure. This is followed by a more in-depth explanation of the grammar topic and practice activities.
Encore un pas vers la grammaire: Lines from the movie or a narrative description of a scene from the movie are used to illustrate grammatical forms that are the focus of the grammar lesson. Students are invited to think about or try to recall what the form means or why a form is used in a particular way before reviewing or discovering the form or structure. This is followed by a more in-depth explanation of the grammar topic and practice activities.
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