Effective Teaching Strategies: Lessons from Research and Practice,
8th Edition

Roy Killen, Mitch O'Toole

ISBN-13: 9780170457590
Copyright 2023 | Published
524 pages | List Price: USD $67.00

Effective Teaching Strategies: Lessons from Research and Practice provides you with a practical overview of nine common teaching strategies used in all levels of education and training from early childhood through to higher education. Coverage of the importance of being a reflective teacher helps you to learn to reflect on your philosophy of teaching and determine which teaching strategy to use in different situations. The clear, logical, and easy-to-navigate structure – covering each teaching strategy thoroughly – makes this a valuable resource, especially in your professional placement, and in your future classrooms. Useful resources include basic lesson plan templates, and Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary lesson plan sets (via Instructor website).


1. Frameworks for thinking about teaching
2. The Australian Curriculum framework
3. Foundations for effective teaching and learning
4. A framework for quality teaching and learning
5. Planning for quality teaching and learning
6. Becoming a reflective teacher
7. Using direct instruction as a teaching strategy
8. Using whole-class discussion as a teaching strategy
9. Using small-group work as a teaching strategy
10. Using cooperative learning as a teaching strategy
11. Using problem solving as a teaching strategy
12. Using inquiry as a teaching strategy
13. Using case study as a teaching strategy
14. Using role-play as a teaching strategy
15. Using writing as a teaching strategy
Appendix: Techniques to support teaching strategies

  • Roy Killen

    Roy Killen was formerly an Associate Professor in the School of Education at the University of Newcastle, Australia, and an Extraordinary Professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. He lectured in teacher education for 25 years, specialising in teaching strategies, assessment, curriculum development and reflective teaching. For approximately 10 years, he collaborated with South African lecturers and teachers to assist them to make the transition from content-based to outcomes-based teaching practices. He has worked closely with Australian teachers, including several years as Researcher in Residence at Callaghan College, Jesmond, NSW, to expand his understanding of the challenges facing teachers today. Prior to entering teacher education he had careers as an engineer and a TAFE teacher. He has continued his interest in vocational education by working with Registered Training Organisations and by co-authoring texts for training programs and for vocational courses in schools. He regularly presents educational programs for photography clubs, and judges local, national and international photographic competitions.

  • Mitch O'Toole

    Mitch O’Toole has long been involved in the preparation of resources for science teachers who have become conscious of the language component of their expectations of students at various levels of education. He is employed by the School of Education at the University of Newcastle, Australia, where he formerly acted as Deputy Head of School (Teaching & Learning) and convened the science education teacher preparation programs. Mitch currently supervises a wide range of Research Higher Degree projects. His major research interests are in the impact of language style on science teaching, the interaction between student and teacher understandings of the history and nature of science; the environment; and of information and communication technology. He has published many articles in both national and international journals as well as textbooks and research-based teacher resource books for teacher preparation and teaching.

  • NEW Chapter 1, 'Frameworks for thinking about teaching' draws out the unique strategy of this text for pre-service teachers

  • Enhanced layout and NEW full-colour visual design for improved student navigation of the key issues, theories and concepts covered in this valuable resource for pre-service and graduate teachers

  • NEW Appendix: 'Techniques to support teaching strategies' to bring all the information about techniques into a single place rather than have it scattered through the text. This appendix provides supporting information for all the strategy chapters (Ch 7 to 15)

  • Pre-service teachers build their professional vocabulary with important key terms which are marked in bold in the text and with a NEW glossary with key term definitions

  • NEW Instructor guide, created by the author team, with guidance for instructors on how to get the most out of each chapter and suggested tutorial activities

  • In-depth discussion of nine of the most frequently used teaching strategies, progressing from the most teacher-centred (direct instruction) to the most student-centred (writing) strategies. Each of these teaching strategy chapters is self-contained so they can be studied in any order

  • Uncover how and why experienced teachers put particular strategies and techniques into practice by following the interview questions in the 'Different perspectives' boxes

  • 'At a glance' boxes help students to quickly assess when to use, or NOT use, each strategy. And the 'Compare and contrast' boxes help students to explore the similarities and differences between various teaching strategies

  • Teaching and learning activities encourage readers to apply ideas to their own teaching specialisation in practice.

  • The end-of-chapter Study Tools section provides students with 'Review and reflect on your learning' questions and a list of reputable weblinks directing students to follow up on ideas presented and find examples of their application

  • Coverage of the importance of being a reflective teacher: helps readers to learn to reflect on their philosophy of teaching and determine which teaching strategy to use in different situations

  • Instructor Website - Your #1 resource for your course. This tailored collection of teaching tools includes downloadable PowerPoint lecture slides, Instructor's Guide and lesson plan resources for students. New to this edition is the Instructor's Guide. The Instructor's Guide is packed with content that helps you set up and administer your class: a guide to the chapter, suggested tutorial activities and more. Log in or request an account to access instructor resources at au.cengage.com/instructor/account for Australia or nz.cengage.com/instructor/account for New Zealand.

Cengage provides a range of supplements that are updated in coordination with the main title selection. For more information about these supplements, contact your Learning Consultant.

Effective Teaching Strategies Instructor Guide

Effective Teaching Strategies PowerPoint Slides

Instructor Website for Killen's Effective Teaching Strategies: Lessons from Research and Practice