Teaching Quality Health and Physical Education helps you develop and implement Health and Physical Education experiences in primary schools. It introduces the general principles of teaching and learning in HPE and explains why this learning area is an important part of the Australian Curriculum. Chapters also discuss the considerations and practical implications for teaching both Health and Physical Education using a strengths-based approach. The text is packed with evidence-based and research-informed content, and includes numerous examples and activities that help you bridge the gap from theory to real-world practice.
Part 1: Introduction to Health and Physical Education
1. Why is Health and Physical Education important?
2. Understanding quality Health and Physical Education
3. Overview of the Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education
4. Authentic learning and assessment in primary Health and Physical Education
Part 2: Understanding and teaching about personal, social and community health
5. Pedagogies and issues in teaching for health
6. Exploring identity, help-seeking behaviour and decision making
7. Communicating for healthy relationships and wellbeing
8. Whole-school approaches to promoting health
Part 3: Understanding and teaching about movement and physical activity
9. Planning for developmentally appropriate learning
10. Moving for purpose: skills, knowledge and values
11. Moving for life: experience and expression
Appendix: The International Baccalaureate Curriculum
Dean Dudley
Dean Dudley is a Senior Lecturer and Researcher of Health and Physical Education at Macquarie University. He was an Expert Consultant for the UNESCO Quality Physical Education Guidelines for Policy Makers (2015) and the Kazan Action Plan ratified at MINEPS VI in 2017. He currently serves on the editorial board of BMC Public Health and is a Guest Editor of the Journal of Teaching in Physical Education. Dean has a multidisciplinary program of research, involving physical literacy, school-health, learning assessment, physical activity, and nutrition. He is recognised internationally for his work in physical education, pedagogy, and physical literacy. In 2018, Dean was appointed as an Independent Specialist in Health and Physical Education by the International Bureau of Education/UNESCO.
Amanda Telford
Amanda Telford is an Associate Professor in the School of Education at RMIT University. Previously a Deputy Head of School (Learning & Teaching) and Associate Dean (Education), Amanda has more than a decade of experience as a Program Director of the Health and Physical Education degrees at both RMIT University and Federation University. She has also had experience as a company director of an organisation consisting of a network of more than 4500 health and physical educators. Amanda has exceptionally strong links with industry across the education, sport and health communities and sectors. She has been an advisor for state and federal governments within health and physical education and a State examiner. Amanda has won numerous teaching awards in addition to being co-author on multiple national award winning educational textbooks. She has a strong background in learning and teaching and is known for her vision to provide leadership to the teaching profession for both pre- and in-service teachers in Australia. Her research focus examines the influence of family, teachers, pedagogies and school environments on youth physical activity behaviour and wellbeing.
Louisa Peralta
Louisa Peralta is Senior Lecturer of Health and Physical Education in the Sydney School of Education and Social Work at the University of Sydney. She teaches in the areas of primary and secondary health and physical education and professional practice studies at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Her teaching, research and publications focus on: a) school-based programs for improving students' physical activity levels and motivation; b) improving adolescent health literacy through whole-school approaches; and c) designing and delivering professional learning experiences for pre-service and in-service Health and Physical Education teachers. As chief or associate research investigator she has acquired international, national, state and local grants, has won a University of Sydney Faculty of Education and Social Work Teaching Award and was an Examiner for the New South Wales Board of Studies and Teacher Education Standards PDHPE examination committee from 2014–2015.
Claire Stonehouse
Claire Stonehouse lectures at Deakin University in Health Education, Student Wellbeing and Sexuality Education in both primary and secondary pre-service education. Claire has worked in many sectors of the community, and has experience writing curricula and educating young people. Her areas of interest include: sexuality education; the educational impact that parents have on their children; and opening up conversations about mental health.
Matthew Winslade
Matthew Winslade is a Sub Dean, Faculty of Arts and Education and Senior Lecturer in Health and Physical Education (HPE) at Charles Sturt University. Matt has a strong education background with more than twenty years of teaching experience in the HPE field. Prior to moving into the tertiary sector, he was both a Head Teacher in the state system and a Director of Sport in the Association of Independent schools. Matt has been awarded an Australian Council of Deans of Education award through the Australian Association for Research in Education and has received a citation for outstanding contribution to student learning. Matt’s doctoral research examined the changing nature of Health and Physical Education in Australian schools. His current research activities include evaluating school and university partnerships, health and physical activity programs and the development of intercultural competency in pre-service teachers. Matt is currently a member of the New South Wales - Personal Development, Health and Physical Education tertiary cross reference group.
Enhanced connection to practice with NEW 'Classroom Activity' boxes to give students practical examples of how to implement HPE teaching theory, and 'Teacher Voice' boxes and NEW 'Issues in HPE' boxes explore contentious issues faced by HPE teachers - including the increased load for teaching in this area - such as domestic violence, gender and identity
Enhanced layout and NEW full-colour visual design for improved student navigation of the key issues, theories and concepts covered in this valuable resource for pre-service and graduate teachers
Expanded coverage of important topics such as the integration of Health and PE and the different types of HPE teacher in Australia
Important key terms are marked in bold and with NEW margin definitions when they are used in the text for the first time, supporting pre-service teachers to improve their professional vocabulary
NEW Instructor supporting resources including an Instructor Guide
NEW MindTap for blended learning delivery incorporating readings with sample lesson plans, video activities, and revision quizzes
Aligns with the Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education
Examples and activity boxes throughout help students to link theory to the classroom setting
‘Reflection’ boxes prompt students to stop and reflect on their own experiences and understandings in relation to the material they have just covered
‘Tips for inclusive practice’ boxes offer practical ideas and considerations for teaching for a range of individual differences
‘Curriculum Linkages’ boxes introduce activities or directives to encourage students to integrate HPE with other learning areas
Review questions at the end of chapters encourage students to revise and reflect on what they have learned
A Standards mapping grid shows how the chapters contribute to developing knowledge for the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers to assist students to attain the Graduate Standards in relation to teaching primary health and physical education
Instructor Website for Dudley's Teaching Quality Health & Physical Education
Teaching Quality Health & Physical Education Instructor's Guide
Teaching Quality Health & Physical Education PowerPoint Slides
Teaching Quality Health & Physical Education Student Companion Website